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In: Resources

Code of Conduct for the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and NGOs in Disaster Relief

Code of Conduct for the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and NGOs in Disaster Relief seeks to maintain high standards of behaviour and improve efficiency of relief organisations, while maintaining independence. It is a voluntary code that may be adopted by any organisation, and it...

In: Resources

Charity Commission Hallmarks of an Effective Charity

This document sets out the standards that will help charity trustees to improve the effectiveness of their charity, and the principles that the regulatory framework of the Charity Commission exists to support.

In: Stories

Cooperation between Mentor International and IKEA

In 2008, IKEA Social Initiative collaborated with Mentor International to address drug abuse and its health implications among young people in five countries Croatia, Kyrgyzstan, Lithuania, Romania and Russia. The school based initiative for 12-14 year olds has been adapted for each country and...

In: Resources

International Initiatives To Promote Responsible Business: A Navigation Guide for Business

International Initiatives To Promote Responsible Business: A Navigation Guide for Business provides a user-friendly and impartial guide to help businesses to navigate their way through this maze. It seeks to articulate the key aspects of three cross-industry initiatives: The OECD Guidelines for...

In: Resources

South Asia Earthquake 2005: Learning from Previous Recovery Operations

South Asia Earthquake 2005: Learning from Previous Recovery Operations, the second of two briefings prepared by ALNAP and the ProVention Consortium, covers targeting, participation, assessment, shelter and housing, risk reduction and policy, drawing out main lessons in each area and highlighting...

In: Resources

Samaritan's Purse International Relief (SPIR) - Donating Medical Materials

Samaritan's Purse has detailed guidelines for those donating medical items. Factors that should be taken into account include: equipment condition, intended use, maintenance requirements, and availability of parts or accessories. Although the guidelines are specific to the operations of this...

In: Resources

Being Good at Doing Good? - Review of Debates and Initiatives Concerning the Quality of Humanitarian Assistance

Being Good at Doing Good, a conference paper, attempts to do justice to the diversity among humanitarian organisations and individuals. Issues discussed include approaches to the quality of humanitarian assistance, the use of standards, methods to enhance quality and accountability and...

In: Resources

Social Accountability 8000

Social Accountability 8000, a standard and verification system, is a credible, comprehensive and efficient tool for ensuring humane workplaces.

In: Resources

Responsible investment: a force for poverty alleviation

The current crisis offers the opportunity to rethink the contribution that investors can make to eradicating global poverty. Oxfam believes that investors have a critical role to play in poverty alleviation, through supporting economic growth, building infrastructure, and helping to create a...

In: Resources

Workplace Code of Conduct

Workplace Code of Conduct, formulated by the Apparel Industry Partnership, addresses issues related to the eradication of sweatshops in the United States and abroad. The Code is a set of standards defining decent and humane working conditions.

In: Resources

Quality of Money: Donor Behaviour in Humanitarian Financing

Quality of Money: Donor Behaviour in Humanitarian Financing, a report, discusses the factors involved in steering donor behaviour for international humanitarian action. The report states that the lack of standard donor definitions, priorities, time-frames, and reporting requirements places the onus...

In: Resources

Harnessing Private Sector Capabilities to Meet Public Needs: The Potential of Partnerships to Advance Progress on Hunger, Malaria and Basic Education

Harnessing Private Sector Capabilities to Meet Public Needs: The Potential of Partnerships to Advance Progress on Hunger, Malaria and Basic Education, a report of the WEF, discusses the four main ways in which businesses typically engage in the process of economic development: core business...

In: Resources

Partnering for Development - Making it Happen

Partnering for Development - Making it Happen, a booklet, builds on the report from the Commission on the Private Sector and Development and looks at three areas of engagement: the development of commercially sustainable business models that can be expanded and replicated; the reform of laws,...

In: Resources

Global Corruption Report

Now in its eighth year, this annual publication by Transparency International brings together scholars and civil society activists to examine the state of corruption around the globe. The latest edition (2009) focuses on corruption and the private sector.

In: Resources

Technology Donation Guidelines

These guidelines refer to an American community school, but may be useful to donors who wish to donate technological hardware to NGOs or similar organisations.

In: Resources

Guide for Effective Aid - Pan American Health Organisation (PAHO)

The South American branch of the World Health Organisation (WHO) has prepared a set of guidelines to assist relief organisations in sending effective aid to support disasters. The guidelines advise on what a relief organisation should do immediately after a disaster. Also listed are items that...

In: Resources

Business UNusual

Business UNusual, a collaborative publication of the United Nations Global Compact Office and the Global Public Policy Institute, provides an overview of recent partnership activities in the United Nations, as well as the challenges the UN faces in its efforts to engage the private sector and...

In: Resources

Fighting Corruption: What Role for Civil Society? The Experience of the OECD

Fighting Corruption: What Role for Civil Society? The Experience of the OECD, a OECD report, provides an analysis of civil society's role in the process which led to the adoption of the Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions. It also shows...

Hope House Foundation Kenya

HOPE HOUSE FOUNDATION KENYA Pastor Peter Kuyuni is the Director: Through my dear partner, Elizabeth, I registered a non- profit organization through Kenyan government, its name is, HOPE HOUSE FOUNDATION KENYA, in the year 2015 this deals with general humanitarian aid. The prove of...

Tanzania Antischools' Dropout Educational Orgarnization (TADEO)

Tanzania Antischool’s Dropout Educational Organizaion (TADEO), REG No:ooNGO/00006744 is an NGO that aims to facilitate self-help and to provide assistance with education and training, advocacy, and other support to vulnerable people in including widows, young people, street children, orphans and...