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Alliance for Development

Alliance for Development is a Ghanain NGO that works for sustainable development in four thematic areas: environment ggriculture and food; trade, employment and education; health and Energy; and governance, leadership and democracy.

Peace and Development Consortium (PDC ) Pakistan

The Peace and Development Consortium (PDC) is a Pakistani NGO that aims to work on a range of issues related to sustainable development and is currently looking for funding to enable it to set itself to undertake a range of projects in health, education and other sectors.

Pretty Development for Poverty Reduction

Pretty Development for Poverty Reduction (PDPR) is a Tanzanian NGO that serves women, children, young people and marginalized groups including small scale farmers and small businessmen in rural areas. The organization aims to provide aid on legal matters, support environmental conservation...

Gennesaret Development Foundation

Gennesaret Development Foundation is a youth focused NGO which seeks to contribute to economic growth and human development across sub-Saharan Africa

Development Initiatives and Care Enterprise (DEVICE)

The Development Initiatives and Care Enterprise (DEVICE) is a Ugandan NGO that works on issues facing women, children and young people with a view to building a responsible and productive community. Activities include education and training, health promotion and livelihood development. DEVICE also...

Poverty Relief Aid

The aims and objectives of POVERTY RELIEF AID are to improve the lives of poor families and communities by offering life saving during emergencies, implementing rehabilitation and long term development programmes. To fulfill the objectives the poor and underprivileged are assisted by providing them...

Creative Action for Rural Development (CARD)

Creative Action for Rural Development (CARD) is an Indian NGO that works for Dalits in rural areas. Activities in which CARD has been engaged for the past 25 years include the development of micro-credit, community health, education and the encouragement of women's empowerment. ...

Strategies for Northern Development

Strategies for Northern Development (SND) is a Kenyan NGO that aims to encourage and support local initiatives that enhance sustainable development through the adoption of cutting edge technologies and approaches. SND promotes the use of local resources, appreciation of local knowledge and...

Mbonweh Women's Development Association

The Mbonweh Women's Development Association is a women-led NGO in Cameroon that strives for equal justice and fair treatment of all irrespective of gender. The Association works a range of initiatives including education and vocational training, sustainable agriculture, women's empowerment,...

Youth for Sustainable Development Organization

The Youth for Sustainable Development Organization (YSDO) is a Tanzanian NGO that is committed to creating awareness among young people in regard to their responsibilities as future citizens. YSDO runs programmes on a range of issues, including entrepreneurship, life skills, self esteem, ICT and...

Sustainable Development for Vulnerable People of Bangladesh

Sustainable development for Vulnerable People of Bangladesh is an organization building employment skills and capability of young people. It’s creating new jobs and employment; Helping different Govt. Immunization, Vitamin A Capsule distribution Projects; Regularly organizing free eye camp &...

Lessfortunate And Needy Victims Development Foundation (LANVIDEF)

The Lessfortunate And Needy Victims Development Foundation (LANVIDEF) is a Sierra Leonian NGO that assists the poor as well as those in crises and conflicts. LANVIDEF aims to sustain and strengthen grass roots communities in slum and rural areas and works on issues related to human rights and...

Opening the Door to Development Technology to Rural People (ODDTRP)

Opening the Door to Development Technology to Rural People (ODDTRP) is a NGO that works to change the structure and processes that perpetuate poverty and suffering among the economically poor, vulnerable, disadvantaged and marginalized groups in the community. They aim to mobilize...

Bangladesh Centre for Human Rights and Development (BCHRD)

Bangladesh Centre for Human Rights and Development (BCHRD) was founded in 1994 as a follow up to the national non-government, non-profit, non-political human rights and humanitarian aid organization entitled “National Trauma free Bangladesh and property reduction.” BCHRD focus on the rehabilitation...

Society for Education and Rural Development

The Society for Education and Rural Development' is an Indian NGO working for rural people in need. It provides vocational training for the unemployed, as well as watershed management, and conducts awareness programmes on HIV, RTI acts of 2005 and 2010 as well as women's and children's rights. The...

Butakoola Village Association for Development

HISTORICAL BACKGROUND: Butakoola Village Association for Development (BUVAD) is a not for profit organization operational in rural areas of Kayunga District in Uganda (East Africa). BUVAD started its work way back in 2006 as a Community Based Organization (CBO) operational in Kayunga Sub County,...

Holistic Rehabilitation And Skills Development Centre

Holistic Rehabilitation And Skills Development Centre is a faith based non-profit organization with a vision of empowering the marginalized communities which are poverty stricken and impoverished. Therefore they are able to address their poverty challenges and the skills learnt promote the...

Burwodo Rural Development Foundation

Burwodo Rural Development Foundation is a Ugandan NGO that works on issues relating to education, environmental sustainability, HIV/AIDS, farming, capacity building, and health and sanitation.

Shakina Dalit Christians Empowerment and Development Trust

Shakina Dalit Christians Empowerment and Development Trust is an Indian NGO that works for the eradication of untouchability among all the people of India and for the socio, educational and the economic development of Dalits particularly the eighteen million Dalits who profess Christianity. The...

Relief and Development Services Association (REDESA)

Relief and Development Services Association (REDESA) is a Tanzanian NGO that promotes self help activities, community development and vocational training.