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People in Need Ministries

Gideon Gospel Ministries is a faith-based NGO in India that helps street and orphan children, widows and other elderly women. In addition to its faith-based activities, the organisation works in rural villages and with tribal people on literacy and self-sufficiency. Projects include vocational...

Aas Health Foundation

The Aas Health Foundation is an Indian NGO working in the health sector. The Foundation aims to improve all areas of health and well-being.

Cambodia Human Rights Task Force

The Cambodia Human Rights Task Force is an NGO that aims to help the country rebuild itself by strengthening civil society. The organisation provides activists with the necessary skills to monitor violations of human rights and to disseminate their reports throughout Cambodia and to...

Saraswati Anath Shikshan Ashram

Saraswati Anath Shikshan Ashram is an orphanage in India that provides a home for destitute children. In addition, the organisation provides training for people living in the slums, and education and vocational training for children.

The Path of Buddha Mission

The Path of Buddha Mission is an Indian NGO that propagates the doctrine of the Buddha and promotes strict observance and practice of his teachings. The organisation also works in the field of social, educational, cultural and other humanitarian services.

Asian Community Trust

The Asian Community Trust (ACT) is a national fund-raising public good trust established in 1979 to help the needy people of Asian developing countries. Its objectives are to encourage sustainable social and economic development in Asian communities through financial support to local, self-reliant...

NetGear Technologies Pvt Ltd

Netgear Technologies Pvt Ltd is a Pakistani consultancy group that allows unskilled young professionals learn how to design, build, troubleshoot, and secure computer networks for increased access to career and economic opportunities in communities around the world.

Organization for Action, Social Integration and Service (OASIS)

The Organization for Action, Social Integration and Service (OASIS) is an Indian Christian NGO that caters the needs of the poor and marginalized people in 11 communities in Andhra Pradesh. The organisation provides relief and rehabilitation following natural calamities such as earthquakes, and...

China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation (CFPA)

The China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation (CFPA) is a non-profit organisation, engaged in managing domestic and overseas donated funds and materials. Programs include water and livestock, terracing, rebuilding houses, rural education, rural technology training, women's and children's health and...

Divya Jyoti Mahila Vikash

Divya Jyoti Mahila Vikash (DJMV) is an Indian NGO working towards women's empowerment, education and livelihood promotion. DJMV aspires to improve the living conditions of the poor and marginalized. Founded in 2000, the organisation work among backward communities in the interior in one of the...

Ezra Ministries (EM)

Ezra Ministries (EM), Walford Main Road, Dimapur- 797 112, Nagaland, India, is a Christian organisation in India that aims to evanngelise and also to provide assistance to those in need by establishing orphanages, schools and homes for the elderly. The Ministry is also interested in setting up...

Multipurpose National Development Program (MNDP)

The Multipurpose National Development Program (MNDP) is a Bangladeshi NGO that works for the development of poor and underprivileged children and women.

Organisation of Rural Development (ORD)

Organisation of Rural Development (ORD) is an Indian NGO that works in the slums of the Mayurbhanj District, Odisha. ORD provides food and clothes for children, and encourages parents to send their children to school. The organisation also helps to prepare the children for mainstream school. ...


Arevamanuk is an Armenian NGO that works for children with disabilities and their families. The organisation provides education, training and counselling. Children study foreign languages, computer skills, needlework, embroidery and dancing. Arevamanuk has implemented a range of projects with...

Touch the Untouchables

Touch the Untouchables is a school-based group in Michigan, US, that aims to make a difference to people who often do not attract attention from donors, including people with leprosy.Currently the group is helping leprosy victims in India.

Tribal Enterprises (Bible Hill Youth Club)

Tribal Enterprises, an initiative of the Bible Hill Youth Club, an Indian NGO, is a social enterprise that provides provides skill training and produces market-based eco-friendly products, including women's clothing and traditional clothing designed by young people for young people.

Shafquat Educational Society

The Shafquat Educational Society is an Indian NGO that works on issues related to education and health, training for employment for Muslim rural youth, the environment, sanitation and other social welfare projects. The Society also aims to help women through education.

Local Governance Network

The Local Governance Network (LGNet) is a social initiatives established to assist cities in India to handle new challenges by turning them into possibilities, and to address the changing needs of urbanization. reputation.

Banka BioLoo Pvt Ltd

Banka BioLoo Pvt Ltd. is an Indian human waste-management company that uses bio-digester technology and its various applications. The company's products include bio-toilets for families, public bio-toilets and bio-toilets for schools and institutions, bio-tanks. The company also services...

Magic Pulse Welfare Organization

The Magic Pulse Welfare Organization is an NGO in Pakistan working on children and women's issues. including education and vocational training. The organisation is in the process of establishing a rehabilitation centre for women.