Search Results

Solidarité Internationale pour l'Afrique

Solidarité Internationale pour l'Afrique (SIA) is a Malian NGO engaged in relief and development work in poor rural communities. SIA aims to contribute to the economic, social and cultural development of rural populations. Target groups are children and adolescents and young farmers' organisations....

Sustainable Livelihoods International (SLINT)-Uganda

SLINT-Uganda (Sustainable Livelihoods International) is a Ugandan NGO working on poverty alleviation, market-oriented agricultural development and food security, environmental sustainability, capacity development and policy advocacy. SLINT seeks to contribute to the realization of the Millennium...

Creative Approaches for Development (CAD)

Creative Approaches for Development (CAD) is a Pakistani NGO established to introduce new ideas in development especially connected with the landscape of Chitral. The overall aim of the interventions is the utilization of indigenous resources in the most efficient and effective manner to...

Integrated Development Forum (IDF)

The Integrated Development Forum (IDF) is a local Bangladeshi NGO. The organisation works on a range of issues including education, health and poverty alleviation; safe water supply and sanitation; food security and livelihood development; environment and climate change; HIV/Aids and advocacy....

Commonwealth Peoples Association of Uganda (CPAUG) Verified non-profit organisation

The Commonwealth Peoples Association-Uganda (CPAUG) is an NGO that works primarily on advocacy promoting the values of the Commonwealth. The organisation has implemented several programmes focusing on information advocacy targetting young people in and out of school. Topics discussed at meetings,...

IDDF (Initiatives pour un Development Durable Fondamental)

“Initiatives pour un Développement Durable Fondamental” (IDDF) is a Togolese NGO involved in sustainable development. IDDF has supported many development interventions through agriculture, conservation, democracy, education, advisory services, training, and advocacy. Over the years, IDDF has...

Anglican Development Services of Mt. Kenya East

Anglican Development Services of Mt. Kenya East (ADSMKE) is the development arm of the Anglican Church of Kenya. The organisation sponsors programmes in the following areas: sustainable food production and security; environmental conservation; community-based health care; water and sanitation;...

Forum of Women for Accelerated Rural Development (FOWARD)

The Forum of Women for Accelerated Rural Development (FOWARD) is a Ugandan NGO that aims to link grassroots communities to services and opportunities and to build their capacity for collective action to address the challenges they face. FOWARD targets mainly women and children. Its programme...

Mmanze Centre for Rural Development and Training (MACERUDET)

MACERUDET (Mmanze Centre for Rural Development and Training) is a Ugandan NGO. The organisation is involved in healthcare control and disease prevention programmes, work on AIDS prevention and mitigation, infrastructure and facilities development, skills training and the promotion of women's...

CTRD Trust (Centre for Tribals and Rural Development)

The Centre for Tribals and Rural Development (CRTD) Trust is an Indian NGO that works with tribal and rural communities in the Nilgiri Hills, the mountainous region in Tamil Nadu. CTRD implements projects to empower women and children, to improve health and education, to improve infrastructure...

Partners For Productivity Foundation ( PFPF)

The Partners For Productivity Foundation (PFPF) is an NGO in Cameroon. The Foundation works on conservation and development issues. PFPF aims to sensitize and work with rural communities in their self-help activities by taking into consideration relevant socio-cultural and ecological aspects to...

Welfare Organisation for Rural Lean Development (WORLD)

The Welfare Organisation for Rural Lean Development (WORLD) is an Indian NGO that aims to educate rural people about health, hygiene and sanitation and to improve their health. The organisation also aims to help communities develop economically.

Anglican Development Services of Mt. Kenya East (ADSMKE)

Anglican Development Services of Mt. Kenya East (ADSMKE) is an autonomous faith-based organisation that is the development arm of the Anglican Church of Kenya covering former Mt. Kenya East Diocese. ADSMKE works on training on sustainable food production and security,community based health care...

India Evangelical and Educational Rural Development (IEERD)

The India Evangelical and Educational Rural Development(IEERD) is an NGO that works for the upliftment of down trodden and needy people. The organisation is involved in vocational training for poor women , environmental protection adult education, medical camps, youth development and services for...

Focus On Northern Uganda Development Initiative (FONUDI-Uganda)

Focus on Northern Uganda Development Initiative (FONUDI-Uganda) is an NGO that works to facilitate the recovery and development of Northern Uganda from the recent war. The organisation works on issues related to access to justice, and on the development of peace and equality. FONUDI promotes...

Pretty Development for Poverty Reduction

Pretty Development for Poverty Reduction (PDPR) is a Tanzanian NGO that serves women, children, young people and marginalized groups including small scale farmers and small businessmen in rural areas. The organization aims to provide aid on legal matters, support environmental conservation...

Indus Society for Rural Development (ISRD)

The Indus Society for Rural Development (ISRD) is a Pakistani NGO that began by promoting self-help in regard to saving and internal lending. The organisation has also established the Earth Stars Academy in Islamkot, providing high school level English medium education. Overall, ISRD aims to ...

KOTHOWAIN ( Vulnerable Peoples Development Organisation)

KOTHOWAIN (Vulnerable People’s Development Organization) is a Bangladeshi NGO that works on issues of poverty, literacy, social and political conflict, cultural identity, and human rights violations among the indigenous peoples in the Chittagong Hill Tracts. The organization aims to develop...

Gennesaret Development Foundation

Gennesaret Development Foundation is a youth focused NGO which seeks to contribute to economic growth and human development across sub-Saharan Africa

Development Initiatives and Care Enterprise (DEVICE)

The Development Initiatives and Care Enterprise (DEVICE) is a Ugandan NGO that works on issues facing women, children and young people with a view to building a responsible and productive community. Activities include education and training, health promotion and livelihood development. DEVICE also...