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Catholic Relief Services (CRS) - Vietnam
Catholic Relief Services - Vietnam supports projects initiated by local partners in the areas of education, including special programmes for disabled children, agriculture/rural enterprise development, microfinance, and emergency mitigation and relief.
Oxfam - Vietnam
Oxfam is an international confederation of 15 organizations working together in 98 countries and with partners and allies around the world to find lasting solutions to poverty and injustice. In Vietnam, Oxfam's focus is on education, sustainable livelihoods, fair trade, gender equality, and...
South Indian Federation of Fishermen Societies (SIFFS)
South Indian Federation of Fishermen (SIFFS) works for the protection of the interests of fishermen in India. SIFFS works to improve the control over income, by avoiding intermediaries and middlemen and also works toward the diversification of the economic activities of fishers' villages, by...
ActionAid - Burkina Faso
ActionAid is an international charity working with poor and marginalised people in more than 50 countries worldwide to help eradicate poverty by overcoming injustice and inequity. ActionAid's work in Burkina Faso focuses on helping families to improve their farming techniques, improving access to...
Western Society for the Upliftment of Children
Western Society for the Upliftment of Children assists the marginalised, street and working youth and children of local communities through programmes including a day center for out of school children ages 10 - 18 years, classes for in school children at risk of falling out of the school system,...
Global Voices Online
Global Voices Online is a non-profit global citizens’ media project founded at Harvard Law School’s Berkman Centre for Internet and Society, a research think-tank focused on the Internet’s impact on society. Global Voices seeks to aggregate and amplify the global conversation online - highlighting...
Norfund - South Africa
Norfund - South Africa, an office of the Norwegian Norfund (Norwegian Investment Fund for Developing Countries), makes risk capital investments through profitable private enterprises in South Africa with capital supplied by the Norwegian state.
Macau Deaf Association
Macau Deaf Association was established to encourage the deaf to help each other, and to help them communicate with the public. The Association strives for the promotion of rehabilitations services for the deaf people in Macau, with the aim of allowing them to participate and contribute to the...
Fabretto Children's Foundation
Fabretto Children's Foundation mission is to enable impoverished Nicaraguan children and their families in underserved communities to break the cycle of poverty and reach their full potential through programs promoting education, nutrition and health, and community development.
Village Enterprise Fund (VEF)
Village Enterprise Fund (VEF) combines business training, seed capital grants, and ongoing mentoring to qualified rural entrepreneurs in East Africa to create sustainable income-generating businesses. Village Enterprise plays a unique role in the poverty reduction and microenterprise development...
Bridge for Africa Foundation (Bridge for Africa)
Bridge for Africa Foundation (Bridge for Africa) is dedicated to promoting self-sufficiency and the dignity of work in rural Africa. Bridge for Africa and its partners work with African artisan groups to create, and market unique handmade African items for sale in the U.S. The artisans are paid a...
Association Al Amana Pour la Promotion des Microentreprises
Association Al Amana Pour la Promotion des Microentreprises promotes micro-enterprise by offering credit and related services.
Action for Security and Food Sovereignty in Niger- AcSSA
Action for Security and Food Sovereignty in Niger (AcSSA), established by Afrique Verte International, helps communities to develop and ensure professional, technical and trading of agricultural products. The organizaiton also focuses on women as actors in development.
La Fundación Pro Niños de Darién
La Fundación Pro Niños de Darién (The Pro-children Foundation of Darien) works to improve the lives of “Darienita” boys and girls through well-balanced nutrition and other complementary programs which support health and education. The foundation also trains entire communities in order to help them...
City of Joy Aid
City of Joy Aid is a network of clinics, schools, rehabilitation centers and hospital boats which provides relief, rehabilitation, and development activities within the slums of Calcutta and the rural districts of Bengal. With neither religious nor political affiliation, the organization is...
Adventist Development and Relief Agency International (ADRA) - Asian Regional Office
ADRA Asia Regional Office (ARO) based in Bangkok Thailand was established to provide administrative and programmatic support to the 16 implementing country offices in south, southeast and northeast Asia. The support ranges from strategic planning, financial system establishment and monitoring,...
Agence Française de Développement (AFD)
Agence Française de Développement (AFD) works on behalf of the French government and contributes to financing development projects in the public and the private sectors through subsidies or concessional loans. Its mission is to finance development according to France’s Overseas Development...
International Peace Operations Association (IPOA)
The International Stability Operations Association (ISOA) is the international trade association of the stability operations industry, promoting ethics and standards worldwide and advocating for effective utilization of private sector services. Our members are leaders in the industry and are...
Islamic Help
Islamic Help is a youth driven organization but it also has at its helm experienced and dedicated leaders in the field of international development. Spanning 20 different countries, their work focuses on poverty eradication and they contribute to various projects, from water sanitation to repairing...
Adventist Development and Relief Agency International (ADRA) - South Africa
The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) International is an independent humanitarian agency established in 1984 for the specific purposes of individual and community development and disaster relief. ADRA helps people in need, especially those most vulnerable, such as women, children, and...