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Uganda Youth Skills Training Organization (UYSTO)

The Uganda Youth Skills Training Project is a small Ugandan NGO established to contribute to the improvement of young people’s lives through school and community based education with a focus on vocational and technical skills.

Association of Health, Food, Nutrition & Dietetics (AFND)

The Association of Food, Nutrition & Dietetics (AFND) is an Indian NGO that aims to encourage the interlinking of food, nutrition and public health in order to promote optimal health for all. The Association also aims to promote greater transparency and collaboration between individuals...

International Youth Council South Sudan Chapter

The South Sudan Chapter of the International Youth Council provides a local perspective and input consistent with the overall mission of the Council. South Sudan Chapter aims to promote sustainable development (social equity, environmental quality, and economic viability) through cross-cultural,...

SID Child Care Foundation (SCCF)

The Sid Child Care Foundation (SCCF) is a Ugandan NGO that focuses on HIV/AIDS, orphans, youth, people with disabilities,widows, and promotion and protection of children rights.

ChangeMaker Society for Social and Economic Development

The ChangeMaker Society for Social and Economic Development is a Bangladeshi NGO devoted to setting up a framework that will encourage the development of aa pattern-setting system to strengthen and engage the poor in mainstream social and economic development. ChangeMaker's key focus is on...

Uganda Youth and Women's Effort Fighting AIDS (UYWEFA)

Uganda Youth and Women’s Effort Fighting AIDS (UYWEFA) is an NGO that aims to mitigate the impact of HIV/AIDS on people with and affected by HIV/AIDS through the provision of home based care, advocacy of health rights and the empowerment of children, women and youth within the community. UYWEFA’s...

FEDA ( Femmes et Education des Adultes)

FEDA (Femmes et Education des Adultes) is an NGO established in the Democratic Republic of Congo to promote literacy among women and thus enhance their self-esteem and help them expand their knowledge for the betterment of their lives. Since its creation, FEDA has conducted literacy classes...

Care for African Kids

Care for African Kids (CFAK) is an NGO in Uganda. CFAK takes care of 225 children at its orphanage centre in Gomba and Wakiso districts where it also provides health and education programmes. CFAK also assists people affected by HIV/AIDS, including widows, young peope, people with disabilities...

Foundation for Health and Social Economic Development Africa

The Foundation for Health and Social Economic Development (HESED) Africa is a Kenyan NGO that addresses problems facing children, women and youth in the context of health and social economic empowerment while integrating cross cutting issues such as HIV/AIDS, human rights, peace building and...

The Sustainability Consortium

The Sustainability Consortium is an organization of diverse global participants working to make the world more sustainable through better products, services and consumption. It develops and promotes science and integrated tools so that together informed decision making for product sustainability...

Action pour les Droits Humains et l'Amitié (ADHA)

Action pour les Droits Humains et l'Amitié (ADHA) is a Senegalese NGO that works for asylum seekers, refugees and internally displaced persons, promoting their rights and also those of all young people in Africa. ADHA provides legal advice on matters relating to matters relating to asylum...

Union International des Voyageurs

Union International des Voyageurs is a Togolese NGO that aims to educate the public and government about the importance of safe travel on roads, in the air and by sea.

Health Digest Foundation

The Health Digest Foundation is an NGO in Ghana that works for the improved well-being of people living in villages and remote areas where social amenities and access to information are limited. The Foundation members are professional journalists and health professionals working in public and...


Udyama is an Indian NGO in Orissa, working in food security and sustainable rural livelihoods focused action and advocacy. The organization aims to strengthen food security and livelihoods through restoration and sustainable management of natural resources, capacity building of local communities...

Ekwonye Foundation

The Ekwonye Foundation is a Nigerian NGO that aims to relieve poverty, aid the sick and the aged, and to promote the Nigeria through audio-visual productions and entertainment programmes and services. The Foundation provides social services, educational and recreational programmes and activities,...

Zahara Women Foundation

The Zahara Women's Foundation is a Nigerian NGO that aims to secure the property inheritance rights of women, end gender-based violence, raise public awareness and press for political action that promotes gender justice and protects women’s human rights. The Foundation's work is based on the...

Action of Human Movement (AHM)

Action of Human Movement (AHM) is an Indian NGO that works for deprived sections of rural youths, women, children and very poor communities in Tamil Nadu. AHM provides health awareness, human rights training and community development projects.

Society for Disabled Women Pakistan

The Society for Disabled Women Pakistan is an NGO that works for and with women with disabilities. The Society aims to raise awareness in the general public of the basic rights of women with disabilities and their right to live independently. The Society's long term aim is to ensure that all girls...

PILI (Charityfor the Development of the People at the Margins)

PILI (Charity for the Development of the People at the Margins) is a South African NGO that works in South Africa and in the war torn zone of the Democratic Republic of Congo and in Burundi,. In South Africa, the charity assists refugees with advice and referrals, vocational skills training and a...

Initiative Uganda

Initiative Uganda is a Ugandan NGO established in 2008 by a group of concerned community volunteers in recognition of the plight caused by poverty, ill health and HIV/AIDS. H4HD is committed to empowering and improving on the quality of life of the rural and urban poor through education and ...