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Source Material

The Global Hand standards were extracted from among the following documents. We also list here some other humanitarian principles and standards documents which guided and informed the first draft of the Global Hand standards.

Standards of Corporate Social Responsibility

Standards of Corporate Social Responsibility, established by the Social Venture Network, are defined in terms of nine interrelated topics. There are three general topics: ethics, accountability, and governance; and, six topics related to each stakeholder group: investors, employees, business...

Global Hand Principles

Global Hand, and its parent NGO, Crossroads Foundation, aims to ensure that aid given is good aid. You can find a range of standards, specific to sectors of the disaster and development spectrum, in our Standards, Guidelines and Toolkits section. A high level summary of Global Hand's standards...

Sphere Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Disaster Response 2011 edition

Sphere Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Disaster Response, a 2011 revised handbook of The Sphere Project, sets out minimum standards for four sectors: water, sanitation, and hygiene promotion; food security and nutrition; shelter, settlement and non-food items; and health action.

Accord Interagency Gifts in Kind Standards

Accord Gifts in Kind Standards govern US-based member organisations' Gifts in Kind (GIK) activity.

Making Private Standards Work for You

The United Nations agency tasked with promoting industrial development has launched a new guidebook on private standards for exporters in developing countries working in the garments, footwear and furniture sectors to help them access global production and supply chains.

3.6 Programme

Global Hand recommends InterAction's PVO Standards, summarised here, where applicable to these issues.

3.1 Financial Auditing

Global Hand and its members endorse the InterAction network's GIK-specific Standards (the AERDO GIK Standards). Global Hand is seeking, however, to apply the embedded principles in a broader, international context, as the AERDO GIK Standards were written specifically for US based non-profit GIK...

More Than Making Money – Listing of Standards, Guidelines and Principles Relevant to Corporate Impacts

More Than Making Money – Listing of Standards, Guidelines and Principles Relevant to Corporate Impacts, a listing produced by Business in the Community (BITC) and Corporate Citizen, consists of standards, guidelines and principles relevant to corporate impacts such as benchmarkable standards,...

2.1 Freight: Supply Chain Management

Global Hand recommends The Sphere Project's Minimum Standards (Sphere), where applicable to logistics and transportation.

Standards for Charity Accountability

Charity Accountability Standards, developed by the BBB Wise Giving Alliance, provide assistance to donors in making sound giving decisions and to foster public confidence in charitable organisations. The standards relate to governance and oversight, measuring effectiveness, finances, and...

Guidelines on Cooperation between the United Nations and the Business Community

The Guidelines on Cooperation between the United Nations and the Business Community provide information on the background of UN-business partnerships, their purpose and rationality, standards for choosing a partner, the general principles of a partnership, the use of the UN name and emblem, the...

BOND Listing of Quality Standards, Codes and Inititatives

BOND Listing of Quality Standards, Codes and Inititatives, produced by the British Overseas NGOs for Development (BOND), provides web links to approximately forty codes, frameworks, agreements and other documents relating to quality standards for NGOs.

Making Private Standards Work for You: A guide to private standards in the garments, footwear and furniture sectors

Buyers and producers are faced with many overlapping but non-aligned standards. According to some estimates, more than 1,000 codes of conduct and management systems exist. But most companies in developing countries do not have much tangible information. “Making Private Standards Work for You: A...

AA1000 Assurance Standard

AA1000 Assurance Standard, an open-source standard, covers sustainability reporting and all aspects of an organisation’s performance, including social and ethical, economic and environmental. The standard promotes an inclusive approach that positions stakeholders at the centre of all activities....

Common Humanitarian Accountability Framework for IWG Agencies

Common Humanitarian Accountability Framework for IWG Agencies, a report, analyses the current understanding and practices within the member agencies in humanitarian accountability and examines how the agencies can take on board various existing international standards.

Interagency Network for Education in Emergencies Minimum Standards

Interagency Network for Education in Emergencies Minimum Standards express a committment to the notion that all individuals – children, youth and adults – have a right to education during emergencies, both natural and man-made. The standards are qualitative in nature and are intended to be...

Reference material

As part of our ongoing research into the area of standards, Global Hand has put together a listing of standards, codes and guidelines relevant to public-private partnerships. This listing can be accessed via * the further information link below (PDF format) * a "searchable online...

Livestock Emergency Guidelines and Standards (LEGS)

Livestock Emergency Guidelines and Standards (LEGS) are a set of international guidelines and standards for the design, implementation and assessment of livestock interventions to assist people affected by disasters. LEGS is based on three livelihoods objectives: Providing immediate assistance to...