Search Results

Caritas Nicaragua

Caritas Nicaragua, a member of the confederation of Roman Catholic relief(Caritas Internationalis), promotes development programmes to meet the basic needs of the poorest without creating dependency. Programmes are aimed at community health promotion, HIV/Aids prevention, capacity building and...

Catholic Relief Services (CRS) - Nicaragua

Catholic Relief Services (CRS) was founded in 1943 by the Catholic Bishops of the United States to assist the poor and disadvantaged. CRS has been working in Nicaragua for more than 40 years, and currently runs programmes in agriculture, health, microfinance, civil society and human rights....

Youth With A Mission (YWAM) - Brazil

Youth With A Mission (YWAM) is an international and interdenominational mission, committed to mobilizing young people of all nations to missionary work. YWAM aims to spread the love of God through helping with the practical and physical needs of people around the world and training Christians to...

Centre for Micro-Finance (CMF)

The objectives of the Centre for Micro-Finance (CMF) are to provide knowledge management services to the microfinance practitioners and institutions, undertake research and studies on microfinance and related development issues, raise public awareness on sustainable microfinance and to provide...

World Bank - Sierra Leone

The World Bank is one of the world's largest sources of development assistance. It is a development Bank which provides loans, policy advice, technical assistance and knowledge sharing services to low and middle income countries to reduce poverty. The Bank promotes growth to create jobs and to...

International Christian Business Network (ICBN)

International Christian Business Network (ICBN) empowers businesses to put South Africa back to work through the constructive networking of business ideas. ICBN brings together a world-wide network of business people in local chapters that are linked by the electronic capabilities. ICBN shares...

Weyerhaeuser Family Foundation

The Weyerhaeuser Family Foundation is an independent NGO that runs an international and national grant programme. The Foundation supports projects that promote peace and enable people to help themselves through population planning, environmental conservation, agricultural improvement and enterprise...

Gone Rural

Gone Rural is a Swaziland-based company that aims to build sustainable livelihoods for rural communities through developing and marketing traditional hand skills. Swazi women use sustainable natural materials to create place mats, table runners, floor mats and other homeware products. Gone Rural...

World Education – Senegal

World Education (WE) is an international NGO headquartered in the US that provides training and technical assistance to to the nonformal educational sector in 50 countries worldwide. Projects are designed to contribute to individual growth, as well as to community and national development. In...


Panalfalit, the Panama affiliate of Alfalit International, Inc., seeks to eliminate human suffering that stems from illiteracy. To do so, Panalfalit provides programs in literacy, basic education, preschool, health, nutrition,and community development.

Humanitarian Aid Commission

The Humanitarian Aid Commission (H.A.C.) is a Togolese NGO established to promote cooperation and integration in order to create an economic and monetary union for promoting economic growth and development in Africa. Currently, H.A.C. has established a network of parliamentarians from 32 African...

International Lawyers and Economists Against Poverty (ILEAP)

ILEAP’s launch was motivated by the realisation that developing countries needed to be able to better influence the terms on which they were engaging and integrating with the global economy. This view was quickly augmented with the further understanding that by better reflecting their interests in...

International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC)

International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC) assists refugees, internally displaced people and forced migrants, responding to their immediate needs and supporting more durable solutions including return to and re-integration in home countries, local integration in places to which uprooted...

World Bank - Kazakhstan

The World Bank is one of the world's largest sources of development assistance. It is a development bank which provides loans, policy advice, technical assistance and knowledge sharing services to low and middle income countries to reduce poverty. The bank promotes growth to create jobs and to...

Action solidaire pour un développement entretenu à la base (ASDEB)

Action solidaire pour un développement entretenu à la base (ASDEB) assists in the fight against HIV/AIDS and works to improve the health and living conditions of communities within Togo. ASDEB also helps women to enhance their role in the development of their communities.

World Vision - Peru

World Vision - Peru, part of World Vision International, concentrates its efforts on working with children, the provision of humanitarian relief and promotion of justice for the poor. Core programmes include health and nutrition, pre-school and primary education, advocacy for child protection and...

Ananda Marga Universal Relief Team (AMURT) Global Network

Ananda Marga Universal Relief Team (AMURT) has established teams in thirty-four countries to create a network that can meet development and disaster needs almost anywhere in the world. AMURT seeks local solutions and relies on field directors who are based in the areas in which they serve....

Foreign Investment and Foreign Trade Agency of Mongolia (FIFTA) - Mongolia Office

The Foreign Investment and Foreign Trade Agency of Mongolia (FIFTA) is the government agency responsible for the promotion and facilitation of foreign direct investment and foreign trade in the country. It also seeks to promote export, improve the investment and business environment, and create a...


MYC4 is an online marketplace that connects people from all over the world – just like you and me – with African entrepreneurs, who lack capital to develop their businesses. With the Internet as infrastructure, MYC4 bridges the gap between people with needs and people with means. Investors who...


Kiva connects donors to individual entrepreneurs or groups in the developing world, through the provision of micro-loans. Micro-credit empowers clients to lift themselves out of poverty through developing responsible business patterns and training. Kiva partners with existing micro-finance...