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Care for African Kids

Care for African Kids (CFAK) is an NGO in Uganda. CFAK takes care of 225 children at its orphanage centre in Gomba and Wakiso districts where it also provides health and education programmes. CFAK also assists people affected by HIV/AIDS, including widows, young peope, people with disabilities...

Muslims in Need Charity Organisation

The Muslims in Need Charity Organisation is a Ugandan NGO that aims to support vulnerable Muslims, including orphans and widows. Support includes the provision of education (the organisation has built a school), help with food and accommodation and support for income generating activities. The...

Foundation for Health and Social Economic Development Africa

The Foundation for Health and Social Economic Development (HESED) Africa is a Kenyan NGO that addresses problems facing children, women and youth in the context of health and social economic empowerment while integrating cross cutting issues such as HIV/AIDS, human rights, peace building and...

The International Good Samaritan Mission/Mission for Improvement and Boosting Organizational Services to the Community (MIBOS)

The Mission for Improvement and Boosting Organisational Services to the Communities (MIBOS) is an NGO comprising a number of community groups in and around Kigoma, Tanzania. MIBOS undertakes and promotes development projects in health care, income generation, nutrition and capacity building...

Fairtrade Africa

Fairtrade Africa is the independent non-profit umbrella organisation representing all Fairtrade certified producers in Africa. Fairtrade Africa is a member of Fairtrade International (FLO) which unites three producer networks (Fairtrade Africa; CLAC – Latin America and the Caribbean; and NAP –...

The Sustainability Consortium

The Sustainability Consortium is an organization of diverse global participants working to make the world more sustainable through better products, services and consumption. It develops and promotes science and integrated tools so that together informed decision making for product sustainability...

Action pour les Droits Humains et l'Amitié (ADHA)

Action pour les Droits Humains et l'Amitié (ADHA) is a Senegalese NGO that works for asylum seekers, refugees and internally displaced persons, promoting their rights and also those of all young people in Africa. ADHA provides legal advice on matters relating to matters relating to asylum...

National Network of Retrenchees for Social and Economic Justice

The National Network of Retrenchees for Social and Economic Justice (NNR) is a Kenyan NGO established by victims of retrenchment in Kenya to articulate the interests of affected people through advocacy, social justice, economic justice and other issues such as HIV/AIDS and the environment. The...

Union International des Voyageurs

Union International des Voyageurs is a Togolese NGO that aims to educate the public and government about the importance of safe travel on roads, in the air and by sea.

Liberia Youth for Peace and Sustainable Development (LYIPSUD)

The Liberia Youth Initiative for Peace and Sustainable Development (LYIPSUD), is. a school based media development NGO, allied to HISJONET, an organisation for journalists that focuses on demanding greater openness and transparency in the Liberian school system through periodic reports on the vices...

Amoon Evangelical Ministry

The Amoon Evangelical Ministry is a Christian organisation in Pakistan that works for the poor and marginalised communities in which it conducts its faith-based activities.

Link Rural Based Organization (LIRUBO)

The Link Rural Based Organization (LIRUBO) is an NGO in Uganda. Since its inception, LIRUBO has trained 700 students in life skills and 70 teachers in life skills and child rights. The organisation has also carried out a Rural Community OVC Intervention project in Kassanda Sub-County, conducting...

Health Digest Foundation

The Health Digest Foundation is an NGO in Ghana that works for the improved well-being of people living in villages and remote areas where social amenities and access to information are limited. The Foundation members are professional journalists and health professionals working in public and...


Deltawomen is an NGO in Nigeria established to influence policy changes to maximize opportunities and equality for women. The organisation aims to to build the capacity of women to escape poverty and deprivation through self-reliance and by empowerment through education.

Sindh Social Welfare Organization

The Sindh Social Welfare Organization (SSWO) is a Pakistani NGO committed to democratic action for everyone. The organisation aims to develop innovative methods for the promotion of sustainable livelihoods and also for environmental regeneration in order to protect resources for future...

Ahimsa International

Ahimsa International is an NGO based in the USA and in South America. The organisation aims to bring to light a scientific diagnosis of the range of social and ecological threats to makind's shared future, and to facilitate access to a spectrum of scientific solutions. The organisation develops ...


Udyama is an Indian NGO in Orissa, working in food security and sustainable rural livelihoods focused action and advocacy. The organization aims to strengthen food security and livelihoods through restoration and sustainable management of natural resources, capacity building of local communities...

Union Syndicale des Agriculteurs (USA)

Union Syndicale des Agriculteurs is an organization in Togo that aims to defend farmers against all forms of illegitimate dealing. The Union also aims to alert the public to problems in regard to national nutrition and to act as an umbrella organisation for all organisations involved in...

World Wide Evangelistic Church

The World Wide Evangelistic Church is a religious organisation that works in Tanzania. In addition to its faith-based activities, the Church is trying to assist various communities to drill wells to help with the current acute water shortage.

Ekwonye Foundation

The Ekwonye Foundation is a Nigerian NGO that aims to relieve poverty, aid the sick and the aged, and to promote the Nigeria through audio-visual productions and entertainment programmes and services. The Foundation provides social services, educational and recreational programmes and activities,...