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Association for Progressive Communications (APC)

The Association for Progressive Communications (APC) is a global network of civil society organisations whose mission is to empower and support organisations, social movements and individuals in and through the use of information and communication technologies to build strategic communities and...

Ford Foundation - Russia

The Ford Foundation works to reduce poverty and injustice, strengthen democracy, promote international cooperation and advance human achievement by funding projects that build knowledge and strengthen organisations and networks. Grants must be for charitable, educational or scientific activities,...

Caritas Internationalis - Poland

Caritas Internationalis is a confederation of 162 Catholic relief, development and social service organisations working to build a better world, especially for the poor and oppressed, operating in over 200 countries and territories worldwide. In Poland, Caritas runs a network of advice centres for...

Caritas Développement Congo (Caritas DRC)

Caritas Développement Congo (Caritas DRC), affiliated with Caritas Internationalis - the confederation of Catholic relief, development and social service organisations, is active in projects addressing HIV/AIDS prevention; education; peace-building; access to health services; access to water and...

Aide et Action Niger

Aide et Action Niger, a field office of the French Aide et Action, manages projects for the improvement of school conditions (buildings, furniture, and, classroom equipment), the support of professional teachers, and the involvement of villagers. The organisation also has constructed...

Fundacion HoPe Holanda - Peru

The HoPe Foundation was established in Peru in 1991 to assist in improving the lives of the indigenous people of the Andes. Much of the foundation's funding comes from the Netherlands, and is used to help build schools, train teachers and run educational and vocational training projects. The...

Caritas Internationalis - Uruguay

Caritas Internationalis is a confederation of 162 Catholic relief, development and social service organizations working to build a better world, especially for the poor and oppressed, in over 200 countries and territories. Caritas provides a beacon of hope for tens of millions of women, men and...

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) - Bolivia

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is a global development network advocating for change and connecting countries to knowledge, experience and resources to help people build a better life. In Bolivia, the UNDP works with local partners on a range of programmes, including HIV/AIDS...

United Planet

United Planet (UP) is an international non-profit public educational charity, open to the citizens of every country on Earth. Its mission is to foster cross-cultural understanding and friendship, support communities in need, and promote social and economic prosperity among cultures. UP undertakes a...

Aid to the Church in Need (UK)

Aid to the Church in Need (UK), a universal pastoral charity of the Catholic Church, aims to help those suffering or persecuted for their Faith. ACN helps persecuted Christians, as well as assisting pastoral projects for schools, refugee services, health care and church buildings. Funds building...

Caritas Internationalis - Tajikistan

Caritas Internationalis is a confederation of 162 Catholic relief, development and social service organisations working to build a better world, especially for the poor and oppressed, in over 200 countries and territories. Caritas provides a beacon of hope for tens of millions of women, men and...

World Vision El Salvador

World Vision is a Christian humanitarian organisation dedicated to working with children, families and communities in the fight against poverty and for social justice. World Vision has been working in El Salvador since 1975. Currently the organisation runs a primary health care programme focusing...

Caritas Internationalis - Sri Lanka

Caritas Internationalis is a confederation of 162 Catholic relief, development and social service organisations working to build a better world, especially for the poor and oppressed, in over 200 countries and territories. Caritas has been working in Sri Lanka since 1968, aiming to assist in...

Friends of Sierra Leone (FoSL)

Friends of Sierra Leone (FoSL) strives to educate Americans and those in other countries about Sierra Leone's peoples, cultures and history, and advocate for legislation favorable to Sierra Leone's interests. The FoSL also supports small-scale development and relief projects in Sierra Leone. As a...

Peace Building Initiative: Sierra Leone

The Peacebuilding Initiative aims at serving the needs of the peacebuilding community, in particular the UN Peacebuilding Commission and the UN Peacebuilding Support Office, to consolidate and prioritize information relevant to the elaboration of peacebuilding strategies. The project is led by HPCR...

World Federation of United Nations Associations (WFUNA)

World Federation of United Nations Associations (WFUNA) seeks to ensure that the United Nations is relevant to the lives of the peoples it exists to serve, and partners and builds alliances with other organisations whose objectives include support for the United Nations and its development.

World Bank - Kyrgyzstan

The World Bank is one of the world's largest sources of development assistance. It is a development Bank which provides loans, policy advice, technical assistance and knowledge sharing services to low and middle income countries to reduce poverty. The Bank promotes growth to create jobs and to...

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) - Liberia

UNDP is one of United Nation organisations that has targets for reducing poverty, hunger, disease, illiteracy, environmental degradation and discrimination against women by 2015. On the ground in 166 countries, UNDP uses its global network to help the UN system and its partners to raise awareness,...

Plan Canada

Plan is a global movement for change, mobilizing millions of people around the world to support social justice for children in developing countries. Plan is one of the world’s oldest and largest international development agencies, working in partnership with millions of people around the world...

PeaceTrees Vietnam

PeaceTrees Vietnam is a Seattle-based humanitarian organization working in Central Vietnam to assist those whose lives and livelihoods are threatened by the explosive remnants of war. It sponsors the removal of landmines and unexploded ordnance to promote a safe and healthy environment for...