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Rockefeller Brothers Fund

The Rockefeller Brothers Fund advances social change that contributes to a more just, sustainable, and peaceful world. The RBF's grantmaking is organized around three themes: Democratic Practice, Peacebuilding, and Sustainable Development.

Cooperative Coffees

Cooperative Coffees is a green coffee importing cooperative comprised of 23 community-based coffee roasters in the USA and Canada, who are committed to building and supporting fair and sustainable trade relationships for the benefit of farmers and their exporting cooperatives, families, and...


CSRwire is a global source of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainability news. Founded in 1999 to advance the movement towards a more economically-just and environmentally-sustainable society and away from single bottom line capitalism, CSRwire has paved the way for new standards of...

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change is an international treaty between 195 countries which aims to enable Parties to the Convention to cooperatively consider what they can do to limit average global temperature increases and the resulting climate change, and to cope with the...

The Sustainability Consortium

The Sustainability Consortium is an organization of diverse global participants working to make the world more sustainable through better products, services and consumption. It develops and promotes science and integrated tools so that together informed decision making for product sustainability...

Alliance of Local Communities in Hardship Areas (ALCHA)

The Alliance of Local Communities in Hardship Areas (ALCHA) is an NGO in Kenya. The Alliance was formed to bring together efforts to empower pastoralist communities in the Moyale and Sololo districts through utilising resources and promoting sustainable development. Areas of intervention include...

Forum for Integrated Economic Development

The Forum for Integrated Economic Development is a Tanzanian NGO that aims to help people to escape poverty through learning job-related skills.

Somali Development and Reconciliation Society

The Somali Development and Reconciliation Society (SDRS) is an NGO that aims to support the weaker sections of Somali society through the establishment of a basic learning resource centre, awareness raising, health care, water and environmental sanitation projects.

Misuuni Development Self Help Group

Misuuni Self Help Group (MSHG) is a community based NGO in Kenya. The Group is working on a water drilling project to help the local community access a sustainable water supply.

Society for Health and Educational Development

The Society for Health and Educational Development (SHED) is an Indian NGO that works for people with disabilities. The Society aims to provide quality education, healthcare and livelihood facilities to socially and economically disadvantaged people.

Women and Children’s Aid for Development Uganda (WOCAD)

Women and Children’s Aid for Development, Uganda (WOCAD) is an NGO that aims to help the disadvantaged to reach their full potential by empowering them and providing resources that will help them to become self reliant and useful to their communities. Programmes focus on education, livelihood...

Association for the Development of Rural Livelihood ( ADRL).

The Association for the Development of Rural Livelihood (ADRL) is an NGO in Cameroon. The Association provides training in bookkeeping, record keeping, marketing and management.

Riki Development Initiators Association

The Riki Development Initiators Association is a Ugandan NGO that works to empower rural communities through access to quality education, primary health care and income generation.

Hope for Rural Development

Hope for Rural Development is a Ugandan NGO that supports children through education and also runs projects for young people and women designed to help improve household income through activities such as stock farming.

Centre for Environmental Action and Development (CEAD)

The Centre for Environmental Action and Development (CEAD) is a Nepalese NGO that aims to transform the quality of life in marginalized communities through education, technology and sustainable harvesting and management of natural resources.

NED Foundation (North Glint Education Development Foundation)

Ned Foundation (North Glint Education Development Foundation) is an initiative designed to reduce poverty and promote human rights in Bangladesh. The Foundation is committed to providing financial help and assistance to the poor, and to provide educational support to reduce the drop-out rate and...

Youth Alliance for Research and Rural Development (YARRD)

Youth Alliance for Research and Rural Development (YARRD) is a Ghanaian NGO that works on issues in three thematic areas: health, education and skills/vocational training.

BetterWorld Energy

BetterWorld Energy (Zambia) Ltd, is an environmental and social enterprise working to develop sustainable and economically productive Sub-Saharan landscapes. BetterWorld is a vehicle by which innovative solutions to environmental and social problems can be researched, tested, demonstrated and...

Leoinfotech Development Foundation

LEODEF (LEOINFOTECH DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION) is a foundation formed by a group of experts to encourage and improve technology and productivity. The foundation empowers youths in science and technology by transforming economic and social skills through ICT in Companies, Organization, Institutions,...

Nyamwamba West Women Group for Sustainable Development

Nyamwamba West Women Group for Sustainable Development was started in 2020 by women activists that came together for a louder voice to fight poverty and it's related issues in the families so as to improve on the household income through creation of income generating activities including tree...