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Hope Alert Network for Development and Local Empowerment (HANDLE)

HANDLE (Hope Alert Network for Development and Local Empowerment) is an NGO that works in Northern Uganda helping victims of war and civil conflict to rebuild their lives. HANDLE programmes provide education, HIV/AIDS care, livelihood enhancement, trauma counselling, micro-credit, and community...

International Development Institute

The International Development Institute is a volunteer movement in India and abroad promoting sustainable, equitable and just development. The Institute supports Indian grassroots organizations and initiates efforts in various interconnected spheres such as agriculture, energy, education, health,...

OrphFund Sierra Leone

OrphFund is a volunteer based organization based in Sierra Leone helping abandoned, orphaned and vulnerable children around the world, regardless of race or religion. The organization runs grass roots, self sustaining, community projects, that provide shelter, nutrition, health care, support,...

Ako Foundation

The Ako Foundation is a Ghanaian NGO that aims to improve well being by building and developing modern agricultural strategies for economic development,caring for needy children, protecting mother/child rights and protecting the environment.

Pearl of Africa Environment (PAE)

Pearl of Africa Environment (PAE) is a Ugandan NGO that promotes self-help environmental awareness and practices. PAE focuses on climate change, environmental protection and policies, agricultural promotion, food security, sustainable livelihoods, gender issues, and good governance. ...

Pakistan Friends Foundation

Pakistan Friends Foundation (PFF) is an NGO that aims to improve the socio-economic condition of urban, semi-urban and rural communities, especially young people and women. PFF started as a small technical education and vocational training centre for young people and gradually developed ...

Advocacy for Development Agency

The Advocacy for Development Agency is a Ugandan NGO that works on issues related to support for families, women and vulnerable children.

Congo Leadership Initiative

The Congo Leadership Initiative (CLI) is an American NGO that trains young Congolese leaders through an intensive leadership development curriculum, "The Leadership Institute". The programme recruits talented Congolese youth from all fields of study and with different ambitions, and prepares them...

Soha Foundation

The Soha Foundation is an NGO in Pakistan. The Foundation works on community mobilization and through volunteer support forums in the areas of human rights, peace and security, child and women's rights and protection, and poverty alleviation.

Foundation for Released Prisoners

The Foundation for Released Prisoners (FRP) is a Cameroonian NGO that works with underprivileged people, in particular, women, young girls,young men, ex-convicts (male and female), convicts, orphans and people living with HIV/AIDS through human rights education, the provision of literacy skills...

Movement for Democracy, Development and Transparency

The Movement for Democracy Development and Transparency (MDDT) is an NGO in Cameroon. The organization aims to create a society that promotes social justice and enhances development through the efficient use and management of resources. MMDT members are involved in rehabilitation schemes, and...

Future Generation Consortium

The Future Generation Consortium is an NGO in Kenya whose main aim is to find creative and sustainable solutions to key community challenges. The Consortium provides a number of services to its members and others in the following areas: personal development and advocacy, health and safety,...

Tanzyme Falah-e-Mashra

Tanzyme-Falah-E-Moashra (TFM) is an NGO in Pakistan that aims to increase literacy rates, especially among women in rural areas. TFM is also involved in social-economic development activities on a participatory basis particularly in the areas of education, health, drug prevention, rural...

Society for Participatory Integrated Development

The Society for Participatory Integrated Development is an Indian NGO that works on issues related to health, education and other basic needs such as water and sanitation. Current projects include a gender resource centre, an open shelter for...

Disabled Refugees Projects (DRP)

The Disabled Refugees Projects (DRP) is a South African NGO that aims to to respond to critical issues affecting people living with disabilities in Gauteng, Johannesburg. The DRP advocates for their human rights, provides basic skills and organizes awareness campaigns to reduce their...

Action in Kasese Foundation

The Action In Kasese Foundation is a Ugandan NGO that works to restore love and hope to Uganda’s vulnerable autistic children and others with disabilities, orphans and underprivileged families. The Foundation aims to advocate for the well being of disabled and autistic children and young people and...

Prince Joseph Foundation

The Prince Joseph Foundation is a Ugandan NGO. The Foundation aims to change the lives of children and young people socially, economically and spiritually, and has established development programmes for single mothers and the elderly.

El-Ehsan Charitable Relief Foundation

The El-Ehsan Charitable Relief Foundation is a Ghanaian NGO that aims to alleviate the immediate needs of poor communities and to establish long-term development projects that ensure individual and community growth.

South Central Windward Producer's Co-operative Society

The South Central Windward Co-operative Society is a rural community co-operative organization in the State of St. Vincent and the Grenadines (an island in the southern Caribbean). The Society's philosophy is based on a central theme that production and productivity must be maximized in developing...

Acholi Community Empowerment Initiative Limited (ACEIL)

Acholi Community Empowerment Initiative Limited (ACEIL) is a legally registered company limited by guarantee. ACEIL owns Acholi Broadcasting Service (ABS FM) which is being established in Gulu. The main objective of the company is to empower the community in northern Uganda who are recovering from...