Search Results

Samadjite Fantamady Association

The Samadjite Fantamady Association is an NGO in Senegal that works on environmental issues, education and health. The Association also encourages women to engage in small business activity, e.g., reselling fish bought from fishermen, and is engaged in the fight against desertification by planting...

Centre for Girls and Interaction (CEGI)

The Centre for Girls & Interaction (CEGI) is an NGO in Malawi, primarily concerned with creating access to information on the rights of girls and young women and related issues through interaction, advocacy, documentation, education and networking for positive change.

Lubowa Traditional Healers Association

The Lubowa Traditional Healers Association is a Ugandan NGO that advocates for traditional medicine with an emphasis on traditional spiritual healing. The Association aims to reintroduc people to traditional healing which can be used as part of the holistic healing process, and should not be...

Ladies of Substance International Network (LoSIN)

The Ladies of Substance International Network (LoSIN) is an NGO in Ghana comprising a fellowship of Christian career (professional) women who meet once a month to discuss a range of issues.

Family AIDS Initiative Response (FAIR)

The Family AIDS Initiative Response (FAIR) is an NGO in Kenya. FAIR addresses the challenges faced by children who have either been orphaned by AIDS or live with parents who are sick or dying from AIDS-related illnesses. FAIR is involved in implementing the Preventing Orphaning Initiative...

Borderless Sky Project

The Borderless Sky Project is an NGO compromising volunteers from the alumni, faculty, staff, and students of Andrews University in the USA. The Project aims to provide relief aid and development through micro-enterprise schemes, and to promote primary education and child welfare. The Project's...

Mentor a Child Foundation (MCF)

Mentor a Child Foundation (MVF) is a Ugandan NGO that works for disadvantaged children, including those affected by HIV/AIDS, sustainable livelihoods and human rights for the most vulnerable members of the community.

Grace Children's Orphanage

Grace Children's Orphanage is an Indian NGO that currently houses 75 orphans who are provided with shelter, food, clothing and basic education at a local school. Medical attention is given as and when required. The orphanage is in urgent need of funds to improve its ability to help the children...

Brethren in Christ Church - Zambia

The Brethren in Christ Church is a church in Zambia that aims to provide comprehensive health services in addition to its faith-based activities. Currently the Church runs a hospital at Macha, a clinic at Sikalongo, secondary and primary schools in the Macha and Sikalongo areas as well as...

Tamuka Foundation

The Tamuka Foundation is an NGO in Zimbabwe involved in HIV/AID prevention and care. The Foundation provides mitigation care and support and community and home-based care for victims of the disease, in addition to maternal and child health care and advocacy. The Foundation also runs develpment...

Connect with a Child

Connect with a Child is a holistic care program that was initiated as a response to the overwhelming number of poor, orphaned children and vulnerable women in Kenya, whose lives have been ravaged by death, disease and poverty. It has over 200 kids who are already sponsored and has help drill...

Sudar Academy and Charitable Trust

Sudar Academy and Charitable Trust is an Indian NGO that educates people with disabilities. The Trust started with 4 physically challenged children and now looks after 30 students between the ages of 7 - 30. Education and food are provided free of charge.

Starfish Christian Trust

Starfish Christian Trust is a new Christian charity that is working to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ by all means to all people in all parts of the world. The Trust works through the provision of financial assistance, support, education and practical advice.


SNEHA (Society for Nutrition, Education and Health Action) is an Indian NGO that focuses on women's health. SNEHA targets four large public health areas - maternal and newborn health, child health and nutrition, sexual and reproductive health and prevention of violence against women and children. ...

Neighbours Common Initiative Group

Neighbours Common Initiative Group is an NGO in Cameroon that works for the welfare of women and children in particular. Neighbours CIG aims to create educational opportunities for underprivileged children, particularly girls, and to work for poverty alleviation and social change.

The Roll Out the Barrel Trust

Roll Out the Barrel is a UK registered charity that provides Rotary Water barrels to women and children around the world who have to carry their daily water in canisters either at arms length, on their heads, or back, over long distances. Using a barrel improves the health of women and children...

Tafara-Mabvuku Self Reliance Association and Community Development Foundation Trust

The Tafara-Mabvuku Self Reliance Association and Community Development Foundation Trust is an NGO in Zimbabwe. The Trust aims to set up a resource centre to promote development on a range of issues including education and training, health and micro-finance.

Jeeva Karunya Trust

The Jeeva Karunya Trust (JKT) is a grass roots conservation organization in south India. The Trust aims to spread environmental responsibility and ecological values, through promoting and training young peope and women to participate in work to conserve and protect land, the forest, wild life,...

Cohesive Youth Network Inc

The Cohesive Youth Network is a Liberian NGO that aims to promote unity, peace and solidarity among young people in Liberia and the wider world, to eradicate illiteracy in Liberia; and to encourage young people to participate in their own society.

Alphons Society for Holistic Development

The Alphons Society for Holistic Development is an Indian NGO that aims to create a sense of brotherhood, co-operation, mutual harmony, love and affection amongst its members and also among the general public. The Society hopes to be able to establish schools, colleges, and other educational...