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Programme d'Appui à la Lutte contre la Pauvreté pour l'Emergence et la Restauration d'un développement durable, en sigle PALPER asbl-RDC

Programme d'Appui à la Lutte contre la Pauvreté pour l'Emergence et la Restauration d'un développement durable, en sigle PALPER asbl-RDC, is a non profit organization who are based in DRC Republic Democratic of the Congo. The organization helps vulnerable people in difficult situations and...

Mark Harwood Photography

Creative documentary photography undertaken on behalf of humanitarian and environmental agencies and charities. Mark is a multi award winning professional photographer with several decades of experience who is now donating his services to good causes worldwide. Also able to write creatively.

Youth Empowerment Society

Youth Empowerment Society (YES-SL) is a youth advocacy and charity community based organization (CBO) that has no political agenda or affiliation and it comprises of people from different social backgrounds. It's based in Kenema District Eastern province, Republic of the Sierra Leone. MOTTO OF...

One World Foundation Africa

One World Foundation Africa runs activities in both the UK and Uganda. The organisation partners with a number of other organisations such as Bukomero Development Foundation to implement some of its projects. In UK, they operate a community centre in East London from where they are engaged in...

DOR Development Organization

To provide Biblical Education through Pastoral Care and Spiritual Growth the worshiping Community. To promote peace and harmony through interfaith and social cultural activities. To provide Emergency Relief programs in Trauma and Natural Disaster in Partnership with INGO's and other institutions.

Association for Sustainable Community Development (ASSCOD)

The Association for Sustainable Community Development (ASSCOD) is a registered NGO working for women's empowerment in Kancheepuram and Thiruvannamalai Districts of Tamilnadu, India. The organisation is certified by the Credibility Alliance for its good governance. It has formed 200 women's,...

Women Initiative To Eradicate Poverty

Women Initiative To Eradicate Poverty empowers women through programmes involving income generation, food security, HIV/AIDS awareness, agriculture, and microfinance.

World Vision Verified non-profit organisation

World Vision is a Christian humanitarian organization dedicated to working with children, families, and communities worldwide to reach their full potential by tackling the causes of poverty and injustice. World Vision serves all people, regardless of religion, race, ethnicity, or gender. We serve...

Joys Memorial Educational Society

Joys Memorial Educational Society provides income generating training programmes for women and schools for the advancement of rural children. Areas of vocational training include soft toy making, printing and dyeing of cloth, tailoring, leather garment work, and making jute goods. Other projects...

YWAM Mercy Ministries International Verified non-profit organisation

YWAM-Mercy is operational in more than 100 countries as it seeks to impact more than 100 million living in absolute poverty in the next 20 years. From agricultural assistance to health care to micro enterprise development, YWAM-Mercy seeks to meet the felt needs of individuals and communities,...


Scientific Educational Development for Community Organization - abbreviated as SEDCO is a registered organisation working for the empowerment of the marginalised children, women and agricultural labourers in Thoothukudi District of Tamilnadu, India. It focuses on addressing the problems and the...

International Relief Friendship Foundation

The International Relief Friendship Foundation (IRFF)responds to the human needs of the global community and covers social concerns. Major projects, though, have emphasized the areas of healthcare and nutrition, primary education (including general literacy, education, vocational and agricultural...

Urban Street Vendors - Lokseva Kendra

Urban Street Vendors Lokseva Kendra is an Indian NGO that encourages poor people in Mumbai to become self-employed and thus improve their quality of life. The organisation provides micro finance for start ups in association with the ICICI Bank in a partnership model, and lobbies for the rights of...

Palash Palli Unnayan Sangstha

Palash Palli Unnayan Sangstha (Palash Association for Rural Development) (PPUS), is a Bangladeshi NGO. PPUS works in partnership with its clients to develop self-reliance and community growth. The organisation aims to be a centre of innovation in rural development through its range of programmes...

World Harvest Verified non-profit organisation

World Harvest is an international relief and development humanitarian organisation that was founded in 1989. World Harvest works with poor people in transforming their lives mainly through health care, food security, micro enterprise, education and awareness process. Initiated in Indonesia, World...

Africa Now

Africa Now assists farmers and small businesses by proving links to bank loans and training in new technologies. Additionally, Africa Now aids producers in expanding distribution into new markets and provides an auditing service for companies that wish to ensure that their business activities are...

Gideons Youth Organisation (GYO)

Gideons Youth Organisation (GYO) works in Uganda among vulnerable children, youths, and their communities through HIV/AIDS education, vocational skills, credit support, and lifeskills training programmes with a Christian motivation. GYO reaches children and youths in schools, villages, and churches...

Partners in Development

Partners In Development (PID) is a nonprofit organization working to alleviate poverty in Haiti, Guatemala, the Mississippi Delta, and Peru through child sponsorships, microfinance loans, housing opportunities and medical care. It is an organization committed to education and economic advancement...

IBC Group Ltd

IBC Group assists SMEs in West-Kazakhstan by creating favourable start up conditions, including provision of additional work places, creation of new jobs, microcredit loans and various consulting services in finance, marketing, business management. IBC Group also conducts computer training,...

Rural Family Life Development Ghana

Rural Family Life Development Ghana is an NGO that aims to assist rural communities and projects in the general area of health, education and micro-finance. The organisation has made donations of equipment to schools and other organisations, and is also involved in a micro-finance project for 40...