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In: Stories

Cemex makes home improvements accessible for the poor in 5 Latin American countries

CEMEX, a global leader in the building supply and cement industry, has recently expanded its highly-successful Patrimonio Hoy initiative. Originally started in 1998 with the goal of reducing the housing deficit in Mexico, Patrimonio Hoy has since expanded into 4 additional Latin American countries...

Comprehensive Rural Health Project (CRHP)

The Comprehensive Rural Health Project, Jamkhed, has been working among the rural poor and marginalized for over 40 years. By partnering with village communities and expanding upon local knowledge and resources the project aims to effectively meet the immediate and long term needs of these groups,...

In: Videos

Cemex makes home improvements accessible for the poor in Mexican slums

Construmex is one of CEMEX's vanguard social initiatives. It was launched following the company's experience resulting from Patrimonio Hoy, a preceding low-income market and socially minded business initiative. Since its inception in 2001, Construmex has helped more than 14,000 Mexican migrants in...

In: Stories

Building NGO capacity for pipeline monitoring and audit in Azerbaijan

In Azerbaijan, BP and the Open Society Institute-Assistance Foundation are working together to support national NGOs' capacity development through facilitated monitoring and audit of the Baku-Ceyhan-Tbilisi and the South Caucasus Pipeline projects.

In: Stories

British American Tobacco establishes a biodiversity partnership with NGOs

British American Tobacco has established a biodiversity partnership, now in its third five-year term (2011-2015). The partners (Fauna & Flora International, Earthwatch, Tropical Biology Association, Royal Botanic Gardens Kew and British American Tobacco) have appointed an independent programme...

In: Stories

PwC provides assistance to World Vision Ethiopia staff for capacity development and local market development strategy

PwC assisted World Vision Ethiopia staff to formulate a draft strategy for local market development.

In: Resources

Beyond the Midpoint: Achieving the Millennium Development Goals

This paper is UNDP’s forward-looking review of the factors that shape MDG progress, along with the constraints and bottlenecks that have hampered MDG achievement in many countries. The findings build on MDG assessments in 30 countries that were undertaken for this review.

The Youthbridge Initiative

The Youthbridge Initiative is a non-partisan, non-profit organization that seeks to inspire and support youths in learning about peace building and conflict resolutions. The approach to peace-building includes the teaching of conflict management skills, the perpetuation of community dialogue and...


HARITIKA works with people whose lives are dominated by extreme poverty, illiteracy, disease and other handicaps. With multifaceted development interventions, HARITIKA strives to bring about positive change in the quality of life of the poor people of BUNDELKHAND region of UP and MP. HARITIKA...

Starfish Malawi

Starfish Malawi began as an Christian organization dedicated to build educational facilities for children. The scope and direction of the work has broadened to also include other education projects, projects on health education and sanitation, HIV and AIDS awareness, orphan care and vocational...

Architecture for Humanity

Architecture for Humanity is an American NGO that seeks architectural solutions to humanitarian crises and brings design services to communities in need. Through design build programmes, partnerships with community development groups, workshops, educational forums, and other activities,...


CRASH brings together professionals and companies from the UK construction and property industry to help homelessness charities to improve their premises. This is done through a range of activities ranging from supplying free paint, helping to find a building, supplying building materials at...

Choice Humanitarian

CHOICE Humanitarian offers solutions to the hardships of poverty in the rural villages of the world with simple technologies, self-help initiatives and public awareness. In the rural villages of developing nations, CHOICE specializes in manpower, materials, appropriate technology, and education....

Arche noVa - Initative for people in need

arche noVa - initiative for people in need is a non-profit NGO working primarily in the fields of humanitarian aid, development cooperation and education. Regardless of the victims' ethnicity and ideology Arche noVa supports all those who suffer as a result of war, suppression and natural...

Gwinnett County Habitat for Humanity

Gwinnett Habitat for Humanity is a non-profit organization in the Gwinnett County focused on providing home ownership for hard-working, low-income families. It welcomes volunteers of all faiths committed to Habitat's goal of eliminating poverty housing. Families who qualify receive no-interest...

Architects for People in Need e.v. (APN)/ Architekten für Menschen in Not e.v.

Architects for People in Need (APN) is an organization where volunteer engineers and architects build or re-build schools, hospitals, habitations, and emergency shelters. APN also manages the corresponding technical infrastructure for water and waste water management and power distribution. APN is...

Key Farmers Cameroon (KFC)

Key Farmers Cameroon (KFC) is a non-governmental, non-profit organization with the mission of promoting sustainable organic agriculture and rural development. Due to hardship, acute hunger, child malnutrition and persistent poverty looming in disadvantaged rural communities in Cameroon, KFC has...

GrassRoots Ministry (GRM)

GRM (GrassRoots Ministry) is a community-based organization, operating in Gamba village, Buikwe District. GRM empowers rural communities using vocational training and agriculture. GRM began its works in Oct 2020 during the outbreak of COVID in the world. GRM equips young people with...


Meher's Bahu Ud Deshiya Seva Bhavi Sanstha (Meher's Foundation) is a nonprofit organization based in Aurangabad, Maharashtra, established in 2015 and registered under Indian law in 2020. The Foundation focuses on women's empowerment, youth education, skill development, and rural advancement. ...

William J. Clinton Foundation

Through the William J. Clinton Foundation, President Clinton promotes the values of fairness and opportunity for all. The Foundation aims to strengthen the capacity of people throughout the world to meet the challenges of global interdependence in a number of critical areas such as healthy...