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ROPE (Relief for Oppressed People Everywhere)

ROPE is a UK-based NGO that supports those in the global community who suffer from oppression and poverty. ROPE aims to inspire passion against the injustices of poverty and oppression and convert this passion into concern and action. ROPE works with partner organisations in more than 70 countries...

Alwaleed Bin Talal Humanitarian Foundation

Alwaleed Bin Talal Humanitarian Foundation supports organisations with development projects and humanitarian affairs. It also supports orphans, the handicapped, and needy people as well as rehabilitating juveniles and drug addicts. The organisation encourages education and offers scholarship for...


Afghanaid supports rural communities in Afghanistan by helping them find sustainable solutions to their everyday problems. Afghanaid's work includes the building of bridges and roads to allow food and vital supplies to reach remote areas, and the support of village organisations through food...

World Education – Senegal

World Education (WE) is an international NGO headquartered in the US that provides training and technical assistance to to the nonformal educational sector in 50 countries worldwide. Projects are designed to contribute to individual growth, as well as to community and national development. In...


TrustAfrica, established with the support of the Ford Foundation, is an independent African organisation that collaborates with partner organisations and donors across Africa to develop lasting solutions to challenges such as violence, discrimination and economic isolation through agenda-setting...


Panalfalit, the Panama affiliate of Alfalit International, Inc., seeks to eliminate human suffering that stems from illiteracy. To do so, Panalfalit provides programs in literacy, basic education, preschool, health, nutrition,and community development.

Centre de Promotion des Investissements (CIP)

Centre de Promotion des Investissements (CIP) provides information about investments in Niger, the necessary formalities for investments and creating new organisations, and the present conditions and opportunities for investments.

Humanitarian Aid Commission

The Humanitarian Aid Commission (H.A.C.) is a Togolese NGO established to promote cooperation and integration in order to create an economic and monetary union for promoting economic growth and development in Africa. Currently, H.A.C. has established a network of parliamentarians from 32 African...

International Lawyers and Economists Against Poverty (ILEAP)

ILEAP’s launch was motivated by the realisation that developing countries needed to be able to better influence the terms on which they were engaging and integrating with the global economy. This view was quickly augmented with the further understanding that by better reflecting their interests in...

Ford Foundation

The Ford Foundation works to reduce poverty and injustice, strengthen democracy, promote international cooperation and advance human achievement by funding projects that build knowledge and strengthen organisations and networks. Grants must be for charitable, educational or scientific activities,...

Action solidaire pour un développement entretenu à la base (ASDEB)

Action solidaire pour un développement entretenu à la base (ASDEB) assists in the fight against HIV/AIDS and works to improve the health and living conditions of communities within Togo. ASDEB also helps women to enhance their role in the development of their communities.

Upliftment Jamaica

Upliftment Jamaica upgrades and refurbishes schools, provides school scholarships, and promotes technology in schools. The organisation implements farming and vocational education projects; offers various sports and leisure programmes; provides food daily for people in immediate need; conducts...

Ali Welfare Society

Ali Welfare Society is an organisation which participates in different welfare programmes and coordinates with many welfare organisations. It aims to alleviate poverty, help the poor generate their own income independently and help the agriculture sector to stand on its own feet.

Ananda Marga Universal Relief Team (AMURT) Global Network

Ananda Marga Universal Relief Team (AMURT) has established teams in thirty-four countries to create a network that can meet development and disaster needs almost anywhere in the world. AMURT seeks local solutions and relies on field directors who are based in the areas in which they serve....

Le Centre National d'Etudes et d'Analyses pour la Population et le Développement (CENEAP)

Since 1980, Le Centre National d'Etudes et d'Analyses pour la Population et le Développement (CENEAP) is a national scientific and technical Algerian organisation that conducts general and specialised studies to promote sustainable development, provides information systems engineering and data...

Society for International Development

The Society for International Development (SID) is an international network of individuals and organisations facilitating dialogue and knowledge-sharing as a way to strengthen local innovations and projects. SID participates in regional and global programmes focused around the network's key...

CARE USA - Mozambique

CARE USA is an affiliate of the CARE organisation - one of the world's largest private humanitarian organisations. Founded in 1945, CARE is committed to helping families in poor communities CARE works with poor communities in more than 70 countries through various programmes intended to provide...

ChildFund Australia

ChildFund Australia is a child-focused NGO that works directly with community leaders and families in developing countries to create lasting and meaningful change. ChildFund Australia strive to make the world a safer, healthier and happier place for children by designing programs that support...

International Service

International Service (IS) is a development agency working in Latin America, West Africa and the Middle East. It is the oldest of the British volunteer sending agencies and IS partners with local organisations in these areas which work on a range of aid and development projects . It also seeks to...

Youth With A Mission (YWAM) - China

Youth With A Mission (YWAM) is an international Christian organization with the aim of spreading the love of God through helping with the practical and physical needs of people around the world and training Christians to serve others in a variety of fields. The framework for their work in China is...