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Game connect Africa

Game Connect Africa is a Community Based Organization (CBO) aimed at empowering children. This CBO protects, educates, and rises them above adversity using the power of sports for sustainable development in the communities of Jinja Northern Division through transformative leadership, advocacy,...

Emmanuel Educational Social Welfare & Charitable Trust

1.Pay Special Attention to the needs and aspirations of the socially and economically marginalised Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribes and other weaker segments of the society. Physically and mentally disabled persons, orphans and destitute with due focus on women and children. 2.To set up self...

DOR Development Organization

To provide Biblical Education through Pastoral Care and Spiritual Growth the worshiping Community. To promote peace and harmony through interfaith and social cultural activities. To provide Emergency Relief programs in Trauma and Natural Disaster in Partnership with INGO's and other institutions.

Lango Action for Community transformation Agency

Lango Action for Community Transformation Agency is a committed community based and non-profit making organization that works with the community to improve the lives of vulnerable children and youth through venturing on education and health in Lango sub-region, Northern Uganda.

Fondation Sens Universel et Damabiah

The DAMABIAH Foundation is a non-profit humanitarian organization that helps people in need in Haiti, regardless of their beliefs. For the past 20 years, the foundation has led the fight against poverty and hunger in Haiti by partnering with organizations abroad to lift children out of spiritual,...

AICAT Foundation

AICAT Foundation is a local Uganda Non Profit Organization (NGO) that was formed and formally registered with the National Bureau of NGO Registration in 2020. AICAT envisions "Communities free of poverty where everyone harnesses his/ her potential to lead a dignified life. To fulfill this...

Ladder Ministries Uganda

Ladder Ministries Uganda (LMU) is a Christian faith based founded Non – Governmental Organisation established in 2011 and incorporated by the National Bureau for Non – Governmental Organisations of Uganda in the year 2013 with registration number 3166 with the mandate of not only carrying out its...

Alebtong Aged Support Organisation (AASO)

Alebtong Aged Support Organisation (AASO) is a Ugandan NGO that works with the vommunities to support elderly people in line with shelter provision, food for relief and scholastic materials for their well being. AASO also renders support to orphans and vulnerable children in abject areas in...

Zaam Community Based Health Development Organisation (ZACHEDO)

Zaam Community Based Health Development Organisation (ZACHEDO) was started initially as a health clinic called Zaam clinic to provide curative/ treatment services to outpatient children and adults in Katwe slum, as the demand for inpatient and maternity services increased, Zaam clinic was expanded...

Sima Community Based Organization

Sima Community Based Organization is a non profit organization and Children orphanage and Academy. The following are services provided by the organization : • Quality education to high-risk children • Protection and care to high-risk groups of female sex workers and street youths and people...

One World Foundation Africa

One World Foundation Africa runs activities in both the UK and Uganda. The organisation partners with a number of other organisations such as Bukomero Development Foundation to implement some of its projects. In UK, they operate a community centre in East London from where they are engaged in...

Basazemaggya Development Initiative

Basazemaggya Development Initiative is a Community Based Organisation started by the residents of Bulenga Kikaaya Ssumbwe in Wakiso District of Uganda. It is registered with Wakiso District Community Based Services Office registration number WCBO/21/7304. OBJECTIVES 1.To undertake...

Local Sustainable Communities Organization (LOSCO)

LOSCO is a Church not-for- profit Non- Government Organisation founded to bring about practical inclusive development through promoting inclusive policies and practices. LOSCO emerged as a result of informal discussions and sharing of experiences between Church Leaders, Social Workers and Local...

Environmental Defense and DuPont develop a framework for responsible nanotechnology

Environmental Defense, an environmental advocacy organization, and DuPont, a science-based products and services company, have developed a comprehensive, practical, and flexible Framework for evaluating and addressing the potential risks of nanoscale materials.

Linking Business with Pro-Poor Development

Linking Business with Pro-Poor Development explores two key questions, How can business be pro-poor? and How can such partnerships be made sustainable? The document showcases how an innovative private-community partnership transformed the livelihoods of highly vulnerable families in far flung...

General Electric Company brings business know-how to Girls Inc. Dallas

The General Electric Company's (GE) partnership with Girls Inc. Dallas has provided Girls Inc. Dallas with both financial support and with volunteers to help the NGO improve its delivery of services.

Coffee Kids partners with private sector to rebuild coffee farmers' community in Indonesia

In late April 2005, the Aceh Tsunami Relief Fund, established by the NGO Coffee Kids, in partnership with the corporation ForesTrade Inc., began a project to support the reconstruction of local community infrastructure in the coffee-growing Gayo Highland region in Central Aceh, Indonesia.

Cadbury and Earthwatch conduct joint research in sustainable cocoa production

In December 2004 Cadbury launched the Earthshare programme. The Earthshare programme creates a partnership between all stakeholders interested in cocoa farming in Ghana: Earthwatch, Cadbury staff and business units, early careers Ghanaian scientists, researchers, local communities in Ghana,...

Citigroup partners with Rainforest Alliance to support sustainable livelihoods and ecosystems

In 2007 the Citi Foundation granted $200,000 to the Rainforest Alliance (RA) to build the capacity of small and growing businesses and communities.

International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (ISDR) - meetings and conferences

The ISDR is a programme of the UN which aims at building disaster-resilient communities by promoting increased awareness of the importance of disaster reduction as an integral component of sustainable development -- with the goal of reducing human, social, economic and environmental losses due to...