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Triam Foundation Uganda

The Triam Foundation Uganda is a nonprofit community based humanitarian organisation mandated to help limit the existence and impact of non-communicable diseases specifically, cancer, diabetes, hypertension and mental illness. The Foundation works through research, creating community awareness,...

Hands of Grace Norway

Hands of Grace Norway is an organisation that sets up and runs projects for neglected children in Northern Uganda. The organisation's recent project is in Kitgum, close to the border of South Sudan. Hands of Grace is currently building a nursery school for 300 children between 3 – 7 years and is...

Give A Limb

Give a Limb is a South African NGO established to help people without limbs (arms/legs) by donating prosthetics. The organisation also engages in other disability-related activity.

AIM Abroad

AIM Abroad is a community interest volunteer company registered in the US and India and affiliated with the Global Orphanage Trust in india. AIM Abroad works to provide volunteering opportunities in India and Nepal for people who want to offer their services and travel with a grassroots...

Youth Student Organisation

The Youth Student Organisation is an NGO in Pakistan working on educational issues, including raising awareness of the importance of education and the problems experienced by young people in education.

Sierra Leone Film Foundation

The Sierra Leone National Film Foundation started as an NGO dedicated to supporting filmmakers in Sierra Leone and their struggles to produce original films for national and international audiences. It has now expanded to become an organisation focusing on international awareness-raising,...

Grace Ministries Mission

Grace Ministries Mission is a Pentecostal church in Zambia founded in 1994. The core objective is to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ, equip the saints for the ministry of God and make him known to the rest of the world. The Ministry is run by bishops, overseers and local church pastors.

Ever Prasinus Organisation

The Ever Prasinus Organisation is a Kenyan NGO that assists disabled children. The organisation is currently looking for partners for a waste recycling project.

Revival Mission of Uganda

Revival Mission of Uganda is a faith-based NGO. In addition to its faith-based activities, the organisation provides care and support for orphans and vulnerable children (OVC), provides education and encourages participation in sports. The Mission also works on health, gender and community...

Nakalongo Producer and Marketing Cooperative Society Ltd

The Nakalongo Producer and Marketing Cooperative Society Ltd is a farmers' cooperative in Uganda. The main purpose of the group is to improve members' welfare through group marketing and thus to create wealth, generate employment and technical knowhow.

Banda Ahenkro Widows Association

The Banda Ahenkro Widows Association (BAWA) is an NGO in Ghana that aims to support widows in the Banda Traditional Area helping them to escape poverty.


HOMELINK LIFE CENTRE is non profit non denominational faith based organisation whose:-To integrate sustainable community growth and development by underlying strategies in leakage to community's problems and needs by resource creation, mobilization, utilization and management by getting involved...

Fondation des Femmes pour l'Action au Développement

Fondation des Femmes pour l'Action au Développement is a network of 4 women-based CBOs working on gender issues, the environment, health and community development in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The organisation works with partners on human rights and solidarity.

Kenya Connection Ministries International

Kenya Connection Ministries International is an NGO working for orphans and destitute families in rural farming areas of central Kenya. The organisation's parent organisation is a faith-based institution in Georgia, USA.

Access for Action Uganda (ACFA Uganda)

Access for Action Uganda (ACFA Uganda) is an NGO working with and for marginalised and vulnerable communities, including people with disabilities. ACFA aims to combat the social and economic exclusion and impoverishment of marginalized groups in Uganda, and to accelerate the inclusion of...

Buwama Community Development Organisation (BUCODEO)

The Buwama Community Development Organisation (BUCODEO) is a Ugandan NGO engaged in fostering community development by working in a number of areas including food security, advocating civil and social rights, education for marginalized children, HIV/AIDS and environmental conservation. ...

People's Mercy Foundation

The People's Mercy Foundation is a Ugandan community based organisation aimed at improving the welfare of women and girls through education. The organisation also engages in advocacy and child development.

Allan Rich Ministries Welfare Society (ARM)

The Allan Rich Ministries Welfare Society (ARM) is a rural development NGO committed to the empowerment and emancipation of women, children, the elderly and other needy people. The organization assists rural women to achieve economic independence through training in manufacturing paper toys and...

Solidarité Internationale pour l'Afrique

Solidarité Internationale pour l'Afrique (SIA) is a Malian NGO engaged in relief and development work in poor rural communities. SIA aims to contribute to the economic, social and cultural development of rural populations. Target groups are children and adolescents and young farmers' organisations....

Community Concerns Uganda (CCUg)

Community Concerns Uganda (CCUg) is a Ugandan NGO that works to address the needs and aspirations of the underprivileged. The organisation currently runs projects focusing on income generating activities for women, and on health, including work on sexual and reproductive health for adolescents....