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United Gospel Mission

The United Gospel Mission, is an Indian NGO that acts as a facilitating body for a network of over 150 little known native Christian NGOs spread over 7 states and reaching 60 districts of North India. UGM works with network members on community transformation projects and initiatives including...

Basic Needs and Human Rights Initiatives

The Basic Needs and Human Rights Initiatives is a Nigerian NGO that is active in the area of poverty, human rights, conflict, violence, education, and health.

Somali Women Education Campaigners

Somali Women Education Campaigners (SWEC) is a women-led NGO working in southern and central Somalia on community development especially humanitarian protection, women's and children's literacy promotion, human rights advocacy and lobbying for women and children in urban and rural areas of Somalia.

Regina Pacis University College

The Regina Pacis University College is an institution for higher learning in Kenya targeting bright students from poor families with a bias for girls. The College is solidly grounded on Christian principles and values and has many years of experience working with communities at the bottom of the...

Rock Community School

The Rock Community School is a community of learners, striving to nurture and support one other in a commitment to develop a full spiritual, intellectual and creative potential. The school implements an integrated curriculum, aligned with the Ministry of Education’s strategic mission. All...

Cosmopolitan United Church

The Cosmopolitan United Church is an American community church in Illinois that provides parish ministry and spiritual, devotional and worship services.

Radio Health International

Radio Health International, based in Cameroon, is the only health themed radio in the central african subregion. The organisatiion focuses on simplifying health information for general understanding and influencing actions for change. Radio Health International supports and encourages science...

Advocacy for Advancement of Peace and Harmony in Africa Initiative(ADAPHAI)

Advocacy for Advancement of Peace and Harmony in Africa Initiative (ADAPHAI) is an NGO established to sensitize people from different socio-political, and economic areas to the importance of advocating for peace and harmony in Africa.

Families Christian Church Ministry of Africa

Families Christian Church Ministry of Africa is a Christian NGO in Kenya involved in improving the livelihood of poor families through advocating for social.change and removal of cultural bariers to economic development of disadvantaged group of people.

Charity Centre for Widows and Orphans

The Charity Centre for Widows and Orphans is a Kenyan NGO that aims to assist widows and orphans by establishing orphanages and helping widows to start their own small businesses.

Awana Wasinchis

Awana Wasinchis is an organization that promotes fair trade in native communities in Peru and helps to gain fair prices for producers.

Alfajr Palestinian Youth Association

The Alfajr Palestinian Youth Association is a Palestinian NGO that works to integrate young people into civil society through programmes designed to promote the spirit of national belonging and develop self reliance. The Association also aims topromote trust, esteem and awareness of the way...

Samadjite Fantamady Association

The Samadjite Fantamady Association is an NGO in Senegal that works on environmental issues, education and health. The Association also encourages women to engage in small business activity, e.g., reselling fish bought from fishermen, and is engaged in the fight against desertification by planting...

Centre for Girls and Interaction (CEGI)

The Centre for Girls & Interaction (CEGI) is an NGO in Malawi, primarily concerned with creating access to information on the rights of girls and young women and related issues through interaction, advocacy, documentation, education and networking for positive change.

Lubowa Traditional Healers Association

The Lubowa Traditional Healers Association is a Ugandan NGO that advocates for traditional medicine with an emphasis on traditional spiritual healing. The Association aims to reintroduc people to traditional healing which can be used as part of the holistic healing process, and should not be...

Ladies of Substance International Network (LoSIN)

The Ladies of Substance International Network (LoSIN) is an NGO in Ghana comprising a fellowship of Christian career (professional) women who meet once a month to discuss a range of issues.

Family AIDS Initiative Response (FAIR)

The Family AIDS Initiative Response (FAIR) is an NGO in Kenya. FAIR addresses the challenges faced by children who have either been orphaned by AIDS or live with parents who are sick or dying from AIDS-related illnesses. FAIR is involved in implementing the Preventing Orphaning Initiative...

Borderless Sky Project

The Borderless Sky Project is an NGO compromising volunteers from the alumni, faculty, staff, and students of Andrews University in the USA. The Project aims to provide relief aid and development through micro-enterprise schemes, and to promote primary education and child welfare. The Project's...

Mentor a Child Foundation (MCF)

Mentor a Child Foundation (MVF) is a Ugandan NGO that works for disadvantaged children, including those affected by HIV/AIDS, sustainable livelihoods and human rights for the most vulnerable members of the community.

Grace Children's Orphanage

Grace Children's Orphanage is an Indian NGO that currently houses 75 orphans who are provided with shelter, food, clothing and basic education at a local school. Medical attention is given as and when required. The orphanage is in urgent need of funds to improve its ability to help the children...