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In: Stories

Kopernik and Winroader deliver solar lights to victims of earthquake and tsunami

Rikuzen-Takata, one of the hardest hit area in Japan, received solar lights delivered by Winroader, a partner of Kopernik.

In: Stories

Saraman builds earthquake- proof houses in Iran

Saraman, a start-up company in Isfahan, central Iran, is an example of addressing housing and construction challenges in a profitable way. The company designs, fabricates and erects affordable, earthquake-proof pre-fabricated steel structures for houses, schools and hospitals.

In: Stories

Kohl's Department Stores Donates $250,000 to Support Hurricane Irene Relief Efforts

Kohl’s Department Stores has donated $250,000 to the American Red Cross toward Hurricane Irene relief efforts.

In: Resources

HAP 2010 Standard

The HAP Standard is a practical and measurable tool that represents a broad consensus of what matters most in humanitarian action. The Standard helps organisations design, implement, assess, improve and recognise accountable programmes. Being accountable to crisis-affected communities helps...

In: Stories

Accor and Plan International work together to change the lives of many children around the world

Accor, hotel and services group, and Plan, have worked together in 16 countries. The aim of the partnership is to promote child sponsorship and project funding to Accor staff, partners and guests. Highlight of achievements to date: * more than 1,100 children are now sponsored throughout the...

In: Q & A

Is Global Hand disaster or development specific?

Global Hand targets both. That strategy of targeting both is deliberate because, often, offers unsuitable for one audience can be better suited to the other. In post disaster scenarios, for example, suggested responses from corporations or community groups may be better suited if directed to...

In: Resources

Nonprofit Technology Enterprise Network (NTEN) - Nonprofit Technology Conference, New Orleans, 17-19 March, 2011

NTEN is an association of professionals and technology providers seeking to improve the nonprofit sector's use of technology. Effective technology can help nonprofits to achieve greater social impact. At the annual technology conference, breakout groups are scheduled, including topics such as...

In: Resources

Disaster Preparedness Information (Red Cross)

This page on the American Red Cross website provides information and advice for families about how to prepare for and cope in emergency situations. A key goal is to serve the needs of vulnerable people such as the elderly and people with disabilities.

In: Resources

Flood Observatory - Dartmouth

Flood Observatory - Dartmouth detects, maps, measures, and analyzes extreme flood events worldwide using satellite remote sensing. Imaging of selected river reaches is used to detect floods and extreme low flow conditions. The Observatory also provides yearly catalogues, large-scale maps, and...

In: Resources

Natural Disaster Reference Database

The database, provided by NASA, provides information about research and the results of NASA's satellite remote-sensing programmes. The website is for historical reference only and is no longer updated.

In: Stories

Delta Partners and Ericsson support mobile application that reconnects refugees with loved ones

In support of the hundreds of thousands of refugees who have fled from conflict and disaster areas, Refugees United with Ericsson and Refugees United, in partnership with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and mobile operator MTN in Uganda, have launched the first project to...

In: Stories

Microsoft and Nethope partner to provide humanitarian disaster relief

Since 2005, Microsoft has partnered closely with NetHope to explore how IT can more effectively foster collaboration, drive innovation, and transform technology use in development and humanitarian relief efforts around the world.

In: Documents

Lebanon Disaster Response

On August 4th, a massive explosion caused devastation in Beirut. At the beginning, the tragedy was described as an explosion ‘in the port’, but, as the days went by, a clearer picture emerged. We have spoken with partners there who told us, “Imagine 41 kilometres from your place. That’s how far the...

United Nations Centre for Regional Development (UNCRD) Disaster Management Planning - Hyogo Office

United Nations Centre for Regional Development (UNCRD) Disaster Management Planning - Hyogo Office, is a United Nations centre in Japan established after the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake had claimed the lives of more than 6,000 people in 1995. The Hyogo Office focuses on various disaster...

Women Initiative To Eradicate Poverty

Women Initiative To Eradicate Poverty empowers women through programmes involving income generation, food security, HIV/AIDS awareness, agriculture, and microfinance.

Save Our Lives- SOS! Panay and Guimaras

Save Our Lives, SOS! Panay and Guimaras is a broad alliances of organizations, institutions, groups and individuals bonded together to address the issues and concerns brought about by the oil spill tragedy in Guimaras, Philippines on August 11, 2006. It addresses relief and medical assistance of...

World Vision Verified non-profit organisation

World Vision is a Christian humanitarian organization dedicated to working with children, families, and communities worldwide to reach their full potential by tackling the causes of poverty and injustice. World Vision serves all people, regardless of religion, race, ethnicity, or gender. We serve...

Nodec AS

Nodec A/S is a Norwegian exporter of canned fish products and acts as the joint representative of the Norwegian canning industry concerning the delivery of canned fish products. Through the World Food Programme, Nodec has delivered canned fish to approximately sixty countries worldwide both for...

Christian Relief Association "Bethania"

Christian Relief Association "Bethania" provides a spectrum of social assistance to disadvantaged people, especially children from socially vulnerable families or with parents across the border and orphan girls from the middle school orphanages in the Republic of Moldova. The Association is...

Dodson International Charter (Pty) Ltd

Dodson International Charter (Pty) Ltd. provides air charter and freight services throughout continental Africa. Dodson also transports relief workers and goods.