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ALNAP (Active Learning Network for Accountability & Performance in Humanitarian Action)

ALNAP is a network for humanitarian agencies, including members from donor, NGO, Red Cross/Crescent, UN and independent/academic organisations. The network is dedicated to improving the quality and accountability of humanitarian action, through the key themes of Evaluation, Learning, Participation...

Article: Materials for the Arts (MFTA)

News story about a New York based gifts-in-kind organisation with a 22,000 sq. foot warehouse. MFTA provides arts materials to support schools, other educational establishments, and non-profit organisations in the local area.

UNOCHA Regional Office for Latin America and the Carribean

The OCHA Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean (ROLAC) covers 35 countries and 23 territories, with field offices in Colombia and Haiti.

UNOCHA - Philippines page

The Office for the Co-ordination of Humanitarian Affairs provides information on the Philippines

UNOCHA Dubai Liaison Office

The OCHA Dubai Liaison Office was established in 2009 when the Regional Office for the Middle East, North Africa and Central Asia relocated from Dubai to Cairo. The office facilitates staff movement and provides logistics support to OCHA country offices and Humanitarian Support Units in the region....

Relief & Development Directories

Relief&Development Directories, published by the Winchester Group, equip the international aid community with a single, up-to-date reference source, containing contact details and key information (including email and web addresses) on all organisations involved in the provision of aid and...

Building back better and safer: private sector summit on post-tsunami reconstruction

This report conveys the overarching themes of the Witt Associates’ assessment. It highlights areas where action is needed and provides some recommendations on how the business sector can help improve relief operations and reconstruction programs and assist the countries in the region in developing...

Cargill provided aid to those suffering from the earthquake in Haiti

In 2010, as a global food company, Cargill worked with its nonprofit partners to provide aid on the ground to help in Haiti after the earthquake.

The power of strong relationships between Dow Company and the International Organization for Migration

In a project funded by Dow Chemical Company in collaboration with the International Organization for Migration (IOM), modular housing units were provided to the earthquake affected Nias Island.

Habitat for Humanity partners with ArcelorMittal designing low-cost steel housing solution

In 2008, soon after the Tecucel River in Romania flooded and destroyed more than 300 homes, the ArcelorMittal Foundation formed a global partnership with Habitat for Humanity to improve affected families’ lives.

Allianz, UNDP and GTZ partner for a three-country study on Micro-insurance

In 2006, the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) approached Allianz to work together on a market potential study to analyse the demand, acceptability and affordability of microinsurance products.

Legacy of Chernobyl: Radiation’s long fingered reach

Two decades after the tragedy at Chernobyl, a tired eeriness still hovers over parts of the Ukraine, the shadow of the nuclear accident still blighting the lives of local people.

Sanofi-aventis helps NGO to deliver supplies to earthquake victims in China

After the WenChuan Earthquake in May 2008, Sanofi-Aventis was among the first companies to donate 15 million RMB (1 million euros) to China’s Ministry of Health, as well as medicines valued at 500,000 RMB to local Sichuan Ministry of Health.

Sanofi Aventis and Handicap International cooperate to help earthquake victims in Pakistan

On October 8, 2005, an earthquake of magnitude 7.6 on the Richter scale struck the north of Pakistan, causing over 73,000 deaths and nearly 3.5 million homeless. Sanofi-aventis reacted by donating medicine for emergency kits sent by TULIPE (Emergency Transfers from the Pharmaceutical Industry),...

DHL airlifts humanitarian supplies to China's earthquake victims

DHL, the world's leading express and logistics company continued its relief activities by leveraging on its core competency in logistics to ship 15 tons of relief supplies from Hong Kong to Chengdu City, Sichuan, China on 1 June 2008 for two aid agencies – the Hong Kong Red Cross and the Crossroads...

Getting Aid Right

Getting Humanitarian Aid Right is a blog that offers a series of real time reflections on the humanitarian aid business: what it does well, where it fails and where is needs to learn fast. Recent posts include comments on the way in which aid in Haiti is working, and a review of a report on...

The Glass Power Campaign improves earthquake safety

In earthquake prone areas, broken glass window panes can cause serious damage and render evacuation shelters unusable. The Asahi Glass Company has developed laminated glass, a product which stays in the windowpanes when broken. The Glass Power Campaign was then developed to educate the community...

Indonesia's tourism industry is getting tsunami ready

Following the Asian tsunami the Indonsesian Ministry of Culture and Tourism has partnered with the Bali Hotels Association (BHA) to improve tsunami readiness amongst hotels. The initiative is supported by the German Centrum für Migration und Entwicklung (CIM).

Promoting safer operations and emergency preparedness in China

Dow Chemical Company is a diversified chemical company that offers a broad range of products and services. A partnership between the ministry of environmental protection (MEP), UNEP, and Dow promotes chemical safety, emergency preparedness and safer production in the chemical sector in China.

Even in Chaos: Education in Times of Emergencies

Even In Chaos is a book edited by Kevin M. Cahill, M.D., President of the CIHC, advocating the importance of education in times of emergency.