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Gebende Hande

Gebende Haende, a charitable organisation based in Germany, provides desperately needed aid to individuals suffering from starvation, lack of water, natural disasters, and the effects of war. Aid has been given in nearly forty countries spanning four continents, and has included providing water,...

FUNDES International

FUNDES promotes the competitive development of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in Latin America.

Samaritan's Purse UK

Samaritan's Purse UK seeks to meet the critical needs of victims of war, poverty, famine, disease and natural disaster worldwide through the delivery of practical, every-day items and necessities (and financial donations). The organisation additionally organises the annual campaign Operation...

Fujairah Welfare Association

The Fujairah Welfare Association is a charity based in the United Arab Emirates. The Association assists widows and destitute families to set up small enterprises and to undertake retraining, for example, in IT. The Association also helps with donations of food and blankets in local relief efforts.

The Exchange Centre of Henan Foreign Economy

The Exchange Centre of Henan Foreign Economy in China organises economic and trade fairs to promote Henan’s foreign trade sector. In particular, the Centre coordinates Henan business delegations to meet with foreign investors from countries such as Australia, New Zealand and Russia. The Centre also...

Jiamusi Training Centre for Women and Children

The Jiamusi Training Centre for Women and Children is a Chinese organisation in Heilongjiang province that promotes the development of women and children. The organisation is currently running three projects: training for women to promote their cultural and technological levels, education for...


VETAID assists some of the poorest communities in Africa that depend on animals - cattle, camels, goats and chickens - for their survival. VETAID works with these vulnerable communities to secure food sources and reduce poverty through a range of actions such as providing animal health training and...

United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women) Brazil

United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women) provides finance and technical assistance to foster women's empowerment and gender equality. UN Women Brasil focuses on projects aimed at: poverty reduction among women and HIV/AIDS prevention, encouraging women's...

Tanga in Touch

Tanga in Touch supports projects in Tanga, Tanzania by sending recycled computing equipment to schools, and educates the schools on how to use the equipment. This organisation also helps local schools link with projects in different parishes in the community, supports a local leprosy care centre,...

Partners For Development

Partners for Development (PFD) is an American not-for-profit organization whose employees and volunteers work in partnership with local and international groups to improve the quality of life of vulnerable people in underserved communities. With its local partners, PFD addresses poverty,...

USAID Guatemala

With headquarters in Washington DC, USAID serves as an agency of the American government, carrying out U.S. foreign policy by promoting broad-scale human progress. It seeks to expand stable, free societies and create markets and trade partners for the United States. USAID has been active in...

Engineers Without Borders UK

Engineers Without Borders UK (EWB-UK)is a student-led charity that focuses on removing barriers to development using engineering. EWB-UK runs training programmes that provide opportunities for young engineers to learn about the role of technology in development, promotes research and raises...

African Revival

African Revival builds, supports and sustains projects in Africa. The organisation works in marginalised rural districts to initiate projects in education, sustainability and school building. African Revival aims to empower families and communities to improve their health and wellbeing, with a...

Ayuda en Accion - Bolivia

'Ayuda en Accion' is a Spanish development cooperation, independent, nonpartisan and nondenominational that works to promote structural changes that contribute to the eradication of poverty. It works with communities throughout Bolivia, focusing on education and literacy, community development,...

Aldeas Infantiles SOS - Venezuela

Aldeas Infantiles SOS – Venezuela, as part of SOS Children's Villages International, builds families for children in need, support them to form their own future and participate in the development of their communities. Aldeas Infantiles SOS – Venezuela works with families at risk in areas of...

Hives Save Lives - Africa

Hives Save Lives aim to alleviate poverty in Africa by creating livelihoods, providing employment and generating income through beekeeping. Hives Save Lives provide practical support in the form of hives, training and equipment, delivered directly to those who need it most. Communities marginalised...

Caritas Nicaragua

Caritas Nicaragua, a member of the confederation of Roman Catholic relief(Caritas Internationalis), promotes development programmes to meet the basic needs of the poorest without creating dependency. Programmes are aimed at community health promotion, HIV/Aids prevention, capacity building and...

Catholic Relief Services (CRS) - Nicaragua

Catholic Relief Services (CRS) was founded in 1943 by the Catholic Bishops of the United States to assist the poor and disadvantaged. CRS has been working in Nicaragua for more than 40 years, and currently runs programmes in agriculture, health, microfinance, civil society and human rights....

International Christian Business Network (ICBN)

International Christian Business Network (ICBN) empowers businesses to put South Africa back to work through the constructive networking of business ideas. ICBN brings together a world-wide network of business people in local chapters that are linked by the electronic capabilities. ICBN shares...

CARE International - Honduras

CARE is one of the world's largest private international humanitarian organisations, committed to helping families in poor communities improve their lives and achieve lasting victories over poverty. CARE began operations in Honduras in 1954, providing emergency assistance to hurricane victims and...