Search Results

Find Your Feet (FYF)

Find Your Feet (FYF) enables vulnerable families in poor communities to improve harvests, increase family income, and learn skills and access education services. This organisation also addresses women's needs and rights, the need to maintain biodiversity, increase understanding of economic, social...


ECIAfrica, an affiliate of Development Alternatives Incorporated (DAI), is a consulting firm that provides social and economic development solutions to business, government, and civil society in developing and transitioning countries within Sub-Saharan Africa. ECIAfrica takes a multi-sectoral...

Caritas Internationalis - Taiwan

Caritas Internationalis is a confederation of 162 Catholic relief, development and social service organisations working to build a better world, especially for the poor and oppressed, in over 200 countries and territories. Caritas provides a beacon of hope for tens of millions of women, men and...

Community Promotion Development Liberation (Coprodeli)

Coprodeli is a Christian-based foundation whose mission is to contribute to the development of urban fringe areas and eliminate poverty and social exclusion in Peru. The organization currently serves more than 50,000 people living within 30 neighborhoods, where between 80-90% of the population have...

Caritas République du Congo (Caritas Congo)

Caritas République du Congo (Caritas Congo), affiliated with Caritas Internationalis - the confederation of Catholic relief, development and social service organisations, helps families in post-conflict communities at risk in six districts of Pool with building materials, essential non-food items...

Nelson Enterprise Loan Trust (NELT)

The Nelson Enterprise Loan Trust (NELT) is a New-Zealand based Trust that assists with the development of the Nelson City area by providing loan capital to enterprises and organisations in Nelson City or Tasman District. The main objectives of NELT are to: * Assist new and emerging...


PhotoVoice’s mission is to bring about positive social change for marginalised communities through providing them with photographic training with which they can advocate, express themselves and generate income. PhotoVoice works in the UK and overseas with individuals, local communities and partner...

Humanitarian International Services Group (HISG)

Humanitarian International Services Group (HISG) is a United States based non-profit organisation, founded in 2001. HISG specialises in private sector resource mobilisation and management and has networked over 45 warehouses across the USA to work collaboratively to aid the poor and needy around...

Bureau for Reconstruction and Development (BRD)

The Bureau for Reconstruction and Development (BRD) is a non-profit organization established in 2002 by Afghans interested in participating in the process of reconstruction and in the development of their country. It aims to create an environment in which men and women are able to improve their...

Foundation for Development for Needy Communities (FDNC)

The Foundation for Development for Needy Communities (FDNC),is an NGO that works in line with government efforts to create jobs, raise incomes and increase investment and opportunities for sustainable development in Uganda. FDNC strives to build self-reliance and sustainable development in the most...

World Vision Guatemala

World Vision is a Christian humanitarian organisation dedicated to working with children, families and communities in the fight against poverty and for social justice. World Vision has been working in Guatemala since 1976 and is currently involved in development work, education and advocacy. It...

World Vision Honduras

World Vision is a Christian humanitarian organisation established in 1950, dedicated to working with children, families and communities in the fight against poverty and for social justice. World Vision has been working in Honduras since 1974. Currently the organisation runs a micro-enterprise...

Tibet Foundation

The Tibet Foundation is a UK-based charity that seeks to create greater awareness of all aspects of Tibetan culture and the needs of the Tibetan people, and to promote the continuity and preservation of the Tibetan culture. It also works to provide healthcare, education, and social economic support...

Aavishkaar India Micro Venture Capital Fund (AIMVCF)

Aavishkaar India Micro Venture Capital Fund (AIMVCF) promotes development in rural and semi-urban India by providing micro-equity funding to grassroots enterprises that lack access to conventional financial institutions and which are commercially viable, environmentally friendly, and socially...

International Union of Economists (IUE)

The International Union of Economists (IUE) was founded in 1991 as a global network of economists, scientists and experts, public figures, bankers and businessmen. The main principles behind the IUE's activities are democracy, humanism and open dialogue. It contributes to economic and social...

World Bank - Tajikistan

Tajikistan became a member of the World Bank and International Development Association (IDA) in 1993. The World Bank has been present in Tajikistan since 1996 and since then a total of more than US$ 630 million in commitments have been approved. The Tajik authorities remain strongly committed to...

Sherritt International Corporation

Sherritt International Corporation is a diversified natural resource company that produces nickel, cobalt, thermal coal, oil and gas, and electricity. The company’s corporate responsibility in Madagascar includes programs in local manpower training, HIV/AIDS awareness prevention campaign, community...

Gesellschaft für technische Zusammenarbeit (Society for Technical Cooperation) (GTZ) - Algeria

GTZ, the agency that channels international aid from the Federal German Government to developing countries, has been working in the field of bilateral technical cooperation in Algeria for over 25 years. The current portfolio focuses on supporting the process of economic and social transformation in...

REDF (formerly known as The Roberts Enterprise Development Fund)

REDF (also known as The Roberts Enterprise Development Fund) is a San Francisco-based venture philanthropy organization that creates jobs and employment opportunities for people facing the greatest barriers to work. REDF provides equity-like grants and business assistance to a portfolio of...

World Vision Bolivia

World Vision is a Christian relief and development organisation dedicated to working with children, families and communities in the fight against poverty and for social justice. World Vision has been working in Bolivia since 1983, and currently runs programmes in health care, education,...