Search Results

Zambia Orphans of AIDS

Zambia Orphans of AIDS (ZOA) is a private voluntary organisation, responsible for projects to help AIDS orphans. ZOA provides support and care for children, raising funds, lobbying and conducting advocacy. In addition, ZOA provides financial and other forms of support to institutions in Zambia...

Hong Kong Committee for UNICEF

The Hong Kong Committee for UNICEF was founded in 1986. As one of the 36 national committees for UNICEF, we organize fundraising and advocacy activities to provide financial support for UNICEF’s programmes across over 150 countries and territories to help children survive and thrive. We aim to...

East Asian Educational Association (EAEA)

East Asian Educational Association (EAEA) is a group of professionals dedicated to education, training and human development in East Asia. EAEA has established seven study and cultural centres in Hong Kong and Macau for people of all ages to receive intellectual, physical, cultural, moral and...

Christliche Ostmission (COM) Verified non-profit organisation

Christliche Ostmission (COM) is a Swiss Christian Relief Foundation with projects in Eastern Europe, South-East Asian and Asian countries. The projects focus on humanitarian aid, anti-human trafficking and business development. COM is based on Christian values.

Dynamic Action Group (DAG)

The Dynamic Action Group (DAG) is a Cameroonian NGO that works with vulnerable populations including young people, disabled, women and children, poor, school dropout widows, vulnerable groups and communities etc on a range of projects and activities designed to address poverty and assist community...

Consolidated Youth for Peace and Development (COYPED)

Consolidated Youth for Peace and Development (COYPED) is a youth-led Liberian NGO. COYPED aims to empower young people to contribute positively to society by working together on issues related to health, education, human rights, civic education, anti-corruption and other development issues. The...

Agro Developers

Agro Developers is a Cameroonian NGO whose aim is to encourage farmers to move to organic farming methods instead of using chemicals. The founding members of the organisation comprise agricultural technicians ,agro-economists and community development experts who are involved in capacity building...

International Group Association

International Group Association (IGA) is a local NGO registered in Malawi in 2002. The organisation is currently implementing a number of projects in the areas of HIV/AIDS (Home Based Care, medical and VCT), food security and water and sanitation projects in Kabudula, Khongoni, Chitukula in...

Clemency Uganda

Clemency Uganda is an NGO based in Jinja. The organisation works for orphans and vulnerable children, grannies, widows and young people. Programmes sponsored by Clemency include agriculture, human rights and advocacy, education and health. The organisation depends on volunteers to assist with...


GAPAFOT is a local NGO in the Central African Republic working with poor, vulnerable people in urban and rural areas. GAPAFOT works on humanitarian issues, training and peace and security issues.

Child trust AIDS Orphans Disabilities and Charitable Organisation

Child trust, AIDS Orphans, Disabilities and Charitable Organisation (CAODCO) is a non governmental organisation, registered in 1989. CAODCO's main activities are caring and supporting orphans and street children as well as providing them with basic needs and education, enhancing education for...

Newlife Society

Newlife Society is an NGO based in Ambajipet, India. It is associated with the Beracha Church, Newlife Church, the Institute of Christian Development and Research (ICDRC) and the Rural and Educational Development Cell (RAEDC). The society aims to promote Christianity to unreached and rural areas....

Palash Palli Unnayan Sangstha

Palash Palli Unnayan Sangstha (Palash Association for Rural Development) (PPUS), is a Bangladeshi NGO. PPUS works in partnership with its clients to develop self-reliance and community growth. The organisation aims to be a centre of innovation in rural development through its range of programmes...

Baptist World Aid Australia Verified non-profit organisation

Baptist World Aid Australia supports child sponsorship and community development projects in over twelve countries across Africa and Asia. They also contribute to relief in emergency situations around the world, and are committed to working with volunteers in Australia. Their vision is to share...

Support Home of God (SuhoG) Project Verified non-profit organisation

The Support Home of God (SuhoG Project) began as a non-governmental organisation in Nigeria and is now an international charity serving the local community in Glasgow and elderly persons, orphans and the poor in rural communities of Nigeria, Kenya and Sierra Leone. In Kenya and Sierra Leone, SuhoG...

Family Caregivers Association for the Aged Group (FCAAG) Verified non-profit organisation

The Family Caregivers Association for the Aged Group (FCAAG) is a local NGO based in Lira and the Kole districts in Northern Uganda. The organisation was formed in order to address the increasing needs of older persons and the orphaned children they look after. Activities undertaken by the...

Setting Development and Keeping the Foundation (SDKF)

Setting Development and Keeping the Foundation (SDKF) provides care and skills training to disadvantaged children and youth in Kampala and Nakaseke Districts in Uganda.

Auroville Village Action Group

The Auroville Village Action Group was set up to better organise the various activities in Auroville, India which had developed out of the Village Action Group which began in 1983. All these activities were based in the perception that in its search to realise an actual Human Unity, Auroville had...

Need To India

Need To India focuses its services toward several themes including abused women and children, HIV awareness and care, disaster relief and rural development programs.

Mercy Ships Verified non-profit organisation

Mercy Ships is an international faith-based organization, with a mission to increase access to health care throughout the world. Mercy Ships uses hospital ships to bring hope and healing to the poor, mobilizing people and resources worldwide. The global charity provides a variety of training...