Search Results

Somaliland Help Age Organization (SOMHO)

SOMHO is a Somaliland Help-Age organisation local NGO founded in 2015 with the aim of eliminating poverty and reducing hunger among vulnerable Somaliland communities by assisting the most needy elderly, their families and disabled peoples in Somaliland through relief, recovery and development...

PureTrust Foundation LBG

PureTrust Foundation LBG is an integrated service, advocacy and Community Foundations Development NGO established in Tamale Ghana, on June 2014 by nine local leaders. The vision of this foundation is to promote community action for the cause of equitable inclusive society in Ghana. Its mission is...

Hong Kong Network for the Promotion of Inclusive Society

The Hong Kong Network for the Promotion of Inclusive Society was founded as a non-profit organisation in July 2011 by group of passionate persons with a disability, social workers and professionals. Its objective is to facilitate the active participation of persons with a disability in the...

PLOG Ghana

PLOG Ghana's main focus can be grouped in the following priority goals and action lines: 1. PROVISION OF BASIC & OTHER NECESSITIES FOR THE VULNERABLE  Provide vulnerable children, youth & families with food, clothing, shelter health needs etc  Building of affordable homes...

Facilitation For Integrated Community Rural Development (FICRD) Uganda

Facilitation for Integrated Community Rural Development (FICRD) is an indigenous voluntary non-profit organization established in July 2006 and registered as a charity incorporated in Uganda in 2010 with aims of addressing the most urgent and pressing needs of formally abducted children, youth and...

Green Future Dream Initiative

Green Future Dream Initiative is a non-profit, non-governmental organization whose primary aim is to join and contribute the government effort to help and expand the community development capabilities and to empower communities to address public health priorities and to access quality health...

Clips Centre Community Based organization

Clips centre is a registered community based organization in Kenya with a vision for a just and empowered youth. The organization's mission is to socio-economically empower vulnerable youth through vocational and entrepreneurship training, capacity building, lobbying and advocacy. Beneficiaries are...

Solar Electrification Education & Development Project

The mission of this non-governmental organization is to help the many rural schools in Ghana with solar energy as a source of cheap electricity and computers. In this era of technology, every child deserves to have electricity access and computers, which can play a significant role in improving...

Crusaders for Environmental protection and ozone watch

Crusaders for Environmental protection and ozone watch is a non-governmental, non-political and non-profit making organization. The organization's goal is to build on the theory of change, through healthier / sustainable solutions on uprising environmental issues. They focus on adaptation and...

Hope for Haiti

Hope for Haiti is a Naples, Florida, based 501(c)(3) charitable organization with the mission to improve the quality of life for the Haitian people, particularly children. Building upon 30 years of experience, Hope for Haiti works in five core program areas (Education, Healthcare, Water,...

Touch me foundation For the less previleged

ORGANIZATIONAL PROFILE TOUCHME FOUNDATION FOR THE LESS PRIVILEGED Head Office Address: Touch me foundationforthelessprivileged plot 256 jajanwachukwuStreet, wuye, Abuja , Fct. Mobile Phone:- +234 814 384 9396 , 07018199937 WhatsApp :- 08143849396 Email:...

Partners for Relief and Development Organization (PARDO)

The main goal of PARDO is to create partnership and contribute to a sustainable socio-economic development for vulnerable groups and needy communities through community engagement, capacity building, advocacy, relief and institutional strengthening at the grass root, regional and national levels in...

Tinca Ministries International

Tinca Ministries International (TMI) is an Uganda registered non for profit community based organisation - limited by guarantee. It aims at strengthening the social economic and spiritual capacity of local communities especially the poor, orphans, widows, children with disabilities, women and...

Tree Uganda Academy (TUA)

Tree Uganda Academy (TUA) is an eco-inclusive, social action, research and advocacy youth led conservation and agriculture organization. It was first established in September 2015 to aid and philanthropy community led conservation and poverty alleviation through sustainable agriculture. The...

Rwenzori youth empowerment and orphans care foundation

BACKGROUND INFORMATION: RWENZORI YOUTH EMPOWERMENT AND ORPHANS CARE FOUNDATION is an organization that was founded in 2017 by a group of youth who mind about development and thinking about initiatives that are pro-development. The organization is aimed at supporting the youth to gain skills for...

Haitian Christian Outreach

Haitian Christian Outreach partners with Haitian Christians to transform a culture for Christ. HCO is building generations of new believers through work in four primary areas. Through Church Planting to equip Haitian leaders. HCO ministers to Children by meeting their educational,...

Murambo BeeKeeping Association

Murambo Beekeeping Association (MBKA) is a community based organization in murambo Bubaare, Rubanda in the kigezi region, which addresses challenges faced by farmers throughout the apiculture chain.. Apiculture can create a source of sustainable income for the marginalized in rural areas of Uganda....

Empowered Communities Helping Others (ECHO)

Empowered Communities Helping Others (ECHO) Vision : A self-sustaining society where every person is empowered and enjoys their right to development. Objectives of ECHO - ECHO is established for the purposes of promoting the interests of the Community with respect to: - Improving the...

Winnies Women World Initiative

Winnie`s Women World Initiative (W3) is a Ghanaian based Non Governmental Organization that empowers young women and children to break shells of cultural limitations to achieve their goals. we are working to achieve SDG1, SDG2, SDG4, SDG5 and SDG8. Primary objective 1. empower women to be...

We Care Community Based Organisation (WECARE)

WECARE is a community based organisation located in Seme Sub-County, Kisumu County, in the western part of Kenya. It is a non-profit, non-denominational and non-sectarian that was formed by community welfare minded people with an aim of empowering the community members who bear unequal levels of...