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El-Derash Children & Family Development Organization

El-Derash Children and Family Development Organization is an indigenous not for profit CSO that undertakes participatory community based development programs. It was established in April 2004 and re-registered in 2019 based on newly endorsed CSO proclamation. ECFDO envisions a self reliable...

Heaven's Holistic Development

Heaven's Holistic Development (HHD) is a local CSO established in 2018 and registered at the Agency for Civil Societies of Ethiopia in July 2019. HHD envisions a justice-based, poverty-free, democratic and self reliable society in Ethiopia. Its mission is to ensure a better life for people...

iEquip International

iEquip International is a not-for-profit community based organization in Uganda with an aim to offer skilling opportunities to less privileged communities. iEquip's major focus has been on ICT skilling for teachers and students in schools that do not have access to such facilities. Other community...

HEAPIDER-Concern, Inc.

HEAPIDER-Concern, Inc. is a Liberian grassroots development and relief organization with the vision “Concerned for Positive Transformation of Liberians and the Environment”; working under the mission “To renew and make better the lives of all Liberians including the physically challenged in...

Programme d'Appui à la Lutte contre la Pauvreté pour l'Emergence et la Restauration d'un développement durable, en sigle PALPER asbl-RDC

Programme d'Appui à la Lutte contre la Pauvreté pour l'Emergence et la Restauration d'un développement durable, en sigle PALPER asbl-RDC, is a non profit organization who are based in DRC Republic Democratic of the Congo. The organization helps vulnerable people in difficult situations and...

Fountain Bulubandi

Aims, Objectives of the Church / Ministries  To fulfill great commission of Jesus Christ by proclaiming the Word of God to all mankind (Mathew 28:19-20)  To instruct and nature men, women and children in the Christian Faith and Holy living (Ephesians 4:1).  To demonstrate God’s love and...

Zo Indigenous Forum (ZIF)

Zo Indigenous Forum (ZIF) is a human rights-based indigenous people’s organization founded in 2009 in Mizoram, Northeast India. Its main objective is for the protection of and promotion of human rights, in particular to the social, economic and cultural rights of Zo indigenous peoples. Its...

Adult Literacy and Entrepreneurship Association - ALEA

ALEA – MISSION To work with poor and marginalized people to eradicate poverty and to conserve the Environment by overcoming the injustice and inequality that cause it.AIMS AND ACTIVITIES 1. Adult Literacy 2. Environmental conservation (Trees and Fruits trees planting, proper waste...

One Love Community

One Love aims at bringing people across races and social classes together to forget about their difference to share, network, exchange culture and talent amongst one another through their music, food and creative engagement as a means of harmony, peace and unity to the community. A platform where...

Ssamba Foundation

Ssamba Foundation is a registered non-profit community development organization. Operating in Mukono district, this Foundation manages a wide range of sustainable development and humanitarian projects since 2006. Ssamba Foundation addresses some of the most pervasive problems in rural Uganda,...

The Ubusha Foundation

The Ubusha Foundation (TUF) is a multifaceted nonprofit organization (NPO) with a mission of changing lives, improving livelihoods, setting platforms for socio-economic inclusion, and creating a culture of innovative problem solving. The organisation has a focus on children, youths and women as...

Africa ICT Right

Africa ICT Right (AIR) is an ICT-oriented NGO established in 2007 and run by a team of volunteers. AIR was established in order to use Information and Communication Technology (ICT) tools to address critical national problems pertaining to the education, agriculture, gender, youth empowerment and...

Shine Epilepsy Support Organization

Shine Epilepsy Support is a Non-Governmental Organization based in Nairobi, Kenya that is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life of people (children, young people and adults) with epilepsy through information, education, advocacy, support services and research throughout Kenya. Shine...

Power of Holy Spirit children's Organization

Power Of Holy Spirit Children's Organization exists to advocate for children by designing programs that meet their needs through a holistic approach in Uganda.

UCESCO - Kenya

UCESCO Africa, Kenya is a charity Non-Governmental Organization in Africa, committed to support vulnerable women and children in urban informal settlements and marginalized rural villages through education, health and micro-business assistance in order to lift whole families out of poverty and...

Shule Foundation Inc

Shule Foundation is a registered 501C3 organization working in Uganda that works exclusively with boys ranging in age from 6 to 18 who are living on the streets of Kampala and Mbale. Through various programs - outreaches, skills training, family reunification, sponsorship, counselling and...

Elimu Yetu Development Organization

Elimu Yetu cooperates to provide free education for children, youth, and adults. The mission is to help everyone develop their talents, such as confidence, hope, and strength, to further their own goals, so they can become leaders for their community and overcome the challenges of the future.

Alliance of Slum Media Organisations

Established in 2016, Alliance of Slum Media Organisations is an alliance of media organisations working with children, youth and their communities, providing opportunities to nurture talent in arts and media, create jobs, and communicate key messages critical to societal change. The media...

International Youth Council - Yemen (IYCY)

IYCY is a leading, independent and neutral non-governmental organization, working nationwide at different levels to promote equitable, inclusive, safe, resilient, sustainable development, deliver humanitarian assistances, and other relevant interventions for a better life and wellbeing of...

New Life Fellowship, Phnom Penh Thmey Verified non-profit organisation

We are a Christian Church that believes in wholistic ministry and touching our community. We do dorm ministry, providing housing for poor students from rural areas to continue higher education in the city. We have a Skills Training School where we teach computers, English, and other office...