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Fondation Didé
Fondation Didé has programmes to improve the conditions of detention by supporting local initiatives and respecting local customs. Programmes supported by Didé include the creation of separate units of detention for women and minors, the provision of education in the form of literacy and...
KHULA Enterprise Finance Limited
Khula Enterprise Finance Limited is an agency of South Africa's Department of Trade and Industry (DTI). It was established to facilitate access to finance for small and medium size business. Khula provides assistance through various delivery channels including commercial banks, retail financial...
Small & Medium Enterprise Developers (SMED)
Small&Medium Enterprise Developers (SMED) is committed to the development of Small&Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Sri Lanka. SMEs can obtain the latest global information on business, finance, competition or on any other economic indicator through the SMED website. The site aims to be a...
Arche noVa - Initative for people in need
arche noVa - initiative for people in need is a non-profit NGO working primarily in the fields of humanitarian aid, development cooperation and education. Regardless of the victims' ethnicity and ideology Arche noVa supports all those who suffer as a result of war, suppression and natural...
ACCION International is a non-profit that fights poverty through micro lending. It provides microcredit and training to micro enterprise entrepreneurs. ACCION also offers an internship programme that provides an opportunity to learn about microenterprise development.
Small Enterprise Assistance Funds (SEAF)
Small Enterprise Assistance Funds (SEAF), an international fund company, aims to encourage entrepreneurs in emerging markets and help sustain the new economy. SEAF invests in small and medium size businesses that are unable to obtain long-term equity due to their size or location and provide...
Five Talents International
Five Talents International is committed to combating poverty in the developing world by equipping the poor with small business training and microfinance programmes. The majority of businesses are in food production and sales, street vendors, brick manufacturing, shoe making, carpentry, auto repair,...
Oikocredit International
Oikocredit International, one of the largest financiers of the microfinance sector worldwide, promotes global justice by challenging people, churches and others to share their resources through socially responsible investments and by empowering disadvantaged people with credit. Oikocredit finances...
Trickle Up Program
Based in New York City, the Trickle Up Program helps the poorest of the poor (with special focus on women, youth and other disadvantaged groups) take their first step up out of poverty through microfinance. Trickle Up helps them start their own businesses by providing capital and teaching them...
Banking With The Poor Network
The Banking With The Poor Network (BWTP) is a network of some 20 national policy institutions, commercial banks and NGOs involved in microfinance and microcredit from eight countries in Asia - namely Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka and Thailand. Its...
CHF International
CHF International aims to be a catalyst for long-lasting positive change in low- and moderate-income communities around the world, helping them to improve their social, economic and environmental conditions.
Initiative Support Foundation
The Initiative Support Foundation was created in September 1996 to help support civic initiatives in the areas of democratization, small business development, and human rights. It also supports projects addressing the preservation of cultural history and the protection of national minorities.
International Finance Corporation
The International Finance Corporation promotes private sector development through its investment, technical assistance and advisory work. They provide support for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises through a central SME Department.
Calmeadow is a NGO with operations based in San José, Costa Rica. Since 1985 Calmeadow has supported innovative ideas in microfinance; ideas that promote greater levels of efficiency and outreach through the commercial provision of financial services to low-income borrowers and microentrepreneurs....
Integra Foundation
The Integra Venture is a network of community economic agencies in Central and Eastern Europe. They offer practical and professional help for entrepreneurs to start and grow their business. They provide finance and entrepreneurial training to help the poor climb out of poverty. They also promote...
Village Enterprise Fund (VEF)
Village Enterprise Fund (VEF) combines business training, seed capital grants, and ongoing mentoring to qualified rural entrepreneurs in East Africa to create sustainable income-generating businesses. Village Enterprise plays a unique role in the poverty reduction and microenterprise development...
Bridge for Africa Foundation (Bridge for Africa)
Bridge for Africa Foundation (Bridge for Africa) is dedicated to promoting self-sufficiency and the dignity of work in rural Africa. Bridge for Africa and its partners work with African artisan groups to create, and market unique handmade African items for sale in the U.S. The artisans are paid a...
Association Al Amana Pour la Promotion des Microentreprises
Association Al Amana Pour la Promotion des Microentreprises promotes micro-enterprise by offering credit and related services.
Community Development Venture Capital Alliance (CDVA)
The Community Development Venture Capital Alliance (CDVCA) is a not for profit network for community development venture capital (CDVC) investing. CDVC funds provide equity capital to businesses in underinvested markets, seeking market-rate financial returns, as well as the creation of good jobs,...
Freeset is a fair trade business that offers employment to women trapped in Kolkota's sex trade. It makes quality jute bags and organic cotton t-shirts, but Freeset's business is freedom. The objective of Freeset is to see the 10,000 sex workers in its neighborhood empowered with the choice of...