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Upwardly Global

Upwardly Global is a nonprofit organisation that helps immigrant, refugee, and asylee professionals find jobs in their career fields. The jobseekers Upwardly Global helps are already permanent residents of the U.S. and work-authorised. Upwardly Global helps them write résumés, sharpen interviewing...


LINGOs is a consortium of over 45 international humanitarian relief, development, conservation and health organisations that share learning resources and experiences. By providing the latest learning technologies and courses from partners, LINGOs helps NGOs to increase the skill levels of their...

Farmers Own Trading

Farmers Own was established in 1997 and works with groups of poverty stricken subsistence farmers in Kenya to help them eradicate their poverty by Fair Trade business developments. In compliance with a Fair Trade supply contract, Farmers Own collects the produce and sells on in the market,...

Kazuri 2000 Limited

The mission of Kazuri is to provide and sustain employment opportunities to the disadvantaged members of the Kenyan society. Kazuri began in 1975 as a tiny workshop experimenting with making handmade beads. It started with two Kenyan women and soon discovered that there were many other women in...

Acumen Fund

Acumen Fund is a non-profit global venture fund that uses entrepreneurial approaches to solve the problems of global poverty. The organisations seeks to prove that small amounts of philanthropic capital, combined with business acumen, can build thriving enterprises that serve large numbers of the...

TBL Capital

TBL Capital is a capital venture fund focused on the needs of the entrepreneur with a balanced emphasis on people, planet and profits. The firm invests in entrepreneurs who are committed to building companies with strong triple bottom line returns. TBL provides growth capital to help...

The Alliance for Rural Electrification

The Alliance for Rural Electrification (ARE) is an international non-profit organisation that promotes and provides efficient renewable solutions for rural electrification in developing countries. The Alliance was created in 2006 in response to the need for access to sustainable electricity in...

China Association of Microfinance

China Association of Microfinance (CAM) is the only national member-based association in the microfinance sector in China. The organisation offers inclusive financial services to financially under-serviced groups (especially the poor and low-income populations), provides services and support...


mothers2mothers is a South African NGO that focuses on educating women about HIV/AIDS and how to combat the disease. The organisation trains and employs new mothers living with HIV to provide education and support to women like themselves. These Mentor Mothers work alongside doctors and nurses...


Microdreams is a charitable organisation registered in the United States and New Zealand. The organisation is focused on helping young microenterprise development organisations (MEDO’s) follow the path to commercial permanence through credit and education. Microdreams aims to empower the world’s...

Fair Trade Group Nepal

The Fair Trade Group Nepal (FTG Nepal) is a consortium of fair trading organisations that work together to improve the socio-economic status of underprivileged and marginalised producers in Nepal.

Chaka MarketBridge

Chaka MarketBridge is an American company that exists to provide customers with access to high-quality and stylish, handmade products; to provide undiscovered, impoverished artisans with the global market they need to grow and succeed; and to connect artisans and customers in both fair trade and...

Business Figths Poverty

An online platform facilitating a global community of professionals fighting poverty through business. This network supports enterprise development in developing nations by the pooling of aid and development expertise and resources.


IFC (International Finance Corporation), a member of the World Bank Group, is the largest global development institution focused on the private sector in developing countries. IFC creates opportunities for people to escape poverty and improve their lives by providing financing to help businesses...

DCED ( Donor Committee for Enterprise Development)

The Donor Committee for Enterprise Development (DCED) is a forum where donors, foundations and UN agencies share their practical experience of private sector development (PSD), and identify both good practice and promising new innovations.

Japan Inclusive Business Support Centre

The Japan Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry (METI) established the Japan Inclusive Business Support Centre in order to provide comprehensive support for inclusive business. The Centre helps to promote inclusive business among Japanese companies and conducts a wide range of activities for its...

BOP Source

BOP Source is a consumer research company specializing in the "base of the pyramid," or those who earn less than $2 per day.

Inclusive Business Activist

Inclusive Business Activist is a South African platform for like-minded entrepreneurs to network and engage on aspects of common business interest to grow organically and in the process add value and give back to communities and the poor. The organisation aims to contribute to the achievement of...

Action First For Progress (AFFP)

Action First for Progress (AFFP)is a Kenyan NGO whose main objective is poverty alleviation in rural and semi-arid areas where small business owners are in urgent need of help to expand their businesses. The organisation aims to educate such people in business techniques to help them develop...

United Nations Industrial Development Organisations (UNIDO)

UNIDO is the specialized agency of the United Nations that promotes industrial development for poverty reduction, inclusive globalization and environmental sustainability. UNIDO recognizes the MDGs as the overarching framework for collective action and believes that a competitive and...