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In: Resources

Responsible investment: a force for poverty alleviation

The current crisis offers the opportunity to rethink the contribution that investors can make to eradicating global poverty. Oxfam believes that investors have a critical role to play in poverty alleviation, through supporting economic growth, building infrastructure, and helping to create a...

In: Resources

Virtual Library on Microcredit

The Virtual Library on Microcredit is an online resource published by the Global Development Research Centre. The Library collects articles, conference reports, case studies, publications on microcredit issues and lists of microcredit organisations. It also provides links to internet resources...

In: Resources

Food Sustainability: a Guide to the Private Sector

A practical and illustrative guide for businesses that presents sets of inspirational examples of how companies can contribute to sustainable food production and supply. Examples cover various sectors and show actions of small companies as well as multinational corporations from around the world. ...

In: Resources

Free Management Library

The Free Management Library (FML) provides an easy-to-access and comprehensive database of basic and practical managerial and business information for leaders and managers running large and small non-profit and for-profit organisations with very limited resources. The FML currently lists...

In: Resources

BBC micro enterprise article: "Tales of Africa's entrepreneurs"

BBC News Online says that while the world's leaders are "thrashing out strategies to improve the plight of the poor in Africa", many aid agencies are stressing that genuine progress must come from "small-scale projects as well as large international initiatives". The article then tells the tale of...

In: Resources

Microcredit Summit

Micro credit programmes offer small loans, and other financial services such as savings, to very poor people for self-employment projects that generate income, allowing them to care for themselves and their families. The Micro credit Summit Campaign brings together micro credit practitioners,...

In: Resources

Harvard Business Page: Micro enterprise article

In this HBS Working Knowledge interview, Senior Research Fellow Jed Emerson, co-author of a new book on nonprofits, discusses the challenges of the community-based enterprise.

In: Resources

BBC article: So Afr-Eco Community Upliftment Project (SAECUP)

SAECUP is a non-profit organisation established a decade ago in South Africa to provide refuge for poor women and children. This BBC article explains the history behind SAECUP, and includes an interview with the founder. Over 130 woman are involved in a micro enterprise project, which transforms...

In: Resources

Code of Ethics of the South African NGO Coalition

Code of Ethics of the South African NGO Coalition is written to focus NGOs in redressing inequality and improving the lives of all people in South Africa. This code has six sections covering values, governance, accountability, management and human resources, finance and resources.

In: Resources

People at the heart of sustainable business - the IBLF Annual Review 2008-9

The IBLF annual review examines the way in which the Forum has been contributing to the development of sustainable business, arguing that the members of the Forum are leaders in this field, and that IBLF has a particular understanding of the way in which business solutions can contribute to...

In: Stories

Through an initiative of ASGN, micro-credit and tourism save giraffes in Niger

ASGN (the Association to Safeguard the Giraffes of Niger) used grants from the Wildlife Protection Foundation in the UK and from the Zoo de Doue in France to set up a successful micro-credit scheme.

In: Stories

A Micro Credit success story in Tunisia

Faced with the constant flow of new job seekers, the Tunisian government created, in late 1997, the Tunisian Solidarity Bank (BTS). BTS is a microfinance institution established by Tunisian President Ben to finance private micro-projects in Tunisia.

In: Stories

Microcredit : a success-story from Nepal

Mahila Sahayogi Sahakari Sanstha (MSSS), a micro-credit provider in Nepal help the women in the country earn money by providing micro credit loans. The employees of the micro-finance institution come to their doorsteps to provide them credit and the borrowers do not have to offer their property as...

In: Stories

Fighting poverty through micro-credit

Mr Wolfonsohn said micro-finance had made a powerful impact on improving poor people's livelihood and was crucial in reducing poverty in poor countries.

In: Stories

Micro Credit or Dignity Funds in Tunisia

ENDA helped Mohsen, a young man in Tunisia, to start his business though micro-credit. ENDA was founded as a multi-sectoral development microfinance institution focusing on environment, health, education, and youth activities in Tunisia.

In: Stories

Extending women enterpreneurship in India

To reach populations in remote areas, Hindustan Unilever has recruited and trained women in rural areas to act as direct sales operators. This led to the creation of Project Shakti in India which is now being extended to other countries as well.

In: Stories

A Ghanaian story about how a small loan can change lives

Sinapi Aba Trust helps Akosua, a housekeeper in Ghana, prosper in her business though microfinance. After years of knocking on doors to sell pastries, a small loan changed everything for Akosua.

In: Stories

SKS Microfinance Case Study - Lakshmi's Story

SKS Microfinance Limited (SKS) is a non-banking finance company regulated by the Reserve Bank of India and currently operating in 19 of India's 28 states. SKS' mission is to eradicate poverty by providing financial services to the poor.

In: Stories

The Asian Development Bank and Non-Governmental Organizations: Working Together

The Microcredit Project in Indonesia, established by the Asian Development Bank and approved in 1994, focuses on microenterprise support, recognizing the potential of microenterprises to create jobs at low capital input costs and raise the income levels of the poor.