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UNHRD (United Nations Human Response Depot)

UNHRD (United Nations Human Response Depot) is a network managed by the World Food Programme (WFP) that is able to deliver humanitarian relief items worldwide within 24/48 hrs. The Depot provides storage, logistics support and services to UN humanitarian agencies, international humanitarian...

Plan Canada

Plan is a global movement for change, mobilizing millions of people around the world to support social justice for children in developing countries. Plan is one of the world’s oldest and largest international development agencies, working in partnership with millions of people around the world...

Canadian Centre for Emergency Preparedness

The Canadian Centre for Emergency Preparedness (CCEP) is a not-for-profit organisation based in Burlington, Ontario devoted to the promotion of emergency risk management to individuals, communities and organizations, in both government and the private sector, with the aim of reducing the risk,...

Oxfam Canada

Oxfam Canada is an international development agency which focuses on the root causes of poverty, injustice and inequality, with the stated intent of creating self-reliant and sustainable communities. The agency believes that to end global poverty women's rights must be secured. In addition to food...

Project Concern International

Project Concern International provides training, support and care to protect the well-being of children and families. Project Concern programmes provide those in need with basic health care, food and access to clean water. PCI is committed to sustainable change in the health and self-sufficiency...

Lesea Feed the Hungry

Distributors of food relief to stricken areas of the world through a global network of offices. One example of their is their ;Every Child Every Day' program which began in 2005. It is an initiative to supply nutritious, daily meals to vulnerable children living in the world's least developed...

World Food Programme (WFP) - Malawi

Set-up in 1963, WFP is the United Nations frontline agency in the fight against global hunger. WFP uses its food to: meet emergency needs and support economic and social development. It also provides the logistics support necessary to get food aid to the right people at the right time and in the...


BibleLands is a non-governmental, non-denominational, Christian charity working in partnership with Christian-led projects in the lands of the Bible. It assists Christian charities working with beneficiaries of any faith and nationality. Their work includes educating children, caring for refugees,...

Disaster Mitigation Institute

Disaster Mitigation Institute (DMI), India, is a community based action research, action planning and action advocacy non-governmental organisation. It works to reduce disaster risk of vulnerable communities by promoting mitigation efforts, through learning and action. These include food, water,...

Malaysian Society for Transparency and Integrity (Transparency International Malaysia)

Transparency International Malaysia was registered in 1998. TI-M is committed to the achievement of a socially just, and equitable society within a sustainable, plural democracy that is free of corruption. It exists to promote integrity in national life by raising the levels of awareness and...

United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)

UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, is the world's largest international source of funding for population and reproductive health programmes. UNFPA works with governments and non-governmental organisations in over 140 countries, at their request, and with the support of the international...

Catholic Relief Services (CRS) - Indonesia

Catholic Relief Services was founded in 1943 by the Catholic Bishops of the United States to assist the poor and disadvantaged outside the country. The mission of CRS globally is to: a) provide direct aid to poor and disadvantaged people; b) involve people in their own development, helping them to...

Oxfam - Indonesia

Oxfam International is a development and relief agency that helps people worldwide in the struggle against poverty. In Indonesia, Oxfam works directly with communities and partners in three major areas: improving the livelihoods of small-scale farmers and labourers; disaster relief and...

United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - Indonesia

The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) is an international aid agency that works with communities and governments in 157 countries for the survival, development and protection of children worldwide. UNICEF priorities in Indonesia include promotion of a home-based care for young children and...

Norwegian Church Aid (NCA) - Mali

Founded in 1945, Norwegian Church Aid (NCA) is a non-governmental and ecumenical organisation to coordinate the social aid work of the Norwegian church. NCA works in northern Mali to increase food production, better manage natural resources and to strengthen the local population's capacity for...


Amizade develops cultural exchanges in between different countries and attempt to create global citizens. They try to meet basic human needs and make attempts to bond people from different cultures together as well as possible.

World Development Movement (WDM)

The World Development Movement (WDM) is UK-based charity that aims to tackle the underlying causes of poverty. WDM lobbies decision makers to change policies that keep people poor and researches and promotes positive alternatives. They work alongside people in the developing world who are standing...

Unitarian Service Committee (USC) - Mali

Founded in 1945, Unitarian Service Committee (USC) Canada is a non-governmental organisation that supports sustainable development through community projects in Africa, Asia and Central America. In the Douentza district of Mali, USC improves health and nutrition by establishing market gardens and...

Small & Medium Enterprise Developers (SMED)

Small&Medium Enterprise Developers (SMED) is committed to the development of Small&Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Sri Lanka. SMEs can obtain the latest global information on business, finance, competition or on any other economic indicator through the SMED website. The site aims to be a...

SurfAid International

SurfAid views its mission to improve health and wellbeing as an invaluable investment in the future of the Mentawai and Nias people. Key stakeholders are communities and individuals, regional government and partner non-governmental organisations. Their programs represent an integrated approach to...