Search Results

Pro Mujer - Bolivia

Pro Mujer is a women's development organisation established to provide Latin America's poorest women with the means to build livelihoods for themselves - and futures for their families - through micro-lending, business training and healthcare support. In Bolivia, the program reaches the most...

Pro Mujer: Nicaragua

Pro Mujer is a women's development organisation established to provide Latin America's poorest women with the means to build livelihoods for themselves - and futures for their families - through micro-lending, business training, and healthcare support. The Pro Mujer program in Nicaragua targets...

Kitchen Table Charities Trust

The Kitchen Table Charities Trust is a British NGO established to help small charities in Africa.The Trust provides grants to local organisations for projects designed to help transform the lives of individuals or communities. The Trust's priorities are primary education, health (including water...

Business in Development Network

The Business in Development Network (BiD) seeks to contribute to sustainable economic development in developing countries. BiD's activities include stimulating small and medium sized entrepreneurship to create jobs and raise income in developing countries, engaging professionals, investors and...

Australian Volunteers International

Australia Volunteers International is Australia's international non-profit volunteer sending agency. The agency is committed to creating a peaceful and just world by promoting exchange of knowledge and cultures. They provide volunteer opportunities in a wide variety of development areas and prepare...

World Vision Chile

World Vision is a Christian humanitarian organisation dedicated to working with children, families and communities in the fight against poverty and for social justice. World Vision has been working in Chile since 1980, and currently runs programmes to improve infrastructure, to provide money and...

Pro Mujer: Peru

Pro Mujer is a women's development organisation established to provide Latin America's poorest women with the means to build livelihoods for themselves - and futures for their families - through micro-lending, business training, and healthcare support. The Pro Mujer program in Peru currently...

Orphanages for Africa

Orphanages for Africa (OFA) is a Christian international humanitarian and development organisation dedicated to serving orphans in Africa. OFA works through partners to provide basic aid (food, clothing, medical expenses and school fees) to needy children, and promotes self-reliance through the...

Charities Advisory Trust

The Charities Advisory Trust is an innovative organisation, concerned with redressing inequalities and injustice in a practical way. The income generation of charities is seen as a way of effecting change. The organization helps other charities with their trading and equips graduates to work in the...

United Nations (UN)

Founded in 1945, the UN is a humanitarian agency dedicated to maintaining peace and security in the world, solving global problems, and protecting human rights. The UN funds projects that seek to reduce poverty and to make the world a better place for all people.

Yayasan IDEP Foundation

Yayasan IDEP Foundation is an Indonesian NGO established in response to the economic crisis of 1999. The organisation works with local communities to develop sustainable food production programmes, and is involved in environmental education and campaigning, and in micro-credit projects. IDEP has...

Karuna Trust

Karuna Trust is a voluntary organisation dedicated to improving the living standards of materially poor people in Sri Lanka.

CARE International - UK

Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere (CARE) is an independent humanitarian organisation working to end world poverty with programmes in 87 countries. CARE helps support primary health care, promote sustainable agriculture, develop savings and loan schemes to enable the promotion of...

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) - Yemen

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is the United Nations' development network, advocating for change and connecting countries to knowledge, experience and resources to build a better life. UNDP in Yemen has notable and recognized contributions in many development sectors such as,...

CARE International - Nepal

CARE is one of the world's largest private international humanitarian organisations, committed to helping families in poor communities improve their lives and achieve lasting victories over poverty. CARE began its work in Nepal in 1978. It implements a range of activities to enable poor and...

Danish Refugee Council (DRC) -Azerbaijan

The Danish Refugee Council (DRC) is a private, humanitarian umbrella organisation (with 32 members) focusing on issues related to the cause of the refugees, migrants and internally displaced people (IDPs). DRC started operating in Azerbaijan in 1996 by implementing interlinked projects aimed at...


AID/WATCH is a not-for-profit activist organisation monitoring and campaigning on Australian overseas aid and trade policies and programmes. AID/WATCH researches and evaluates the impacts of projects to lobby the government to prevent any potentially damaging programmes and to raise public...

Australian Charities Fund

The Australian Charities Fund was founded in order to facilitate individual giving to charities, through incremental payroll donations from both employees and employers. The Workplace Giving programmes enable employees to make regular contributions to their preferred charities in an...

CARE Australia

CARE Australia is an Australian charity and international humanitarian aid organisation fighting global poverty, with a special focus on empowering women and girls to bring lasting change to their communities. Its mission is to serve individuals and families in the poorest communities in the world....

Premiere Urgence

Premiere Urgence is a non-governmental organisation formed in 1992 to assist victims of wars, natural disasters, conflicts or economic collapse. Working mainly in Africa, Middle East and Asia, Premiere Urgence distributes emergency aid, not-perishable food, hygiene products, medicines and medical...