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LEPRA Health in Action

LEPRA Health in Action is a health and medical development charity fighting diseases of poverty and working towards a world without leprosy (Hansen's disease). They address not only leprosy prevention and treatment, but also other diseases of poverty including malaria, HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and...

Indonesian Education for Permaculture(IDEP) Foundation

IDEP is a local Indonesian NGO that develops and delivers training, community programs and media about sustainable development. IDEP deliver training in local communities and schools as well as to government and non-government organizations. Their extensive media include films, educational...

Habitat For Humanity - United Kingdom

Habitat for Humanity is a non-denominational Christian charity dedicated to eliminating poverty housing and homelessness. It is committed to promoting decent housing as a human right, implementing projects in communities to help people in need of appropriate housing, and make housing poverty and...

Tree Aid

TREE AID is a dryland/forestry-focused development charity unlocking the potential of trees to reduce poverty and protect the environment in the African Sahel. Its aim is to provide greater understanding of how best to manage and secure long-term access to natural resources as a means to alleviate...


TravelAid is an Oxford-based, student run charity, working with grass-root NGOs in the developing world to alleviate poverty through education and social empowerment. The organization mediates between university students who would like to travel and volunteer during their summer and project sites...

Bina Swadaya

Bina Swadaya is a non-governmental organization, in Indonesia, managing a number of services oriented towards the development of self-reliant communities. Bina Swadaya focuses on the socio-economic development of Indonesia's rural communities through educational publications, training, consulting...

China Charity Federation

China Charity Federation (CCF) is a nationwide non-governmental charity organization whose members, including private citizens, businesses, and social institutions, all work on a voluntary basis for charitable causes. CCF works in a broad range of humanitarian areas, including: providing...

Amouzesh Omeed

Amouzesh Omeed is a not-for-profit corporation that builds schools for poor and disabled children in Iran. One of Omeed's major goals is to help improve access to education by needy children and to improve the quality of education received by children in deprived areas.

One to One Children's Fund

One to One Children's Fund relieves the suffering of children who are innocent victims of poverty, disease and conflict. We remedy and prevent the adverse impact of HIV/AIDS and trauma on children, working hand in hand with communities to develop and implement projects which can be scaled and...

Digital Radio Mondiale (DRM)

Digital Radio Mondiale (DRM) is an international consortium of more than 80 broadcasters, manufacturers, network operators, research institutions, broadcasting unions and regulatory bodies that have created a universal, digital system for AM radio broadcasting bands. DRM is the only universal,...

Friends of Maldives (FOM)

Friends of Maldives (FOM) is a UK-based non-governmental organization, that focuses on bringing human rights abuse and poor governance in the Maldives to the attention of the international community. FOM also provides assistance to the pro-democracy movement and helps strengthen Maldives civil...

Project Trust

Project Trust is a UK-based non-governmental organization that sends students overseas on development projects during their gap year (the year before they begin university). Project Trust volunteers work on a variety of projects including teaching, provision of social services, and in the field of...

Center for the Advancement of the Blind

The Center for the Advancement of the Blind is a non-governmental organization helping Israel's blind and visually impaired. The center’s ultimate goal is to help the visually impaired integrate into the seeing society. It also runs a senior’s club for visually impaired seniors, summer camps for...

Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI)

Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI) is an independent non-partisan organization devoted to protecting and promoting human rights and civil liberties in Israel and in the territories under its control. ACRI's work encompasses litigation and legal advocacy, education, and public outreach as...

Joint Development Associates International, Inc (JDA)

Joint Development Associates International, Inc (JDA) provides holistic community development, education, health services and humanitarian aid as a means of improving the lives of those in Central Asia. In Afghanistan, JDA works to relieve poverty by providing food and non-food items to families,...

International Aid Network

The International Aid Network (IAN) is a non-governmental organization established in 1997, during the war in the former Yugoslavia. IAN supports human rights violation survivors and other marginalised and vulnerable groups. IAN's primary activities include running a trauma center to provide...

Alpinter Relief Supplies

Alpinter Relief Supplies is a belgian based company specialized in the tent production and development, emergency response shelter supplies and supply of a variety of non-food items needed by the international aid community for their activities around the globe.

Child's Dream

Child’s Dream is a charitable, not-for-profit organization dedicated to empowering marginalized children and youth in the Mekong Sub-Region, which includes Myanmar, Laos, Thailand and Cambodia, The organization’s activities range from health interventions for children to reduce child mortality,...

Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society

The Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society (AzRC) was founded on March 10, 1920 and is a member of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies since November 26, 1995. The Azerbaijan Red Crescent has a country-wide network involving staff, members and volunteers. The society...

ora international Germany

ora international is a non-denominational Christian relief and development organization that serves people in need around the world. Its work consists of three main areas: 1. Development work 2. Emergency relief 3. Sponsorship programmes ora international consists of around 200 voluntary...