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Masiha World Mission

The Masiha World Mission is a Nepalese NGO that works on issues relating to the needs of the poorest and most vulnerable communities, including women and children. Projects relate to livelihoods, social justice, equality and development. Target groups include visually impaired children,...

The Leprosy Mission

The Leprosy Mission is an international Christian development organisation which focuses specifically on leprosy and offers specialist expertise on reconstructive surgery. The organisation works in around 30 countries across Africa, South Asia and East Asia. The Mission's work includes treating...

WBCSD-SNV Alliance

The WBCSD - SNV Alliance is an alliance formed by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development and SNV, a Netherlands- based international development organisation, to address poverty through sustainable development and inclusive business. The Alliance works in three areas:...

As You Sow

As You Sow is an American foundation that promotes environmental and corporate social responsibility through advocacy, coalition building and innovative legal strategies. The foundation runs two programmes: the Environmental Enforcement Programme seeks to reduce and remove carcinogenic exposures...

Earth Solution Foundation

The Earth Solution Foundation is a Ghanaian NGO that focuses on tree planting and water preservation; advocacy on environmental issues; health; and rights for people with disabilities.

JEK Development Foundation (JEKDEF)

The JEK Development Foundation is an apolitical, non-profit, Non-Governmental Organization working to eradicate poverty among youths using ICT tools and technologies. Our small computer training school is dedicated to training the local population with IT skills to enable them to become viable for...

Plan Australia

Plan works at the grassroots in 50 developing countries to empower communities to overcome poverty, with a particular focus on working with children to reach their full potential. Plan Australia's areas of focus for children includes early health and development; education; water, sanitation and...

Educational Model Organization (EMORG)

EMORG (Educational Model Organisation)is a community-based NGO providing educational resources to the residents of the Kisongo Village area in Arusha, Tanzania. The main aim of the organisation is to provide the community with free library services, pre-primary, primary, and later in service...

Compassion Australia

Compassion Australia is a Christian NGO focusing on child development and child advocacy, achieved through working in partnership with local churches. Compassion works around the world to foster the spiritual, economic, social, physical and emotional development of children living in extreme...

Hope Foundation

Hope Foundation works in Australia primarily with women caught in addiction and in the sex industry. Hope Foundation works with those involved and their loved ones to bring hope, help and healing, including exit and rehabilitation programs. This target group has been identified to provide relief...

Australian Conservative Foundation

The Australian Conservation Foundation (ACF) is a national NGO aiming to promote and contribute to the protection, restoration and sustainability of the environment. The ACF works to promote conservation solutions through research, consultation, education and partnerships. They work with the...

Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (ALHR)

Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (ALHR) is a network of Australian lawyers active in practising and promoting awareness of international human rights standards in Australia. Through training, information, submissions and networking, ALHR promotes the practice of human rights law in Australia....

Africa Humanitarian Action

Africa Humanitarian Action (AHA) is an African NGO that provides humanitarian assistance to refugees, internally displaced persons (IDPs) and local communities across Africa. Its core activities focus on relief and recovery; healthcare; HIV/AIDS; sexual and gender violence prevention and care;...

Lovers of Lord

Lovers of Lord is a group for young boys and girls in Pakistan. The group works for orphans, poor and needy children in order to obey the Lord’s command of “Let the Children come to me”. The Lovers of Lord are committed to nurturing a strong base of Christian faith in the children in Muslim...

Somali Welfare Organisation

The Somali Welfare Organisation is an active national NGO that has gained wide recognition for its social, economic and rehabilitative development initiatives. The organisation focuses on poverty eradication, the fight against chronic hunger and on empowering low income earners, vulnerable, women...

Rotary Club of Kesrouan - Lebanon

The Rotary Club of Kesrouan is a member of Rotary International.Rotary is a worldwide organisation of business and professional leaders that provides humanitarian service, encourages high ethical standards in all vocations, and helps build goodwill and peace in the world.

Uganda Mines, Metal, Oil, Gas And Allied Workers' Union [UMMOGAWU]

Uganda Mines, Metal, Oil, Gas And Allied Workers Union is a non profit organisation which advocates for better working conditions and payments for workers in Mines, Metal, Oil and Gas sectors in Uganda. The organisationn is affiliated to the Ingternational Metalworkers' Federation (IMF).

Prachi Youth Social Organisation

The Prachi Youth Social Organisation is an Indian NGO established to encourage sustainable development by promoting education for children up to the age of 14, and to work with the following target groups: women and children with disabilities, senior citizens, small farmers and agricultural...

Dream Support International

Dream Support International is a community based organisation in Kenya that focuses on health. The organisation runs community mobilisation, sensitisation, awareness and advocacy programmes, and provides care and support for orphans and people living with HIV/AIDS. Dream Support also runs two...

Ngoma Aid Foundation

Ngoma Aid Foundation is a non-profit community-based organisation that has a central focus on rural community development. The organisation's programmes include education, HIV/AIDS awareness, direct service delivery, agriculture, income generation, protection of the environment, and general...