Search Results

Foundation for Economic empowerment and Educational Development (FEED)

The Foundation for Economic empowerment and Educational Development (FEED) is a Nigerian NGO that aims to assist in reducing poverty by working with donor organizations in potentially inflammatory situations.

Kenya Coffee Producers Association (KCPA)

Kenya Coffee Producers Association (KCPA) acts as one united voice for coffee farmers in Kenya and ensures there is harmony in the industry. KCPA’s principal activities are to lobby for an environment that is conducive for the production, processing and marketing of high quality coffee. In...

Peter Ambe Memorial Helping Hand Association (PAMHHA)

Peter Ambe Memorial Helping Hand Association (PAMHHA) is an NGO based in Sweden and Cameroon. The organisation aims to help less privileged people in Cameroon.

Uganda National Association of the Hard of Hearing (UNAHOH)

Uganda National Association of the Hard of Hearing (UNAHOH) is an NGO and the Umbrella Organization for all Hard of hearing Associations in Uganda, that aims to draw attention to the needs of people with hearing difficulties. The organisation also offers vocational training, including business...

Women Support and Health Care (WOSHEC)

Women Support and Health Care (WOSHEC) is a NGO in Uganda that aims to promote the participation of women in community development and women's empowerment. The organisation works on issues related to health and education. Current projects include a back yard gardening scheme, a women's community...

Madurai Multipurpose Social Service Society

The Madurai Multipurpose Social Service Society (MMSSS) is an Indian organisation that works on on developmental issues concerning women, children, Dalits and refugees. The organisation aims to identify, organize and assist marginalized and oppressed communities to achieve their rights and...

Gram Seva Sansthan GSS

Gram Seva Sansthan (GSS) is an Indian NGO involved in integrated and sustainable development programmes. Projects include education, water resource resource management, environmental education and protection, Dalit upliftment, and disaster mitigation and relief. The organisation works with a...

The Gracias Foundation

The Gracias Foundation is a US-based NGO that aims to restore dignity and the opportunity for sustainable development to survivors of violence and trauma in a number of African countries. The organisation works through grassroots commnunity projects involving women, children and young people.

Community Active Network Uganda (CAN-Uganda)

Community Active Network Uganda (CAN-Uganda) is an NGO working with children, young people and families with challenging and complex needs. The Network works towards protecting children and families from all forms of injustices through skills education, health insurance, health care, and poverty...

Devcorps Incorporated

Devcorps Incorporated is a Liberian NGO that promotes sustainable development through community engagement, capacity building and action research. The organisation works through education, micro-enterprise development, agricultural and health programmes for poor and marginalised groups,...

Social and Healthy Action for Rural Empowerment (SHARE)

Social and Healthy Action for Rural Empowerment (SHARE) is an Indian NGO that aims to assist communities living in remote hilly areas of the country. SHARE organizes health and medical camps, awareness drives and education campaigns, and works on water related issues and training programmes...

Christian Outreach Justice Mission Sierra Leone

The Christian Outreach Justice Mission Sierra Leone is a Christian charitable organization that aims to build communities through the creation of opportunities to improve living conditions. Projects focus on education, health, agriculture, skills training, relief, micro finance, sports, human...

Society For Integrated Rural Development (SFIRD)

The Society For Integrated Rural Development (SFIRD) is an Indian NGO that works with Dalits, tribes, marine fisher-folk, minorities and other marginalised sections of the community who are powerless, voiceless and exploited. The organisation aims to improve village life for these communities...

Asante Mama

Asante Mama is a Ugandan NGO that aims to help women to increase their income and improve their health. The organisation's main objective is to provide women with opportunities to develop economically, Women are encouraged to create groups in order develop through networking. Asante Mama also...

Abexinah Orphans and Vulnerable Community

Abexinah Orphans and Vulnerable Community is a rural Ugandan CBO. The organisation's main aim is to empower women , young people, vulnerable children and orphans. To this end, it runs a savings and credit scheme. Other activities include livestock rearing , crop production, supplies for...

Child Aid Development Foundation International (CADFIN)

Child Aid Development Foundation International (CADFIN) is a Cameroonian NGO that works for the benefit of economically and socially disadvantage rural children, youth and women. CADFIN is involved in awareness raising, community health care, environmental protection, HIV/AIDS awareness and...

Ggood News Jail and Prisoner Welfare Society

Good News Jail and Prisoner Welfare Society is an Indian NGO. The Society provides a range of programmess for prisoners and ex-prisoners and their families. The organisation provides facilities for prisoners, and offers emotional support and counselling to inmates. Rehabilitation services include...

Grupa Zagranica

Grupa Zagranica is the platform of Polish NGOs involved in international development cooperation, democracy support, humanitarian aid and global education. The current list of members can be found at the “Members” section of the website.

Augustine Guse Foundation

The Augustine Guse Foundation is a Nigerian NGO dedicated to fighting illiteracy and promoting peace, development and better and healthier lifestyles. The Foundation sponsors micro-credit programmes and supports widows and orphans.

Gender Equality and Women Empowerment for Development (GWEFODE)

Gender Equality and Women Empowerment for Development (GWEFODE) is a Ugandan NGO. The organisation promotes the interests of women and girls, and is involved in a range of programmes including human rights and good governance; HIV/AIDS and malaria prevention; sexual / reproductive and child health...