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Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC)

Disaster Emergency Committee (DEC) is an umbrella organisation which launches and co-ordinates the UK’s National Appeal in response to major disasters overseas. Site includes links to all 14 member humanitarian agencies, which include World Vision, Oxfam and the British Red Cross.

Register of Engineers for Disaster Relief - New Zealand

Register of Engineers for Disaster Relief (RedR) delivers training to relief organisations and their staff, enabling them to respond to the needs of disaster hit communities, efficiently and safely. RedR- New Zealand matches people's professional skills such as engineering, health, child...

Disaster News Network (DNN)

A news service produced by the Village Life Company, a US-based NGO, the Disaster News Network (DNN) provides information on disaster response, and suggests appropriate ways in which the public can aid those afflicted. Related issues including preparedness and mitigation, public violence,...

North Carolina Interfaith Disaster Response (NCIDR)

North Carolina Interfaith Disaster Response (NCIDR) is an association of faith-based communities in North Carolina involved in disaster response. The NCIDR website provides information and support for communities involved in disaster response, acting as a liaison between state agencies and...

Disaster Action

Disaster Action is a British charity organisation established in 1991 by the survivors and bereaved of disasters. Focusing on the human aspects of disaster response, it acts as an adviser to government, police, voluntary organisations and in the development of major emergency policy. Using the...

In: News

Japan: Earthquake and Tsunami

On Friday 11th March, a 9.0 earthquake occurred off the coast of Japan and caused a massive tsunami. The devastation that has occurred has caused Japan's Prime Minister to declare this the most severe crisis to hit Japan since World War II.

In: Resources

R.E.A.C.T. Haiti Earthquake

On January 12th, an earthquake measuring 7.0 on the Richter scale struck 17km south-west of Haiti's capital, Port-au-Prince. Tens of thousands are feared dead, many more are injured, and unknown numbers are still buried under the rubble. The entire capital appears damaged or destroyed, including...

In: News

Pakistan floods - July 2010

Heavy monsoon rains at the end of July triggered massive floods that rapidly moved southwards from Pakistan’s northwest, inundating hundreds of villages and claiming more than sixteen hundred lives. More than 14 million people have been affected, with countless others missing, whilst agriculture...

In: Resources

Private Sector Activities in Disaster Risk Reduction: Good Practices and Lessons Learned

This publication highlights the link between disaster risk reduction and public-private partnerships. As the flagship UN document for disaster reduction, the Hyogo Framework for Action (2005) in its priority action 4 “Reduce the underlying risk factors” is requesting the promotion and establishment...

In: Resources

UNISDR Campaign: Making Cities Resilient

Cities and local governments need to get ready, reduce the risks and become resilient to disasters. For the next two years and beyond, the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR) will campaign together with its partners for this to happen.

In: Resources

Surviving disaster and supporting recovery: A guidebook for microfinance institutions

This guide seeks to assist MFIs in defining an institutional strategy for disaster preparedness. It lays out the steps for assessing the potential risk of disaster, the clients’ needs and the institutional capacity to respond. Based on assessments, it offers a variety of recommendations for...

In: Resources

Disaster management and planning: an IBLF framework for business response

This IBLF Executive Briefing is aimed at providing the business sector with a basic framework that can assist them in developing their own response to natural and man-made disasters where a need and interest has been highlighted by the recent Asian tsunami disaster. Most transnational,national and...

In: Stories

Clorox supports the American Red Cross

For generations, Clorox has supported the American Red Cross, donating money and products like Glad® trash bags, Clorox® bleach and other disinfecting cleaners to help the American Red Cross with its disaster relief efforts.

In: Resources

World Conference on Disaster Management, June 19 - 22, 2011.

The Canadian Centre for Emergency Preparedness (CCEP) is presenting the 18th World Conference on Disaster Management. The annual conference gathers experts from across the globe in order to address challenges from all disciplines of disaster and emergency management. Over 1,800 Disaster Management...

In: Resources

People In Aid Code of Good Practice

The People In Aid Code of Good Practice is a quality framework covering all aspects of human resources and people management. It comprises 7 principles, each with specific indicators. The Code supports continuous improvement of NGOs‘ HR practices, facilitates stakeholder engagement, and measures...

In: Resources

International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (ISDR) - meetings and conferences

The ISDR is a programme of the UN which aims at building disaster-resilient communities by promoting increased awareness of the importance of disaster reduction as an integral component of sustainable development -- with the goal of reducing human, social, economic and environmental losses due to...

In: Resources

India 2001 Earthquake Case Study

India 2001 Earthquake Case Study, by the IBM Crisis Response Team, provides advice and lists some basic guidelines for those working in the disaster areas.

Integrated Regional Information Networks (IRIN)

The Integrated Regional Information Networks (IRIN), is an initiative of the UN to provide constantly updated news and analysis for the humanitarian community (with respect to natural and man-made disaster situations). The networks target decision-makers in relief agencies, host and donor...

In: Resources

Disaster Grantmaking: A Practical Guide for Foundations and Corporate Donors

Disaster Grantmaking: A Practical Guide for Foundations and Corporate Donors, a report based upon lessons learned from a year-long study by a joint working group of the European Foundation Centre and the Council on Foundations, suggests that grant-makers can be more effective and strategic in...

In: Resources

Mennonite Disaster Service

Mennonite Disaster Service is a volunteer network through which various constituencies of the Anabaptist church can respond to those affected by disasters in Canada and the United States.