Search Results

World Agency for Planetary Monitoring and Earthquake Risk Reduction

The World Agency of Planetary Monitoring and Earthquake Risk Reduction (WAPMERR) is a non-profit organisation based in Geneva, Switzerland, that focuses on disaster risk reduction and rescue planning after disasters by estimating the potential consequences of earthquakes and through earthquake...

Nyalenda Hawkers Self-help Group

The Nyalenda Hawkers Self-help Group (also known as Nyalenda Hawkers Youth Group) focuses on issues of water and sanitation, waste management and environmental conservation, provides vocational training for orphans, home-based care and palliative care for the terminally ill and runs HIV-discordant...

The Big Journey Organisation Verified non-profit organisation

Big Journey is a local NGO in rural Botswana accelerating youth empowerment for sustainable development. The NGO has been actively engaged for the past several years in various youth empowerment programmes. These programmes aim to promote active participation of youth in the socio-economic...

Save the Earth

Save the Earth is a Cambodian NGO that works mainly in climate change and disaster risk management, helping people to reduce their risk of disaster. The organisation also aims to create awareness of gender issues and supports women and children. It also helps to build healthy and environmentally...

Youth Watch International

Youth Watch International is a Ghanaian youth-led NGO with its head office in Accra and a satellite office in Tamale. The organisation aims to be a vanguard for the advancement of young people through leadership and entrepreneurial training that will create positive change in their lives. Youth...

Ya'axché Conservation Trust

Ya’axché Conservation Trust is a community-oriented NGO that advances integrated landscape management in southern Belize. The organisation combines protected areas management with community outreach and sustainable development at the landscape level and engages in strategic evidence-based...

Tanzania Education Promotion Organisation (TEPO)

The Tanzania Education Promotion Organisation (TEPO) is an NGO aiming to assist in the eradication of illiteracy among girls by promoting adult literacy centres where girls, particularly those who have dropped out of school, are given opportunities to study.

Newstalk Trust

Newstalk Trust (National Education & Welfare Schemes towards Achieving life Kwalities) is an Indian NGO that works among poor and disadvantaged communities, including Dalits. The organisation focuses on poverty, hunger, injustice and emergency assistance.

Chinese Federation for Corporate Social Responsibility (CFCSR)

The Chinese Federation for Corporate Social Responsibility (CFCSR) is an organisation that aims to promote CSR in China. Since its inception, CFCSR has also engaged in a range of projects aimed at promoting education and development in rural China in addition to conducting research on CSR. CFCSR...

The Centre for Child Rights and Business

The Centre for Child Rights and Business (formerly CCR CSR) is a leading centre on child rights and business. The Centre supports businesses to deliver improvements within their supply chains that not only benefit workers, families and children, but also deliver positive business outcomes. The...

Association for Behavior & Knowledge Transformation (ABKT)

The Association for Behavior and Knowledge Transformation (ABKT) is an NGO established by a group of social entrepreneurs in Khyber Pukthoonkhawa, Pakistan. The organisation strives to improve the lives of under developed communities with a special focus on women, youth and children. ABKT aims to...

The Jane Goodall Institute: Roots & Shoots

The mission of the Jane Goodall Institute is to advance the power of individuals to take informed and compassionate action to improve the environment for all living things. Roots & Shoots (R&S) is an international hands-on environmental and humanitarian education programme, with the goal...

Climate and Development Knowledge Network

The Climate and Development Knowledge Network (CDKN) supports decision-makers in designing and delivering climate compatible development.CDKN supports developing countries to deliver climate compatible development. It offers advice and technical assistance, cutting-edge research, strategic...

Volunteer Nepal National Group (VolNepal) Verified non-profit organisation

Volunteer Nepal is a local independent NGO based in Kathmandu. The organisation aims to implement new initiatives to answer the need for communication between volunteers and community groups with NGOs operating both locally and internationally.

Solar Light for Africa

Solar Light for Africa, Ltd. (SLA) is a non-profit 501(c)3 Christian organisation whose mission is to transform lives and empower the people of Africa by providing light and energy using the natural power of the sun. The SLA goal is to educate the public on the advantages of renewable energy...

The Alliance for Rural Electrification

The Alliance for Rural Electrification (ARE) is an international non-profit organisation that promotes and provides efficient renewable solutions for rural electrification in developing countries. The Alliance was created in 2006 in response to the need for access to sustainable electricity in...


EngenderHealth is a large international reproductive health organisation working to improve the quality of health care in the world’s poorest communities. The NGO specialises in educating people about contraception and prevention of STDs including HIV/AIDS. EngenderHealth also advocates for and...

China Association of Microfinance

China Association of Microfinance (CAM) is the only national member-based association in the microfinance sector in China. The organisation offers inclusive financial services to financially under-serviced groups (especially the poor and low-income populations), provides services and support...

Reach India

Reach India is a social enterprise training franchise that aims to empower women and girls to make positive changes in their lives, families, and communities. Its network of local service centres train thousands of local organisations, which in turn train millions of women and adolescent girls who...


mothers2mothers is a South African NGO that focuses on educating women about HIV/AIDS and how to combat the disease. The organisation trains and employs new mothers living with HIV to provide education and support to women like themselves. These Mentor Mothers work alongside doctors and nurses...