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Anti Domestic Violence Coalition (ADVC)

The Anti Domestic Violence Coalition (ADVC) is an NGO in Uganda. The organisation aims to highlight issues surrounding domestic violence by helping couples reconcile and by providing counselling to victims. The organisation runs a temporary shelter for people affected by domestic violence, and ...

Nature Care Tanzania

Nature Care Tanzania is a recently established Tanzanian NGO. The organisation aims to assist in eradicating poverty through environmental conservation. Currently, Nature Care is conducting training on environmental awareness and the need for conservation in a number of local schools.

M25 Ministries

M25 Ministries is an American Christian organisation that sends missions to Romania and developing countries in order to spread the Christian message and to assist needy communities in various ways. In Romania, for example, the organisation has provided medical asisstance to people from the Roma...

Action for Environmental Sustainability (AFES)

Action for Environmental Sustainability (AFES) is a Malawian NGO. The organisation aims to address environmental degradation and poverty in communities of Malawi. Current activities include forestry regeneration initiatives, sustainable energy, environmental advocacy and awareness raising, and...

Emerge Youth Sports

Emerge Youth Sports is a Ghanaian NGO committed to teaching lifeskills through sports. The organisation aims to ensure that every child walks away with an understanding of teamwork, respect, sportsmanship, responsibility, focus and leadership skills.

4 The People Service Organization

4 The People Service Organization is a charitable organization in India. The organisation works with and for people in rural and tribal areas building orphanages and introducing technical education to financially backward students. The organisation also provides support to the elderly, works in...

Science and Technology Outreach and Intervention Network (STORINET)- Uganda

Science and Technology Outreach and Intervention Network (STORINET-UGANDA) is an NGO that researches and implements solutions targeted on the development of science and technology in areas related to development. The organisation aims to demystify science and technology, broaden the scope of...

Looking unto Jesus Ministry

The Looking Unto Jesus Ministry is an NGO in Andrha Pradesh, India. In addition to its faith-based activities, the organisation cares for orphans and runs medical camps. The Minsitry is also planning to build a hostel for physically disadvanted people, and is already supporting five mentally and...

Lore & Light Society

The Lore and Light Society is an NGO in Pakistan that aims to support deprived communities in various ways, particularly in regard to the improvement of health and education services for those living in rural areas. The Society focuses on awareness raising in regard to hygiene, the need for...

Network of Peace Movement (NOPM)

The Network of Peace Movement (NOPM) is a Kosovan NGO. The organisation promotes peace building and conflict resolution in order to develop and promote a peaceful, tolerant and democratic environment for all communities living in Kosovo. NOPM promotes civil society among young people by aiming to...

Sub Sahara Conservation Network (Saconet)

The Sub Sahara Conservation Network (Saconet)is an NGO dedicated to conserving and preserving the environment of Uganda for development. Saconet establishes partnerships with groups keen on exploring lasting solutions to environmental problems and thus assist in reducing poverty.

Agalean One Komyuniti (A1K) Association INC

The Agalean One Komyuniti (A1K) Association INC is an NGO in Papua New Guinea. The aims of the organisation are to promote community development, to act as a medium for dialogue between the community and all forms of government, CBO, NGO, development partners and other organizations, to promote...

Society for Advancement of Rural Communities (SARC)

The Society for the Advancement of Rural Communities (SARC) is an NGO in Pakistan. The Society aims to create and maintain a conducive environment for rural communities and promote participatory democracy.

Youth for Life - Kenya

Youth for Life - Kenya is a community based organization. The organization's main aim is to assist in developing empowered, healthy, responsible and self-reliant young people. Youth for Life strives to reach out to young people in and out of school with initiatives that target health, education,...

Integrated Development Forum (IDF)

The Integrated Development Forum (IDF) is a local Bangladeshi NGO. The organisation works on a range of issues including education, health and poverty alleviation; safe water supply and sanitation; food security and livelihood development; environment and climate change; HIV/Aids and advocacy....

LifeCare Ghana

LifeCare Ghana (LIFECARE) is an NGO that works for underserved women and children in the areas of education, human rights, food security, environment, and water and sanitation. LIFECARE has trained 15 women's groups in group dynamics, soap making, pomade production, rabbit rearing and small...

AGIR Ensemble

AGIR Ensemble is an NGO based in Goma, Democratic Republic of Congo. The organisation works in development and health. In particular, the organisation focuses on public health, hygiene, water and sanitation, cancer and tobacco control, HIV/AIDS, palliative care and nutrition. AGIR Ensemble also...

Serve the Nation

Serve the Nation (STN) is an NGO in Pakistan based in South Punjab. The organisation works in education, rural development and emergency relief. STN also runs a water and sanitation project. STN takes a participatory approach in its work, and aims to empower its client groups, particularly women...

Mountains of Hope Children's Ministries

Mountains of Hope Children’s Ministries is an NGO that cares for orphans and destitute children in Uganda. Currently, the organisation cares for 28 children in its orphanage, and runs three programmes: the necklace project, where children are taught to make necklaces that can be sold to raise money...

Commonwealth Peoples Association of Uganda (CPAUG) Verified non-profit organisation

The Commonwealth Peoples Association-Uganda (CPAUG) is an NGO that works primarily on advocacy promoting the values of the Commonwealth. The organisation has implemented several programmes focusing on information advocacy targetting young people in and out of school. Topics discussed at meetings,...