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IBC Group Ltd

IBC Group assists SMEs in West-Kazakhstan by creating favourable start up conditions, including provision of additional work places, creation of new jobs, microcredit loans and various consulting services in finance, marketing, business management. IBC Group also conducts computer training,...

Community Action for Relief and Development

Community Action for Relief and Development is working with the rural community in areas of health and sanitation, education, infrastructure and poverty reduction.

Redeemed Church of Christ - Masajja

The Redeemed Church of Christ - Masajja is a church based in Kampala. In addition to its religious activities, the church is involved in a range of social programmes,including child care and care of the aged.

Opportunity International Australia

Opportunity International Australia provides small loans to families in developing countries to help them start a business, earn an income and leave poverty behind. By helping a mother buy a sewing machine to start a tailoring business or a father buy seeds to plant a vegetable garden, small loans...

AIDS Orphans Education Trust (AOET)

Action for Empowerment (AOET) is an American non-governmental organisation (NGO) with offices in Uganda, Kenya and Zambia. AOET provides formal and vocational education to street orphans whose parents have died of AIDS and places these orphans into foster families. It also provides scholarships and...

Arunkhola Disabled Rehabilitation Centre (ADRC)

The Arunkhola Disabled Rehabilitation Centre (ADRC) is a Nepali non-governmental organisation, working under the auspices of the Nepal National Rehabilitation Centre of the Disabled. ADRC provides occupational training to persons with disabilities in local crafts that produce readily marketable...

JCS International

JCS is a consortium of Christian agencies working together as one INGO to serve the nation and people of Mongolia by helping to meet the needs of society in terms of the whole person – physical, spiritual, and intellectual – and to support their efforts to improve their own lives and their...

Enchanted Landscapes (Kenya)

Enchanted Landscapes® is a web-based information portal that endeavours to market Kenya as a popular tourist destination by highlighting Kenya's spectacular landscapes and monuments of significance. But alongside that, we also add value to our content with information on Kenya's people and their...

Rural Family Life Development - Ghana

'Rural Family Life Development - Ghana' focuses upon education, health, housing, small-scaled businesses and sustainable development in rural villages in the Volta area.

Global Concern

Global Concern is an international Christian organisation that works to alleviate poverty in developing countries by providing assistance and training to help people obtain skills necessary for sustainable development. Global Concern aims to demonstrate that a concern and response to global...

Reservoirs of Compassion (RECO)

Reservoirs of Compassion (RECO) is a Christian non-governmental organisation based in Kampala, Uganda. Organisational activities are broad in focus, and include community development (such as through micro-enterprise initiatives), assisting HIV/AIDS victims, running adult literacy programmes,...

Central Asian Partners

Central Asian Partners is involved in a wide variety of projects from rural village medical clinics and maternal health projects, to providing visiting professors to teach university seminars, as well as locating and shipping equipment and supplies needed by field personnel.

Cameroon Association for the Protection and Education of the Child (CAPEC)

Cameroon Association for the Protection and Education of the Child (CAPEC) is dedicated to the promotion of children's welfare. CAPEC addresses education, poor living conditions, abuse and lack of basic rights.

Be a Christ to the Poor Foundation

Be a Christ to the Poor Foundation was created to support the ministry of Hoima Diocese in Uganda by aiding orphans whose parents died of AIDS, supporting girls and women in rural communities through education and economic empowerment, bringing clean water and health services to the rural parts of...

USAID Brazil

USAID is an independent agency that supports long-term economic and social development through policy dialogue, conflict prevention, technology transfer in sectors such as health, agriculture, education and housing and the promotion of trade and investment. US assistance is channeled through...

Association for Rural Development and Action Research (ARDAR)

Association for Rural Development and Action Research (ARDAR) provides various social, education, and vocational programmes in the East Godavari, West Godavari, Krishna Vizianagram, Srikakulam and Visakhapatnam districts of Andhra Pradesh. ARDAR's activities focus upon child education and...

Associacion par la Paz y Desarrollo (APD) - Nicaragua

Associacion par la Paz y Desarrollo (APD) is a Spanish based NGO committed to promoting gender equality, equitable redistribution of resources, and the improvement of life quality among men and women living in poverty. It runs projects and programs in 15 countries around the world to achieve ...

World Bank - West Bank & Gaza

The World Bank is an international financial institution based in Washington DC, USA, that provides loans to developing countries for capital programs. Its official goal is the reduction of poverty. In 1993 the World Bank established the Trust Fund for Gaza and West Bank. Since then the World...

World Bank - Ecuador

The World Bank is one of the world's largest sources of development assistance. It is a development Bank which provides loans, policy advice, technical assistance and knowledge sharing services in order to reduce poverty. In Ecuadar, the World bank focuses on anti-poverty reforms in the city and...

Southern African Development Community (SADC)

The objectives of SADC is to ensure that poverty alleviation is addressed in all SADC activities and programmes with the ultimate objective of eradicating it. SADC works towards a future within a regional community that will ensure economic well-being, improvement of the standards of living and...