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Voluntary Institute for Rural Development (VIRD))

The Voluntary Institute for Rural Development (VIRD)is an Indian NGO that works on issues related to socio-economic development for the rural poor. Activities include mobilizing communities for development, and coordinating the work of local NGOs with similar aims. VIRD sponsors a wide range of...

Restless Development

Restless Development is a youth-led development agency with headquarters in the UK and an international team of workers based in 50 countries world-wide. The organisation aims to ensure that young people contribute to development processes. The organisation is committed to ensuring that...

Tomorrow's Company

Tomorrow’s Company is a business-led think tank based in the United Kingdom. Its stated goal is to work as a catalyst to help realise its vision of "a future for business which makes equal sense to staff, shareholders and society." The organisation acts as a networking hub for organisations,...

Force for Good is a website developed by Tomorrows Company with the support of Heidrick & Struggles. The site is intended to be a meeting place for all those who believe that the key to sustainable business success is to make a contribution to human, economic, social and environmental...

Development Gateway

Development Gateway is a non-profit organisation that provides information tools and services to support international development. The organisation supports the aid effectiveness agenda by strengthening partner country systems in public financial management and government procurement. Its...

Plus Development Foundation

The Plus Development Foundation is an NGO in Pakistan. The organisation works with young people in education and on reproductive health and HIV/AIDS issues. Plus runs health camps and awareness-raising sessions in an attempt to keep young people safe from HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted...

Center for Sustainable Organizations

The Center for Sustainable Organizations is an American NGO that conducts research, development, training and consulting for, and with, companies around the world interested in improving the sustainability performance of their operations. The organisation has a commitment to an approach for...

Friends of the Environment and Culture (FOTEC)

Friends of the Environment and Culture (FOTEC) is an NGO that works at the grassroots on environmental management and protection, including inland valley swamp cultivation and management, community waste management and environmental health. FOTEC is also involved in the formation of school...

Shathashrunga Vidya Samsthe

Shathashrunga Vidya Samsthe is an Indian NGO dedicated to working with the poor, particularly with people with disabilities, women and children. The organisation runs a school for the deaf that currently caters for 225 hearing impaired children. The school includes a separate unit that provides a...

Association for Humanitarian Development (AHD)

The Association for Humanitarian Development (AHD) is an NGO based in Pakistan. The main objective of the AHD is to work for peace, justice, harmony and equality with disadvantaged and marginalized communities. AHD operates in Sindh, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Punjab. The organisation works on a range...

The Hope (An Organisation For Rural Development)

The HOPE (An Organisation for Rural Development) is an NGO in Pakistan. The Hope works for the poor particularly children, women and young people. The organisation runs awareness raising campaigns on issues such as child labour , health and the environment, and provides skills training for women....


CSRwire is a global source of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainability news. Founded in 1999 to advance the movement towards a more economically-just and environmentally-sustainable society and away from single bottom line capitalism, CSRwire has paved the way for new standards of...


CSR NEWS is a worldwide internet platform for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). It is owned by the non-profit-making Corporate Responsibility Foundation and is neutral and independent. CSR NEWS provides news about corporate responsibility and is an international platform for dialogue with...

Fondation Des Femmes Actives Pour La Promotion De L'Education De La Femme Et De L'Enfant (FAPEFE)

The Foundation of Active Women for the Advancement of Education of Women and Children (FAPEFE) is an NGO that has been operating in the Cameroon since 1990 but was registered only in May 2001. The organisation aims to educate and train disadvantaged children between 18 months and 14 years; to...

ORDO (Onkod Relief & Development Organisation)

ORDO (Onkod Relief and Development Organisation) is a Somalian NGO that is involved in community development working in partnership with UN agencies and international NGOs. Among the issues on which the organisation works are health, disaster management and child protection.

Sustainable Action for Rural Sector

Sustainable Action for Rural Sector (SARS) is an NGO in Uganda. The organisation works with a number of communities to address issues of sustainability and empowerment. The organisation runs programmes focussing on health, education, activities for young people (sport and drama), and training for...

Joint Efforts for Rural Development

Joint Effort for Rural Development ((JEFORD)) is a Ugandan NGO operating in the Hoima District in the mid-western region. The organisation aims to promote holistic sustainable development focusing on agriculture, rural enterprise, environmental conservation, financial development, HIV/AIDS and...

Bagnan Human Rural Development Society

Bagnan Human Rural Development Society is an Indian NGO that works with minority communities in the flood-prone areas of Bengal. The organisation's target groups are the elderly and children; projects focus on disaster management, education and literacy, the environment, health and family...


The CRUPDA (The Coastal Rural and Urban Poor Development Association) is an NGO based the coastal belt area of Bengal. CRUPDA undertakes a range of development activities supported by national and international donors. Among its activities are the provision of employment opportunities for young...

Swedish Cooperative Centre

The Swedish Cooperative Centre is a development organisation founded by the Swedish Cooperative movement in 1958. Through long-term development work and “help to self-help” the organisation equips poor people with the tools needed to fight poverty themselves. Through advocacy work the Centre...