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American Mathematical Society (AMS) Book & Journal Donation Program

The AMS Book and Journal Donation Program matches donors of certain types of mathematical materials with recipient institutions or libraries in developing countries where there is a need for mathematical research literature.

Singapore Association of the Visually Handicapped (SAVH)

The Singapore Association of the Visually Handicapped (SAVH), formerly known as the Singapore Association for the Blind (SAB), was founded to 'help the visually handicapped help themselves' and ultimately abolish any barriers that prevent the total integration and equal treatment of the visually...

World Health Organization (WHO) - Slovakia

The World Health Organization, the United Nations specialised agency for health (established in 1948) aims to coordinate international health activities and to help governments improve health services. Health is being defined in WHO's Constitution as state of complete physical, mental, and social...

Books for Africa

Books For Africa is an American NGO that collects, sorts, ships, and distributes books to children in Africa. The organisation, which aims to end the "book famine" in Africa, is the world’s largest shipper of donated books to the African continent. More than 22 million high-quality text and library...

Presbyterian Handicraft Centre (PRESCRAFT)

The Presbyterian Handicraft Centre, known as Prescraft, was organized by the Presbyterian Church in Cameroon as a non-profit organization to benefit disadvantaged craftspeople. Men and women produce traditional West African handicrafts including baskets, pottery, woodcarvings, brass castings...

Machakos District Co-operative Union Ltd (MDCU)

MDCU was established in 1964 as an umbrella organisation of primary co-operatives in Machakos district, Kenya. Today it assists mainly marginalized producers in the handcraft sector with products such as wood carvings, baskets, soapstones, etc. The mission of MDCU is to improve the quality of...

Artisans du Monde

Artisans du Monde, established in 1974, was the precursor of the FairTrade movement in France. The organisation now acts as the distribution network for the movement in France, running shops that stock 100% FairTrade products. Artisans du Monde also has an educational and advocacy role. ...

The Other Side of the Tracks

The Other Side of the Tracks is a media and marketing consulting business. The company offers to assist the development of NGOs and other not-for-profit organisations at discounted rates on conditions explained on its website.

Mission World Aid

Mission World Aid (MWA) is an Australian-based NGO which sends shipping containers of aid and goods for needy communities in developing countries. They have sent have sent over 110 shipping containers of aid to over 25 countries across Africa, Asia and the Pacific. MWA partners with existing...

Long Live Nepal China Friendly Association

The Long Live Nepal China Friendly Association is a Nepalese NGO established to bring together groups of people or organisations through social interaction, cultural exchange programmes and empowerment workshops.

Books4Cause Inc.

Books4Cause is an American company that runs book drives and book donation campaigns which help fund and support various initiatives locally, nationally, and around the world. The organisation reprocesses donated books in several ways. Books with resale value are sold in online marketplaces. For...

Creating Better Futures

Creating Better Futures is a UK registered charity that supports the education and welfare of orphans and vulnerable children in Zimbabwe. Creating Better Futures is also registered as a charity in Zimbabwe and has a dedicated team of volunteers that work at grassroots level with rural primary...

The Ladybug Project Inc.

The Ladybug Project is an American NGO that undertakes innovative education and healthcare social entrepreneurship in Equatorial Guinea and Madagascar. The organisation sends goods (e.g., desks, school supplies) to support the projects it sponsors.

Katebwa Youth Development Foundation (KAUDEF)

Katebwa Youth Development Foundation (KAUDEF) is a Ugandan NGO that works in underprivileged communities on issues related to food security, the environment, literacy and education, health and welfare. The organisation runs agricultural projects (poultry, goat and bee keeping). It also runs an...

Future After Children are Traumatised (FACT)

Future After Children are Traumatised (FACT) is a Ugandan NGO. The organisation runs a pre-primary school with 173 pupils and a special class for children with disabilities. FACT also runs a vocational training centre from which 150 people have graduated with a range of skills, including tailoring,...

Karsten Weitzenegger Consulting

Karsten Weitzenegger is a German organisation that provides consulting, training and evaluation services for good governance and economic development actions. Experience has been used in 30+ countries. The company's website is a knowledge portal for international cooperation practitioners. The...

Foundation for People's Welfare Nakalembe

The Foundation for People's Welfare Nakalembe is an NGO in Uganda with the major aim of alleviating the suffering of the most vulnerable and unprivileged people. The organisation works for people living with HIV/AIDS, helping them to become more self-reliant through counseling and support. The...

Uganda National Association of the Hard of Hearing (UNAHOH)

Uganda National Association of the Hard of Hearing (UNAHOH) is an NGO and the Umbrella Organization for all Hard of hearing Associations in Uganda, that aims to draw attention to the needs of people with hearing difficulties. The organisation also offers vocational training, including business...


Omwabini is a Kenyan NGO that works with orphaned and vulnerable children (OVC) to rebuild lives and provide opportunities for health, growth and sustainable progress. The organisation provides shelter, education and vocational training, also health care and counselling, and has constructed an...

The Voice Society

The Voice Society is a human rights based NGO that aids persecuted Christians in Pakistan. The organisation represent clients in court and provide shelters and medical help for those in desperate need. Currently, more than 500 Christians are being supported by the Society. The Society also supports...