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The Asia Foundation

The Asia Foundation is a non-profit NGO that is committed to the development of a prosperous and open Asia-Pacific region. It has four areas of particular interest: Governance Law and Civil Society, Women's Participation, Economic Reform and Development, and International Development. It undertakes...

African Development Foundation (ADF)

The United States African Development Foundation is an independent Federal agency established to support African-designed and African-driven solutions that address grassroots economic and social problems. The grants help organizations create tangible benefits such as increasing or sustaining...

Opportunity International UK

Opportunity International's mission is to provide opportunities that enable people suffering chronic poverty to transform their lives by creating jobs, stimulating small businesses and strengthening communities. OI works through independent local partners who provide small business loans, savings...

Yayasan IDEP Foundation

Yayasan IDEP Foundation is an Indonesian NGO established in response to the economic crisis of 1999. The organisation works with local communities to develop sustainable food production programmes, and is involved in environmental education and campaigning, and in micro-credit projects. IDEP has...

Karuna Trust

Karuna Trust is a voluntary organisation dedicated to improving the living standards of materially poor people in Sri Lanka.

CARE International - UK

Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere (CARE) is an independent humanitarian organisation working to end world poverty with programmes in 87 countries. CARE helps support primary health care, promote sustainable agriculture, develop savings and loan schemes to enable the promotion of...

Mercy Corps Uzbekistan

Mercy Corps Uzbekistan, a country office of Mercy Corps International, works alongside local governments and private organisations to address the underlying causes of social tension and conflict in the Ferghana Valley with programmes that take a multifaceted approach to improving civil society,...

International Labour Organization (ILO) Office for China and Mongolia (ILO - Beijing)

International Labour Organization (ILO) Office for China and Mongolia (ILO - Beijing) works in close collaboration with the government, the workers' and employers' organizations to promote decent work for all. ILO - Beijing assists the Chinese government with labour market policies, social security...

International Fund for Agriculture and Develpment (IFAD) - China

International Fund for Agriculture and Develpment (IFAD; a specialized agency of the United Nations) - China funds projects including land improvement, irrigation and water conservation, as well as food, cash-crop, livestock and fish production. Most activities are funded through IFAD-supported...

OneWorld - Africa

OneWorld Africa, a not for profit organisation and part of the OneWorld online network, is committed to utilising the internet and other technologies to bring the voices of African people to a global audience and make visible their contributions to sustainable development and human rights promotion...

Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID)

The Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID), or Inter-American Development Bank, was established in 1959 to support economic development and regional integration among Latin American and the Caribbean nations. As the largest and oldest regional development bank, it uses a variety of tools to...

Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)

Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) is Japan's international development agency through which overseas development aid is provide to developing countries. JICA currently works in more than 150 countries and regions worldwide focusing on the alleviation of poverty, protection for...

Women's Opportunity Network (WON)

Women's Opportunity Network, a sub-section of Opportunity International, focuses its resources primarily upon providing microfinance services to women in underdeveloped areas. The organisation operates through local partner organisations to provide microcredit - small loans, training and counsel,...

Five Talents International

Five Talents International is committed to combating poverty in the developing world by equipping the poor with small business training and microfinance programmes. The majority of businesses are in food production and sales, street vendors, brick manufacturing, shoe making, carpentry, auto repair,...

TEAR Australia Inc.

TEAR Australia Inc. supports the development and relief work of 94 partner organisations in 25 countries. TEAR Australia oversees the secondment of fieldworkers to partner organisations in the Third World, and runs Development Exposure Programmes, introducing participants to community development...

Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA)

Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA) monitors financial accountability of non-profits in the US. Members must comply with guidelines on responsible stewardship. ECFA also has a Donor's Bill of Rights, and a large network of members. ECFA provides accreditation to leading...

Australian Charities Fund

The Australian Charities Fund was founded in order to facilitate individual giving to charities, through incremental payroll donations from both employees and employers. The Workplace Giving programmes enable employees to make regular contributions to their preferred charities in an...

Foundation Center

Established in 1956, the Foundation Center is one of the leading source of information about philanthropy worldwide. Through data, analysis, and training, it connects people who want to change the world to the resources they need to succeed. The Center maintains the most comprehensive database on...

Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) - Australia

Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) is a charity dedicated to getting the best for other charities and their donors. Founded in the United Kingdom in 1924, and in Australia in 1999, they are committed to facilitating the most effective and efficient ways to connect donors to the causes that matter to...

Wholistic Transformation Resource Center (WTRC)

WTRC helps development organisations involved in micro enterprise programmes, and seeks, on a global and regional scale, to facilitate the distribution and sharing of information and services needed by the micro enterprise sector. WTRC wants to see strong local churches that are self-sustaining,...