Search Results

Uganda National Association of the Hard of Hearing (UNAHOH)

Uganda National Association of the Hard of Hearing (UNAHOH) is an NGO and the Umbrella Organization for all Hard of hearing Associations in Uganda, that aims to draw attention to the needs of people with hearing difficulties. The organisation also offers vocational training, including business...

Women Support and Health Care (WOSHEC)

Women Support and Health Care (WOSHEC) is a NGO in Uganda that aims to promote the participation of women in community development and women's empowerment. The organisation works on issues related to health and education. Current projects include a back yard gardening scheme, a women's community...

The Gracias Foundation

The Gracias Foundation is a US-based NGO that aims to restore dignity and the opportunity for sustainable development to survivors of violence and trauma in a number of African countries. The organisation works through grassroots commnunity projects involving women, children and young people.

Devcorps Incorporated

Devcorps Incorporated is a Liberian NGO that promotes sustainable development through community engagement, capacity building and action research. The organisation works through education, micro-enterprise development, agricultural and health programmes for poor and marginalised groups,...

Society For Integrated Rural Development (SFIRD)

The Society For Integrated Rural Development (SFIRD) is an Indian NGO that works with Dalits, tribes, marine fisher-folk, minorities and other marginalised sections of the community who are powerless, voiceless and exploited. The organisation aims to improve village life for these communities...

Asante Mama

Asante Mama is a Ugandan NGO that aims to help women to increase their income and improve their health. The organisation's main objective is to provide women with opportunities to develop economically, Women are encouraged to create groups in order develop through networking. Asante Mama also...

Abexinah Orphans and Vulnerable Community

Abexinah Orphans and Vulnerable Community is a rural Ugandan CBO. The organisation's main aim is to empower women , young people, vulnerable children and orphans. To this end, it runs a savings and credit scheme. Other activities include livestock rearing , crop production, supplies for...

Child Aid Development Foundation International (CADFIN)

Child Aid Development Foundation International (CADFIN) is a Cameroonian NGO that works for the benefit of economically and socially disadvantage rural children, youth and women. CADFIN is involved in awareness raising, community health care, environmental protection, HIV/AIDS awareness and...

Ggood News Jail and Prisoner Welfare Society

Good News Jail and Prisoner Welfare Society is an Indian NGO. The Society provides a range of programmess for prisoners and ex-prisoners and their families. The organisation provides facilities for prisoners, and offers emotional support and counselling to inmates. Rehabilitation services include...

Gender Equality and Women Empowerment for Development (GWEFODE)

Gender Equality and Women Empowerment for Development (GWEFODE) is a Ugandan NGO. The organisation promotes the interests of women and girls, and is involved in a range of programmes including human rights and good governance; HIV/AIDS and malaria prevention; sexual / reproductive and child health...

Association for Peoples Empowerment (APEM)

Association for People's Empowerment (APEM) International is an NGO in Sierra Leone. The organisation is involved in gender and leadership transformation projects, HIV/AIDS prevention, advocacy, food security, human rights education and disaster preparedness.

Gmapetro Community Development Limited

Gmapetro Community Development Limited is a Kenyan NGO that helps its members by mobilizing resources and through micro-credit. The organisation also provides training on HIV/AIDS.

Horn of Africa Peace Network (HAPEN)

The Horn of Africa Peace Network (HAPEN) is an NGO based in Kenya that aims to build peace and security through working with local communities to improve their living conditions. The organisation focuses on livelihood development, water and sanitation projects, education and advocacy.

Empowerment for Sustainable Livelihood

The Empowerment for Sustainable Livelihood (EFSL) is a Ghanaian NGO that aims to promote small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) and to encourage trade. The organisation is also interested in gender empowerment, environmental management, capacity building and sustainable development in Ghana and...

Synergy- Uganda

Synergy Uganda is an indigenous NGO that works on health education and maternal health issues, sets up micro-finance initiatives and loan schemes, and sponsors education and agricultural projects. The organisation also works on peace-building initiatives.

Entreprise Coopérative Kalembelembe (Ecookal)

Entreprise Coopérative Kalembelembe (Ecookal) is an NGO based in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The organisation aims to protect the natural resources of the area in which it is based, and to improve the socio-economic conditions of the community. Ecookal provides loans to members and helps them...

SUKH Human Development Welfare Foundation (SHDWF)

SUKH Human Development Welfare Foundation (SHDWF) is an NGO in Pakistan. The organisation conducts training in sewing and tailoring, computers and other business skills for women. SHDWF also runs a micro-finance scheme for women, and runs awareness training sessions for women and children. ...

Regional Noncommercial Welfare Fund

The Regional Noncommercial Welfare Fund (RNWF) is a Russian organisation that promotes activities in the field of education, science, culture, art, education, and personal development. The Fund provides assistance to victims of natural disaster and social, national and religious conflicts and...

African Community Development Foundation

The African Community Development Foundation is an NGO in Kenya. The Foundation was established by market businesswomen to help them to expand their businesses. The organisation provides loan to smallholder farmers and women using a solidarity group-lending model, and also provides training in...


SAAHASEE is an Indian NGO that has been working for the development of the urban poor for the last two decades. The organisation is actively engaged in participatory community development among a slum population of close to 300,000 people in Mumbai and Delhi. SAAHASEE focuses on the sustainable...