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Foundation for International Community Assistance (FINCA)

Foundation for International Community Assistance (FINCA) provides microfinance services - microcredit and savings products - to the world's poorest families through a global network of locally managed, self-supporting institutions.

Trickle Up Program

Based in New York City, the Trickle Up Program helps the poorest of the poor (with special focus on women, youth and other disadvantaged groups) take their first step up out of poverty through microfinance. Trickle Up helps them start their own businesses by providing capital and teaching them...

Enterprise Development International

Enterprise enables the unemployed and underemployed poor in developing countries and the United States to become productive, self-supporting citizens. Enterprise works with locally registered Christian organisations as partners, transferring required skills and capital.

Banking With The Poor Network

The Banking With The Poor Network (BWTP) is a network of some 20 national policy institutions, commercial banks and NGOs involved in microfinance and microcredit from eight countries in Asia - namely Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka and Thailand. Its...

Small Enterprise Education and Promotion Network (SEEP)

Small Enterprise Education and Promotion Network (SEEP) is a network of North American organisations operating micro and small enterprise projects in the developing world. SEEP runs three programs to serve members, develop networks and increase learning: Development Services (IDS), Network...

Christ for the City International (CFTI)

Christ for the City International (CFTI) builds projects to aid the urban destitute, including street children, orphans, prostitutes, the homeless, business people and the unemployed. Organisational activities vary between projects, from skills and language training to enterprise development and...

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)

With 187 member countries, FAO is one of the largest specialised agencies in the United Nations system and the lead agency for agriculture, forestry, fisheries and rural development. Through providing a knowledge network, and sharing policy expertise, FAO aims to raise levels of nutrition and...


TechnoServe helps entrepreneurial men and women in the developing world capitalize on business opportunities that create jobs and income for poor people. Our advisors impart critical skills and knowledge that promote a thriving private sector. The resulting economic growth helps people improve...

Virtual Foundation

The Virtual Foundation is an online philanthropy programme that supports grassroots initiatives around the world. Carefully screened, community improvement projects (range $100 - $5000) run by NGOs are in the fields of environment, health and sustainable development. These projects can then be...

Action Committee Service for Peace

This organisation was founded in 1968 and its main tasks include the support of common concerns and projects of the member organisations, co-operation with other institutions and organisations, advertising and information about peace service opportunities, planning seminars and courses, and...

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) - Jamaica

UNDP works to promote the advancement of Human Development for the people of Jamaica. We do this by supporting good governance, poverty reduction and sound environmental management; providing quality advisory and support services and building strategic partnerships that leverage development...

Japan Foundation Centre

The Japan Fund for Global Environment (JFGE) Grants Program provides financial assistance for conservation programmes carried out by NGOs both in Japan and in developing countries. It also provides support for NGO programmes working for the conservation of the global environment.

Asian Women's Empowerment Project

Women's NGO that aims to empower female immigrant workers from Southeast Asia and reduce their exploitation within the sex industry

Romanian Aid Foundation

The Romanian Aid Foundation works with Romanian people to bring help to the needy. They distribute clothing, furniture, food, kitchen equipment, bedding and basic medical equipment, to improve the lives of people in rural communities. Projects include supporting hospitals and clinics, schools and...

Eurasia Foundation (EF) - Almaty

The Eurasia Foundation is involved in grant-making programmes throughout the NIS (Newly Independent States). This regional office of the Foundation is based in Kazakhstan, with projects in neighbouring countries. The website has an extensive directory of contact details for organisations and...

Association of Youth Support

The Association of Youth Support - Kazakhstan provides assistance to young adults in finding employment or starting their own businesses. It also helps youth locate opportunities for professional development or continuation of secondary education, and conducts workshops on leadership skills.

Initiative Support Foundation

The Initiative Support Foundation was created in September 1996 to help support civic initiatives in the areas of democratization, small business development, and human rights. It also supports projects addressing the preservation of cultural history and the protection of national minorities.

Helping Hands Outreach

Helping Hands has emerged as one of the leading organization in Georgia, U.S., dedicated to providing health care education to the community at large. Helping Hands has partnered with local government, school systems, health clinics, businesses, faith base institutions, non-profits, and community...

Civil Society International

Civil Society International (CSI) assists independent organisations working for democracy and civil society in countries lacking in these principles. The CSI is a source of information about projects worldwide that are committed to limited government, popular elections and free association and...

Agency for the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises in Kazakhstan (ASMED)

The Agency for the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises in Kazakhstan (ASMED) is a project funded by the European Union's regional development programme. ASMED aims to strengthen the SME sector in Kazakhstan and thus to improve the general economic situation of the country,