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Zahara Women Foundation

The Zahara Women's Foundation is a Nigerian NGO that aims to secure the property inheritance rights of women, end gender-based violence, raise public awareness and press for political action that promotes gender justice and protects women’s human rights. The Foundation's work is based on the...

Action of Human Movement (AHM)

Action of Human Movement (AHM) is an Indian NGO that works for deprived sections of rural youths, women, children and very poor communities in Tamil Nadu. AHM provides health awareness, human rights training and community development projects.

Take Action

Take Action is a Kosovan NGO that was established to advance civil society with particular emphasis on the creation of a democratic environment for all citizens without distinction of nationality, language, race, or religion. Take Action seeks to increase citizen participation locally and more...

Media For Excellence

Media For Excellence is a Ugandan NGO established to help people to improve their lives through training. The organisation is currently working on a fish farming project designed to improve the incomes of participants.

Society for Disabled Women Pakistan

The Society for Disabled Women Pakistan is an NGO that works for and with women with disabilities. The Society aims to raise awareness in the general public of the basic rights of women with disabilities and their right to live independently. The Society's long term aim is to ensure that all girls...

Christian Unity Ministries International

Christian Unity Ministries International is a Zambian NGO. The Ministries runs a school and a school feeding programme. The organisation also sponsors job creation programmes and runs a project for women.

PILI (Charityfor the Development of the People at the Margins)

PILI (Charity for the Development of the People at the Margins) is a South African NGO that works in South Africa and in the war torn zone of the Democratic Republic of Congo and in Burundi,. In South Africa, the charity assists refugees with advice and referrals, vocational skills training and a...

Suri Natun Juger Pratyasha

Suri Natun Juger Pratyasha is an NGO in West Bengal. The organisation undertakes socio-economic development programmes in rural Bengal for the welfare of marginalized communities, in particular, women for whom it provides confidence building programmes, vocational training and income generating...

Pastoral Communities Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies.

Pastoral Communities for Peace and Conflict Studies is a newly established NGO in Kenya. The organisation aims to work in education, health, peace and conflict studies, natural resource management, advocacy and governance.

Hakuna Matata Project

The Hakuna Matata Project is a community based organisation in Kenya. The Project aims to provide a home and shelter for women and children built in an eco-friendly way and to establish a permaculture-designed farm that will provide healthy, nutritious food for the residents. There are also plans...

Voice of Grace Foundation (VGF)

The Voice of Grace Foundation is a women's NGO in Cameroon. The organisation aims to empower rural and urban women and single teenage mothers economically, create awareness and sensitize them on issues pertaining to their rights (health, sexual reproduction and education), to encourage...

Initiative Uganda

Initiative Uganda is a Ugandan NGO established in 2008 by a group of concerned community volunteers in recognition of the plight caused by poverty, ill health and HIV/AIDS. H4HD is committed to empowering and improving on the quality of life of the rural and urban poor through education and ...

The Body Shop Foundation

In 2009, the Body Shop launched a 3-year strategic campaign in partnership with End Child Prostitution, Child Pornography and Trafficking of Children for Sexual Purposes (ECPAT). This was the first campaign of its kind between a major cosmetics company and an international network of local NGOs to...

The SABRE Holdings Foundation inc

The Sabre Holdings Foundation is the humanitarian foundation SABRE HOLDINGS, an American travel technology company that serves the travel and tourism industry by providing software to travel agencies, corporations, travellers, airlines, hotels, car, rail, cruise and tour operators. The holding...

Littlefeet Environmental

Littlefeet Environmental is a UK-based NGO involved in environmental conservation. The organisation's environmental management programme aims to reduce the causes of climate change through addressing the impact of local businesses on the environment and initiating a programme to reduce and...

Disability Initiative for Sustainable Development

The Disability Initiative for Sustainable Development (DISUDE) is a Ugandan NGO. The organisation works on advocacy and capacity building programmes.

Lower Manning Uniting Church

Lower Manning Uniting Church (LMUC) is a congregation based church in Australia. The Uniting Church is an Australian Christian movement which supports justice.

Organisation De Opportunity Uganda

Organisation De Opportunity (ODO) Ugandan is an NGO that reaches out to vulnerable groups. ODO Uganda supports human rights and good governance; gender and women in development; children and young people; health; the environment and natural resource management; public information, education and...

Uganda Voluntary Efforts for Health and Education Promotion

Uganda Voluntary Efforts for Health and Education Promotion is an NGO that is committed to complementing national policies on health and education.

American Autism Association

The American Autism Association’s is an NGO whose aim is to increase awareness of the many and varied difficulties individuals with an Autism Spectrum Disorder face as children and adults. The organisation exists to help low income families struggling with autism to reach their potential and live...