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World Health Organization (WHO) Conference on the Health Aspects of the Tsunami Disaster in Asia

The WHO Conference on the Health Aspects of the Tsunami Disaster in Asia - convened at senior policy and expert practitioner level - focused on the lessons learnt in the health sector response to tsunami crisis response and the early phase of recovery. This event took place in Thailand May 2005....

Relief Web

ReliefWeb was launched in October 1996 by the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). ReliefWeb is a comprehensive source of information (including documents, maps and agency contact details) on humanitarian emergencies and disasters. It provides timely, reliable and relevant...

Interserve International

Through its offices in 17 different countries/regions, Interserve International sends Christian volunteers to work in the developing regions of Asia (South, Central and East) and the Arab World. In general, Interserve supports both long and short term volunteers in areas such as administration,...

Babcock Engineering and Blythswood Care partner to provide a water purification plant in Aceh, Indonesia

A water purification plant has been donated to Blythswood Care by Babcock Engineering to assist tsunami survivors in Aceh, Indonesia. It is capable of producing 100 cubic metres of drinking water per day, sufficient for a small town. The Reverse Osmosis plant is accompanied by water storage...

Coffee Kids partners with private sector to rebuild coffee farmers' community in Indonesia

In late April 2005, the Aceh Tsunami Relief Fund, established by the NGO Coffee Kids, in partnership with the corporation ForesTrade Inc., began a project to support the reconstruction of local community infrastructure in the coffee-growing Gayo Highland region in Central Aceh, Indonesia.

Partnership between Allianz and CARE International

Immediately after a devastating tsunami struck the shores of the Indian Ocean in 2004, Allianz gave generous donations to CARE International, a humanitarian organisation working to rebuild lives and livelihoods in the affected coastal regions in India, Indonesia, Somalia, Sri Lanka, and Thailand....

Nau works with Mercy Corps in its "Partner for Change" programme

Mercy Corps have been selected by Nau for its "Partner for Change" program, which means that whenever a customer makes a purchase, they donate 2 percent of the sale to Mercy Corps and other nonprofit Partners for Change.

Canon supports Red Cross in promoting international humanitarian law

The French Red Cross is carrying out a project to introduce teenagers (10–19 year-old age group) to the basic rules of International Humanitarian Law (IHL) on the protection of victims of war and related issues.

Coca-Cola partners with Red Cross to support relief efforts in Myanmar

To support the relief efforts in Myanmar, The Coca-Cola Foundation Thailand worked with Thai humanitarian and government organizations to provide 240,000 bottles of Namthip bottled water to the victims of Cyclone Nargis.

Walmart pledges one acre of conservation land for every acre of land developed

Walmart joined with National Fish and Wildlife Foundation(NFWF) in 2005 to create the Acres for America program— a pledge to protect one acre of conservation land for every acre occupied by Walmart’s U.S. facilities to conserve wild lands and wildlife habitat for future generations.

Buy an iPhone app, help save lives

A coalition of iPhone application makers donated the full proceeds of almost 150 top applications on January 20, 2012 to Haiti relief.

United Nations Assistance Misssion for Iraq (UNAMI)

The United Nations Assistance Misssion for Iraq (UNAMI) hosts a web portal for UN agencies and NGOs working in Iraq.

Fighting Poverty: A Business Opportunity - Report on the 10th International Business Forum

Fighting Poverty: A Business Opportunity - Report on the 10th International Business Forum, a conference report, provides a summary of the Forum's proceedings in respect to how business is addressing the Millennium Development Goals.

Global MapAid

Global MapAid (GMA), a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organisation, was formed with the aim of supplying specialist maps to humanitarian decision makers at all levels, predominantly in slow onset disasters such as famine, but also when necessary in rapid onset disasters such as a flood. Those involved in...

Food Aid Logistics Operational Handbook

Food Aid Logistics Operational Handbook, produced by the Commodity Management Enhancement Project, is designed to provide logistics managers and NGO program staff with basic information and guidance in planning and establishing a supply chain to deliver food aid. The focus of this handbook is...

European Foundation Centre Principles of Good Practice

The European Foundation Centre (EFC) Principles of Good Practice represent a shared vision of good practices and constitute a general recommendation to reinforce good practice, openness and transparency in the European foundation community. As such, they are intended to be of application both...

Being Good at Doing Good? - Review of Debates and Initiatives Concerning the Quality of Humanitarian Assistance

Being Good at Doing Good, a conference paper, attempts to do justice to the diversity among humanitarian organisations and individuals. Issues discussed include approaches to the quality of humanitarian assistance, the use of standards, methods to enhance quality and accountability and...

ReliefWeb - Togo

A UN project serving the information needs of the humanitarian relief world. Includes a country-by-country guide, with an entry for Togo. It provides the latest updates about the country and its humanitarian situation.

Beyond the continuum: The changing role of aid policy in protracted crises

This report, the third in the Humanitarian Policy Group's annual series looking at trends in the international humanitarian system, focuses on the increasing engagement of the international development aid system in situations which have traditionally been seen as the preserve of the humanitarian...

UNICEF Corporate Partnerships - Examples

UNICEF Corporate Partnerships - Examples, a series of web pages, details UNICEF's corporate partnerships with a range of companies.