Search Results

Research Institute for Development,Communication and School Partnership (RIDCSP) Verified non-profit organisation

The Research Institute for Development, Communication and School Partnership (RIDCSP) is an NGO in Cameroon that aims to meet the needs of local communities through education and research. It is a development oriented organisation with a focus on the promotion of education, research, communication...

AIDS Orphans Education Trust (AOET)

Action for Empowerment (AOET) is an American non-governmental organisation (NGO) with offices in Uganda, Kenya and Zambia. AOET provides formal and vocational education to street orphans whose parents have died of AIDS and places these orphans into foster families. It also provides scholarships and...

Roland Clinic

Roland Clinic is a non-governmental organisation which works to enhance the living and health standards of poor families in Gambia.


PREED is the acronym for people’s organization for Rural Health, Education and Economic Development. It aims to achieve sustained development in India through the participation of rural and tribal communities in the empowerment of women, promotion of reproductive health, gender equity, social...

International Humanity Foundation

The International Humanity Foundation (IHF)is an American NGO that aims to educate the poor and also to educate the world about the poor. ITF runs a number of programmes staffed by volunteers in Indonesia, Kenya and Thailand, including an education programme, a feeding programme in Kenya, a...

Rotary Club Norfolk

Rotary is a worldwide organisation of business and professional leaders that provides humanitarian service, encourages high ethical standards in all vocations, and helps build goodwill and peace in the world. Approximately 1.2 million Rotarians belong to more than 32,000 clubs in more than 200...

MAMACHA (Mwita Mugaya Chacha) Women Group

The MAMACHA Women (Mwita Mugaya Chacha) Group is a Tanzanian NGO that works with women and vulnerable children. The Group is a community development organization that aims to increase community participation in the development process.

AKSHAYA Rehabilitation Trust

The AKSHAYA Rehabilitation Trust is an Indian NGO based in Tamil Nadu that works for the rights and dignity of people with disabilities. The activities carried out by the organisation include the following: advocacy on behalf of people with disabilities, screening people with disabilities in...

Annai Indira Gandhi Memorial Trust (AIGMT)

Annai Indira Gandhi Memorial Trust (AIGMT) provides programs to empower the rural poor by improving the educational and vocational skills of women, assist with the economic self-reliance of women through micro level savings and credit, work for the eradication and rehabilitation of child labor,...

Care for the Old (Cafotold)

The Care for the Old Centre, the Cafotold Charity, is a charity registered in Cameroon. The organisation provides social welfare for elderly people who are disadvantaged and/or vulnerable, and their dependants, including orphans (children below the age of 17). The charity operates in the South West...

Rural Women Development Center (RUWDEC)

Rural Women Development Center (RUWDEC) aims at improving the quality of life of the local communities with focus upon women, youths, handicaps, orphans and vulnerable children by contributing to sustainable development through education, advocacy, health and community development, micro-lending,...

Bethany Christian Trust

Founded in 1983 as a homelessness charity, Bethany Christian Trust helps homeless and vulnerable people in Scotland to find, equip and maintain homes as well as address the root causes of homelessness such as addiction, poverty, poor welfare, unemployment, lack of education, social exclusion. ...

Education Training & Service for Community - Nepal (ETSC-N)

Education Training&Service for Community - Nepal (ETSC-N) addresses poverty alleviation, economic development, human trafficking, rehabilitation for landless people and conflict resolution within Nepal, with special emphasis upon women, youth and Dalit communities.

Bakatawamu Information And Development Empowerment (BIDE)

Bakatawamu Information And Development Empowerment (BIDE) works in common cause with the poor and marginalized groups in Uganda, in particular, orphans and rural women, to make basic rights and social justice a reality in their lives by improving their quality of life and helping to eradicate the...

Elijah Centre (EC)

Elijah Centre is a global religious community developmental group, that focuses on spreading a Christian message, reform the Church as well as communities on a world wide scale.

Living Bread Missions Verified non-profit organisation

Living Bread Missions Inc. is a Christian in Ghanan that assists rural communities and schools.

Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI) serves the interests of business and operates at a national and international level. Its activities include representation and advocacy to government, research and policy and conducting business surveys.

Institute for Social Awareness and Rural Development (INSARD)

Institute for Social Awareness and Rural Development (INSARD) is a voluntary organization with the aim to empower the Dalits, women, and children, and to concentrate upon HIV/AIDS preventive care programmes.

AIDSLink International

AIDSLink International is a network of HIV and AIDS ministries. The organisation equips local people to respond to the HIV/AIDS crisis through training and educating, mobilising and networking, supporting and strengthening local responses, caring for people affected by the disease, and helping...

Gospel Outreach Mission (GOM)

Gospel Outreach Mission is a faith based outreach mission with a commitment to evangelize the various tribal people of Myanmar. The organisation is also involved in childcare and education, rural and community development and the production and distribution of literature within the country.