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Vikash is a non-governmental organization based in Orissa, India. It is active in 14 underdeveloped districts of Orissa, covering over one million individuals. It is committed to build self-reliant tribal and rural communities by educating children, providing livelihood opportunities and supporting...

Hope in the Community

Hope in the Community is a not for profit company established to provide consultancy services, funding advice and other services to community groups wishing to engage in community regeneration projects. Hope in the Community aims to enable others to establish sustainable projects using best...

Andrews Charitable Trust

Andrews Charitable Trust (ACT) is an innovative partnership between business and philanthropy. The Trust provides seed funding to social entrepreneurs in the United Kingdom and supports these investments with a blend of skills, advice and networking. The Trust's activities are funded by the...

RobinHood Ministries

RobinHood Ministries is a UK-based Christian charity that works with a community of businesses who support the reduction of international poverty. The charity aims to enable the business community to become more profitable and thus able to share prosperity that can then be used to invest in...

Caritas Internationalis - Cote-d'Ivoire

Caritas Côte d’Ivoire works through its diocesan and local organizations and with help from national and international non-governmental organizations to support the poor and needy, to contribute to development programs, to advocate for disadvantaged groups and to work for peace and reconciliation. ...

Fundraising UK Ltd

Fundraising UK Ltd is a UK Internet fundraising consultancy. It helps charities in the UK and internationally use the Internet as a fundraising tool to enhance and extend their existing fundraising activities. It also advises for-profit companies that provide services and products to fundraisers,...

The Spirit of Sharing

The Spirit of Sharing (SOS) delivers sporting and educational goods donated by Australians to underprivileged children in Fiji. SOS have partnered with sports-goods providers, companies and individuals to collect and ship over $1 million dollars worth of donated brand new and second hand...

Kumtem Area Development Union

The Kumtem Development Union is a Cameroonian NGO that aims to initiate and carry out development projects for the village of Kumtem. It has so far succeeded in building a community school which was later handed over to the government, and has constructed a pipe-borne water system for the village.

Ssamba Foundation

Ssamba Foundation is an Non-government organization based in Mukono, Uganda founded in 2006 by Hon. Isaac Ssamba and it designs and conducts programs which contribute to the welfare and social productivity of disadvantaged individuals and communities with an emphasis on children and youth. The...

Tanzania Agricultural Modernization Association (TAMA)

TAMA is a non governmental Organization based in Bukoba, Kagera region,Tanzania. We are capable to implement the said project and for full description please see our profile as stipulated in the project document attached hereto.

Reuse Shoes

Reuse Shoes is an Australian NGO that collects as many second hand pairs of shoes as possible, and arranges for them to be shipped to a contact in Kenya, who distributes them to communities with whom he works and trains in running and other sporting activities.

Women Call Centre Uganda

Women Call centre Uganda is community based in Kasese Uganda requesting for empowering young women and Girls with Duck rearing. Duck Poultry is an integral component of the farming system in Uganda lake regions and provide significant nutritions to people living with HIV/AIDS And COVID-19. Before...


GIVIT is an Australian online matching service connecting potential donors to trusted charities who work directly with the country's most impoverished, vulnerable and isolated individuals. GIVIT supports women's shelters, homeless services, immigration groups and all types of not for profits. ...

Ultimate Life Foundation

The Ultimate Life Foundation is a Ghanaian NGO established by a group of people living with HIV/AIDS. The Foundation is helping in the fight to prevent, control and eradicate HIV/AIDS and other communicable diseases in rural communities and urban slums. Our our prime objectis to facilitate...

Prospero World Ltd.

Prospero World is a not-for-profit company with offices in London and Singapore that provides advice and consultancy to NGOs, and aims to provide potential donors with advice about donating to worthwhile projects.

Menaa Limited

Menaa Limited is a privately owned not-for- profit ompany registered in Uganda that runs a training centre training local people to culture fish in tanks, skills which will then be used to create sustainable business and nutrition for themselves and their communities.Meaaa also aims to help...

Sangsan Anakot Yawachon Development Project

The Sangsan Anakot Yawachon Development Project (Sangsan) is a not-for-profit scholarship programme that supports 325 indigenous youth from Mae Hong Son and Tak provinces along the Thai-Myanmar border, many of whom have no official citizenship in Thailand. The young people involved in the project ...

Fever Relief Fund

The Fever Relief Fund (FRF) is an NGO based in the USA that works for disadvantaged young people and single parent families in the USA and in Ghana. The Fund runs a number of projects, for example, after school soccer programmes, mentoring and training in social skills. The Fund also works with...

Buddu Social Development Association (BUSODA) Verified non-profit organisation

Buddu Social Development Association (BUSODA)is a registered NGOworking with orphans and vulnerable children and women in poor rural communities of Masaka in southern Uganda. BUSODA works with its partners on HIV/AIDS information and prevention programmes, conducts advocacy activities on behalf...

Stichting ORA Verified non-profit organisation

Stichting ORA is a non-denominational Christian relief and development organisation that serves people in need in 25 countries in Asia, Africa and Eastern Europe. ORA does not have projects of its own, but supports more than 70 local projects, organizations and churches financially and with relief...