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Ashoka's mission is to develop the profession of social entrepreneurship around the world. It does so through stipends and professional services that allow "Ashoka Fellows" to focus full time on their ideas for leading social change in education and youth development, health care, environment,...
Virtual Foundation
The Virtual Foundation is an online philanthropy programme that supports grassroots initiatives around the world. Carefully screened, community improvement projects (range $100 - $5000) run by NGOs are in the fields of environment, health and sustainable development. These projects can then be...
Proshika, a NGO is dedicated to training, education and action within poor districts through a broad range of programmes. The programmes are supported by research activities and advocacy campaigns PROSHIKA's mission is to conduct an extensive, intensive, and participatory process of sustainable...
Africare's programmes address needs in the principal areas of food security and agriculture as well as health and HIV/AIDS. Africare also supports water resource development, environmental management, basic education, micro enterprise development, governance initiatives and emergency humanitarian...
Japan Foundation Centre
The Japan Fund for Global Environment (JFGE) Grants Program provides financial assistance for conservation programmes carried out by NGOs both in Japan and in developing countries. It also provides support for NGO programmes working for the conservation of the global environment.
Third World Network Africa
Research and Advocacy on issues of social and economic policy that advances the needs and interests of peoples of African and other third world countries (especially marginalized social groups), a fair distribution of world’s resources, and forms of development which are sustainable and fulfil...
Asian Rural Institute
This NGO aims to build a sustainable and peaceful society by training rural leaders from developing countries. the Asian Rural Institute (ARI) is an international training ground for grassroots rural leaders. Each year we conduct a nine-month Rural Leaders Training Program on Sustainable...
Asian Women's Empowerment Project
Women's NGO that aims to empower female immigrant workers from Southeast Asia and reduce their exploitation within the sex industry
Romanian Aid Foundation
The Romanian Aid Foundation works with Romanian people to bring help to the needy. They distribute clothing, furniture, food, kitchen equipment, bedding and basic medical equipment, to improve the lives of people in rural communities. Projects include supporting hospitals and clinics, schools and...
Eurasia Foundation (EF) - Russia
New Eurasia Foundation (FNE) is a Russian nonprofit organization that works to consolidate the efforts and resources of the public, private, and nongovernmental sectors and implement social and economic development programs at the regional and local levels that are based on the most advanced...
Association of Youth Support
The Association of Youth Support - Kazakhstan provides assistance to young adults in finding employment or starting their own businesses. It also helps youth locate opportunities for professional development or continuation of secondary education, and conducts workshops on leadership skills.
Helping Hands Outreach
Helping Hands has emerged as one of the leading organization in Georgia, U.S., dedicated to providing health care education to the community at large. Helping Hands has partnered with local government, school systems, health clinics, businesses, faith base institutions, non-profits, and community...
Pragma Corporation
Pragma Corporation provides technical and management consulting services for development projects worldwide. It focus on helping countries develop the foundation for economic growth through areas including small and medium enterprise development, banking, trade and investment facilitation and...
Agency for the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises in Kazakhstan (ASMED)
The Agency for the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises in Kazakhstan (ASMED) is a project funded by the European Union's regional development programme. ASMED aims to strengthen the SME sector in Kazakhstan and thus to improve the general economic situation of the country,
South American Missionary Society (SAMS)
The South American Missionary Society (SAMS) is a faith-based charity, involved in activities including funding programmes in the area of medical outreach, rural community development, micro-enterprise development and orphanages. SAMS is committed to working in partnership with churches in...
United States Agency for International Development (USAID) - Sierra Leone
USAID is an independent agency that supports long-term economic and social development through policy dialogue, conflict prevention, technology transfer in sectors such as health, agriculture, education and housing, and promotion of trade and investment. U.S. assistance is channelled through...
American Jewish World Service
American Jewish World Service, Inc. ("AJWS"), a not-for-profit international development organization motivated by Judaism's imperative to pursue justice. AJWS is dedicated to alleviating poverty, hunger and disease among the people of the developing world regardless of race, religion or...
Inter-American Development Bank; Sustainable Development Department
The Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise Division (MSM) of the Inter-American Development Bank is responsible for coordinating and implementing the Bank's strategy in relation to micro, small and medium enterprises. The objective of the Bank's strategy is to promote the conditions necessary for the...
Bulgarian Child
Bulgarian Child offers humanitarian aid, vocational and academic education, and hospice care to orphans in Bulgaria.
Kenya Disabled Development Society (KDDS)
The Kenya Disabled Development Society (KDDS) was established to develop the disabled persons educationally, socially and economically, through programmes designed to empower and generate income for disabled beneficiaries. Future projects includes developing a database of accessible tourism,...