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Gun Free South Africa

Gun Free South Africa (GFSA) is the lead organisation in the Gun Control Alliance, a network of organisations and individuals calling for stricter control of firearms in South Africa. Over 200 diverse organisations support the Charter for Gun Control, which includes minimum standards for a new...

Association of Human Rights and Tortured Defenders (AHURTOD)

The Association of Human Rights and Tortured Defenders (AHURTOD) is a human rights and relief organisation founded in 2004 to protect Cameroon’s vulnerable and poor population. AHURTOD’s activities aim to defend men and women’s rights, to fight against child labour, exploitation, abuse and...

Plateau Perspectives

Plateau Perspectives is an international charity that supports local communities and organizations in mountain regions to find and develop long-term solutions that improve people’s resilience and quality of life while protecting their natural environment, particularly under conditions of climate...


Youth With A Mission (YWAM), founded in 1960, is an international interdenominational Christian organisation, operating in more than 900 locations in over 140 countries, with a staff of over 11,000. YWAM aims to spread the love of God through helping with the practical and physical needs of...

Coalition Against Women Abuse

The Coalition Against Women Abuse (CAWA) is a Ugandan NGO. The organisation works for the protection of women, for their human rights, and for the improvement of their social and economic conditions.

Full Gospel of Yoido Church

Full Gospel of Yoido Church is a faith-based organisation, helping the needy and suffering people (such as orphans, widows, Aids-victims and the elderly population) by providing humanitarian aid.

Isiolo Youth Against Aids and Poverty

This organisation is involved and interested in HIV and AIDS activities in Kenya, specially concerning orphans and youth and helps them to fight the poverty.

World Peace Prayer Society (WPPS)

The World Peace Prayer Society (WPPS) is a nonprofit, non-sectarian, member-supported organisation dedicated to spreading a message of peace around the world. Since 1990, the organisation has been affiliated with the United Nations Department of Public Information - in this capacity, the Society...

Integrated Developmental Education Activate Society [IDEAS]

Integrated Developmental Education Activate Society (IDEAS) is a non-governmental organisation based in the state of Andhra Pradesh in India. IDEAS provides emergency relief projects and rehabilitation to tsunami-hit women through income generation activity like fish pickle making programmes.

Refugee Consortium of Kenya (RCK)

The Refugee Consortium of Kenya (RCK) is an organisation that aims to protect and promote the rights and dignity of refugees, asylum seekers, internally displaced persons and returnees through providing legal aid and outreach services. The organisation advocates for rights based policies and legal...

Christian Outreach Justice Mission Sierra Leone (Comin - SL) Verified non-profit organisation

Christian Outreach Justice Mission Sierra Leone (Comin - SL) is a Christian human rights organisation dedicated to providing holistic services to people with disabilities, other disadvantaged groups including women, children, the elderly and young people. The Mission promotes activities that...

Rotary Club of Accra Ridge

The Rotary Club of Accra Ridge, based in Accra, Ghana, belongs to the worldwide family of Rotary International and was admitted into Rotary on the 24th March, 2009 with club identification number 81689, within District 9100. It currently has an active membership of 26 with an average age of 33....

Save Heritage and Rehabilitate the Environment (SHARE)

SHARE works to unite people, animate communities, support initiatives, develop self-empowerment skills in youth and women, and advocate for the poor and needy in the belief that those in need can contribute meaningfully toward development. SHARE's activities are geared towards developing poor...

Caritas Turkey

Caritas Internationalis is a confederation of 162 Catholic relief, development and social service organisations working to build a better world, especially for the poor and oppressed, in over 200 countries and territories. Caritas works without regard to creed, race, gender, or ethnicity. It...

Open Society Foundations (OSF) - Soros Foundation

The Open Society Foundations places a high priority on protecting and improving the lives of people in marginalized communities. The OSF is a private operating and grant-making foundation that aims to shape public policy to promote democratic governance, human rights, and economic, legal and...

Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) - USA

Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is an international humanitarian aid organisation that provides emergency medical assistance to populations in danger in more than 80 countries. In countries where health structures are insufficient or even non-existent, MSF collaborates with authorities such as the...

Youth With A Mission (YWAM) - Switzerland

Youth With A Mission is an international movement of Christians from many denominations dedicated to serving Jesus throughout the world. Also known as YWAM (pronounced "WYE-wam"), their calling is to know God and to make Him known. Back when they began in 1960, their main focus was to get youth...

United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) - Niger

UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, is the world’s largest international source of funding for population and reproductive health programmes. UNFPA works with governments and non-governmental organisations in over 140 countries, at their request, and with the support of the international...

Caritas Makeni

Caritas Makeni is the relief and development agency of the Diocese of Makeni in Sierra Leone’s northern province. Caritas Makeni supports the efforts of disadvantaged and less privileged people in Sierra Leone to promote their own development, irrespective of creed, tribe, gender or race. The...

Oxfam Novib

Oxfam Novib, a member of Oxfam International, is a humanitarian organisation which works towards eliminating poverty and addresses fundamental human rights, including the right to a sustainable livelihood, the right to basic social services, to life and security, to social and political...