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Livestock Emergency Guidelines and Standards (LEGS)

Livestock Emergency Guidelines and Standards (LEGS) are a set of international guidelines and standards for the design, implementation and assessment of livestock interventions to assist people affected by disasters. LEGS is based on three livelihoods objectives: Providing immediate assistance to...

Boeing helps critical Mercy Corps programs get off the ground

Immediately following the the Indian Ocean Tsunami, Boeing committed $1 million to tsunami relief efforts, split among three humanitarian organisations including Mercy Corps.

Kodak supported NGOs in Tsunami photo project in Sri Lanka

After the South Asian Tsunami hit the eastern shore of Sri Lanka in 2004, Merlin, the UK medical NGO, immediately responded to the disaster and asked for partnerships.

South Asia Earthquake 2005: Learning from Previous Recovery Operations

South Asia Earthquake 2005: Learning from Previous Recovery Operations, the second of two briefings prepared by ALNAP and the ProVention Consortium, covers targeting, participation, assessment, shelter and housing, risk reduction and policy, drawing out main lessons in each area and highlighting...

The Global Disaster Alert and Coordination System

The Global Disaster Alert and Coordination System provides near real-time alerts about natural disasters around the world and tools to facilitate response coordination, including media monitoring, map catalogues and Virtual On-Site Operations Coordination Centre.

Impact Measurement and Accountability in Emergencies: The Good Enough Guide

Impact Measurement and Accountability in Emergencies: The Good Enough Guide offers a set of guidelines on how to be accountable to local people and measure programme impact in emergency situations. The ‘good enough’ approach emphasises simple and practical solutions and encourages the user to...

Common Humanitarian Accountability Framework for IWG Agencies

Common Humanitarian Accountability Framework for IWG Agencies, a report, analyses the current understanding and practices within the member agencies in humanitarian accountability and examines how the agencies can take on board various existing international standards.

Coordination of International Humanitarian Assistance in Tsunami-Affected Countries

Coordination of International Humanitarian Assistance in Tsunami-Affected Countries is an evaluation of the international humanitarian assistance following the tsunami. This evaluation covers three countries: Indonesia, Sri Lanka and the Maldives, with some additional observations from Thailand....

Quality of Money: Donor Behaviour in Humanitarian Financing

Quality of Money: Donor Behaviour in Humanitarian Financing, a report, discusses the factors involved in steering donor behaviour for international humanitarian action. The report states that the lack of standard donor definitions, priorities, time-frames, and reporting requirements places the onus...

ECHO Manual for the Evaluation of Humanitarian Aid

ECHO Manual for the Evaluation of Humanitarian Aid provides the evaluation practice, methods, and theory utilised by the European Community Humanitarian Office (ECHO) to assess humanitarian aid operations.

Orientation Handbook on Complex Emergencies

Orientation Handbook on Complex Emergencies, published by the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), provides an understanding of OCHA's role in the coordination of response to complex emergencies (primarily man-made), explain its relation to the rest of the humanitarian...

Minimum Standards for Education: Preparedness, Response, Recovery

Minimum Standards for Education in Emergencies Handbook, published by the Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies, is a set of standards, indicators and guidance notes that articulate the minimum level of educational access and service to be attained in emergencies, through to early...

Relief Web - Israel page

The Relief Web is a UN project serving the information needs of the humanitarian relief world. The Web includes a country-by-country guide, with an entry for Israel. Topics include disaster history, vulnerable groups and other related information reported by different media and organisations. There...

UNOCHA Brussels Liaison Office

The OCHA Brussels Liaison Office was established in 2007 to promote humanitarian policies and strengthen partnerships with regional institutions including the European Union (EU), NATO, and the Secretariat for the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States. The Office focuses on policy matters...

OCHA Regional Office for Southern and East Africa (ROSEA)

As a part of the United Nations Secretariat, OCHA is responsible for bringing together humanitarian actors to ensure coherent responses to emergencies. OCHA works with governments and partners to coordinate both preparedness measures for potential emergencies as well as responses to current...

Quality COMPAS (COMPAS Qualité)

Quality COMPAS (COMPAS Qualité) is a quality assurance method which comes equipped with its own set of tools, training modules and consultancy services. These components have been designed specifically for aid agencies with the overall aim of improving services provided to crisis-affected...

Africa Data Dissemination Service (ADDS)

Africa Data Dissemination Service (ADDS) provides internet access to the data collected for the FEWS NET project. The FEWS NET is a multi-disciplinary project that collects, analyzes, and distributes regional, national, and sub-national information to decision makers about potential or current...

Poised for a Breakthrough? A Review of Significant Findings and Trends in Humanitarian Action

Poised for a Breakthrough? A Review of Significant Findings and Trends in Humanitarian Action, a report, analyses recent trends in humanitarian response. It discusses how humanitarian organisations implement crisis and disaster management and assesses the link between humanitarian principles and...

How can my company help? - a guide for country managers in responding to natural disasters

How Can My Company Help? is intended to help you prepare for a local corporate response to a crisis in your country or region. This guide includes information on: building partnerships with relief agencies, assessing on-the-ground needs, identifying the products, expertise, personnel and services...

Earthquake Disaster Reduction in Turkey

In 2000, following a major earthquake in Turkey, Arup joined five other British engineering and construction firms operating in the country to form the British Earthquake Consortium for Turkey (BECT).